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              2023光亞展回顧丨雷特釋放品牌勢能 人氣燃爆行業(yè)

              2023/6/15 17:01:19 作者: 來源:雷特科技
              摘要:6月9-12日,為期4天的2023廣州光亞展落下帷幕!本屆展會雷特科技以“全面超越 定義未來”為主題,攜眾多明星產品亮相!現在我們一起回顧,用心感受雷特科技的展會現場盛況吧!

              GILE 2023 Review丨LTECH Unleashed the Brand Energy and Gained Immense Popularity within the Exhibition

              6月9-12日,為期4天的2023廣州光亞展落下帷幕!本屆展會雷特科技以“全面超越 定義未來”為主題,攜眾多明星產品亮相!現在我們一起回顧,用心感受雷特科技的展會現場盛況吧!

              Taking place on 9-12 June, the 4-day GILE 2023 came to an end. Themed as “Go Above and Beyond to Define Your Future”, LTECH booth at this year presented plenty of stunning products. Now, let’s look back on exhibition to feel the huge people flow at LTECH booth!




              人氣爆棚 實力圈粉全球客商

              Popular and Powerful Brand Attracted Global Customers and Visitors


              As the industry’s leading brand, LTECH captured wide attention within the exhibition and people crowded around our booth. The high-quality LTECH products that look so fabulous have attracted worldwide visitors to our booth who had a further consultation about products. 





              行業(yè)大咖 云集展位

              Industry Experts Gathered Together at Our Booth 


              LTECH whole house exceptional new smart products, plenty of new products and black technologies, which have grabbed the industry’s attention, were unveiled at the exhibition. Our booth was crowded with people for four consecutive days! A steady stream of industry experts, association leaders, current customers and new customers came to our booth to personally experience LTECH new products of 2023. 









              旗艦級新品發(fā)布 燃爆全場

              The Release of Exceptional New Products Got Wide Attention within the Exhibition

              超智慧·全面屏Super Panel 12S

              Ultra Smart Display Super Panel 12S

              雷特 2023 全宅智能旗艦級新品超智慧·全面屏 Super Panel 12S 首發(fā)亮相,連續(xù)霸榜業(yè)內眾多媒體頭條!阿拉丁照明網、古鎮(zhèn)燈飾報、大照明、上海浦東智能照明聯(lián)合會SILA、云知光、智哪兒、CSHIA、智能頭條等權威行業(yè)媒體、協(xié)會爭相報道,迫切為大家揭幕雷特智慧·全面屏 Super Panel 12S 真容!

              LTECH whole house exceptional new smart product of 2023, a ultra smart display Super Panel 12S, made its debut at the exhibition. It became headlines of many industry media news. The industry media was so eager to report and unveil LTECH ultra smart display Super Panel 12S for everyone, including Alighting.cn, Guzhen Lighting Media, Da Zhaoming, SILA of Shanghai Pudong Intelligent Lighting Association, eLicht, Zhi Naer, CSHIA and Toutiao.

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              作為全宅智能家居場景的總入口,智能中控屏在家庭中所扮演角色的重要性無需多言。雷特 Super Panel 12S 集當下各品牌屏顯中控屏的功能與優(yōu)點于一身,在中控屏領域遙遙領先!

              As a central place for controlling whole house smart scenes, smart central control panel plays a pivotal role in a smart home. LTECH Super Panel 12S integrates the functions and advantages of central smart control panels from various brands, and goes far beyond them. 

              雷特旗艦新品 Super Panel 12S 一屏掌控全宅,集藍牙 5.0SIG Mesh、無線 WIFI6(支持 2.4 和 5G)、 以太網等多協(xié)議于一體,打造穩(wěn)定可靠且高效的網絡環(huán)境;對全屋環(huán)境、用戶行為及系統(tǒng)設備等 通過雷特全新分布式場景存儲技術、OTA 遠程升級技術進行進行分布式信息處理和智能決策,給 用戶帶來沉浸式、個性化、可成長的全場景智慧體驗。

              LTECH’s exceptional new product gets whole house under control. It integrates Bluetooth 5.0SIG Mesh, WIFI6 (supporting 2.4G & 5GHz) and Ethernet protocol to create a stable, reliable and efficient network environment; Through LTECH's new distributed scene storage technology and OTA update, whole house conditions, user behavior and system devices are processed distributedly to bring users  an immersive, personalized and better full-scenario smart experience.


              Super Panel 12S 在系統(tǒng)生態(tài)上也再次擴充與壯大。不僅可云端互聯(lián)天貓精靈、小愛同學、小度、Google、亞馬遜等語音音箱、螢石攝像頭等第三方智能設備,更配置了網絡接口連接可視對講、8路干接點開放接口連接安防系統(tǒng)、485 接口連接更多設備,支持紅外遙控的 8000+家電平臺生態(tài),不斷突破品牌互聯(lián)、用戶體驗以及 合作服務等邊界,為用戶打磨更高級的場景化體驗。

              Super Panel 12S’s compatible ecosystem devices are expanded again. Through Could Connection,it can work with Tmall Genie, Xiaomi speaker, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa as well as most majority of smart devices like EZVIZ camera. It is also equipped with 485 interface and 8 channel dry contact interface and supports over 8000 IR device brands. We keep pushing the boundaries of device interconnectivity between brands, as well as the user experience and cooperative services to deliver more advanced scene-based experiences for users.


              Super Panel 12S 的旗艦級硬核配置更是亮點滿滿!12.3 寸超大視野、獨立 NPU 芯片·超強 AI 算力、4G 處理器+16G 儲存器、AAC 大師級聲學方案、全向性六麥克風陣列,咪咕音樂、愛奇藝等影音平臺的引入,更是為用戶帶來非凡的視聽體驗。

              Super Panel 12S’s excellent configuration features a large amount of highlights, including large  12.3-inch screen viewing, independent NPU chip for super powerful AI calculation, 4G RAM +16G ROM, AAC’s acoustic solution and omnidirectional six mic array. The availability of Migu, iQIYI  audio-visual platforms on Super Panel 12S also offer users extraordinary audio-visual experiences.


              “全面超越”的 Super Panel 12S 給用戶的帶來的當然不止這些!One command 超能 AI 語音交互、家庭相冊輪播展示、節(jié)日祝福留言、門禁可視對講、家庭成員隔空對講、光/距/溫濕/煙霧報警....細致入微的貼心“神仙設計”,更能給用戶帶來隨時隨地的生活“小確幸”!

              Going above and beyond, Super Panel 12S surely offers users more than that! Considerable thoughtful designs are included, such as One command AI voice interaction, looping family photos in album, posting festival wishes, video intercom, voice calls with family members, light level/human distance/temperature and humidity/smoke alarm detection. These all add more enjoyment to users’ life at anytime.



              RGBCW LED Driver


              LTECH  RGBCW LED driver is easily able to set the color temperature range of 1000K-10000K (even up to 100000K). It can also generate some rare colors like amber green and sky blue to create more possible atmosphere with indoor lighting. 

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              Moreover, LTECH RGBCW LED driver features 5-channel independent output which at the same time allows users to adjust RGB or CW separately. In actual applications, users are able to adjust whatever light colors they like depending on their needs. 


              MINI Wireless Multi-Zone LED Controller Sets

              雷特MINI 觸摸遙控器,新增RGBCW5路規(guī)格,1臺遙控器可同時控制多個控制器,滿足客戶多樣化需求;產品更是摒棄以往存在諸多弊端的紅外線遙控,改用先進的 RF 遙控,具有極強的無線信號穿透力,不再受限于各種阻礙物;16384級/路灰度等級(市面產品多為256級),高灰度級表現更出色,調光更柔和細膩,動態(tài)變化更豐富多彩。

              New LTECH MINI 5-channel RGBCW touch remote controller is added. Multiple controllers can be simultaneously controlled with one remote controller to meet the diverse needs of customers. The products abandon the previously disadvantageous IR remote controllers and use cutting edge RF remote controllers that have strong wireless signal penetrating ability and allow emitting signal not to be restricted by any obstacles; They feature 16384 gray level ( most alternatives on the market feature 256 gray level) that offer more extraordinary performance, softer and more delicate dimming, as well as various colored dynamic changing patterns. 


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              MINI series is super cost -effective. Its creative, user-friendly design concept is conveyed in selling process, installation and customer use. 

              超級調光模塊 2.0(DALI 主控)

              Super LED Module 2.0 (DALI Master Controller)

              超小超輕便,性價比爆棚的 DALI 主控模塊,作為調光模塊 2.0 版,可用“萬燈獨控 全面覆蓋”八個字來概括。DALI 主控模塊 CG-D-PRO 簡單易上手,支持批量修改 DALI 電源參數。它不僅擁有超強的控制力,可編程 DALI 群組、DALI 場景,每臺支持 64 個地址,多達 19200 個獨立控制燈具;還全面兼容DALI-2 DT6, DT8Tc,DT8 XY, RGBWAF顏色類型;DIM、CT、RGB、RGBW、RGBCW 1-5路五種類型燈光控制。

              It is a ultra small, ultra lightweight and cost-effective DALI master controller. As the 2.0 version of LED module, its functions can be summed up as “Controlling a large number of different lights individually.” The DALI master controller is easy-to-use and supports batch modification of DALI driver parameters. It has super powerful control ability that enables users to program DALI groups and DALI scenes. Each module supports 64 addresses, as well as 19200 lights for individual control. It is fully compatible with DALI-2 DT6, DT8Tc,DT8 XY, RGBWAF and controls 1-5 channel DIM, CT, RGB,RGBW, RGBCW lights. 


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              在實際應用上,雷特 DALI 主控 CG-D-PRO 搭配藍牙產品,可組成本地/自動化場景;且支持本地場 景,去網關、斷網亦可控;更支持智能開關綁定。雷特 DALI 主控 CG-D-PRO 配合雷特其它智能產品,打造智慧、健康、豐富多彩的全宅智能生活。

              In actual applications, LTECH DALI master controller CG-D-PRO can combine with Bluetooth products to create local/automated scenes. Local scenes can run without the Internet or a gateway. It supports binding with smart switches. LTECH DALI master controller CG-D-PRO can work with our other smart products to create healthy and colorful whole-house-smart life. 



              LTECH Super Space


              LTECH booth this year still offered visitors quite useful products, information and was full of creativity! Super Space experience area brings guests immersive smart life experience. Here in the experience area, according to your needs, you can turn on different scene modes such as leisure mode, reading mode , and rest mode to experience super convenient smart home life. 




              創(chuàng)意打卡區(qū)域,采用了雷特 RGBCW全域炫彩電源,為大家現場演繹雷特出色 “智控”效果,供雷特粉們與炫彩的燈光互動、創(chuàng)作光影打卡照。

              Creative visiting area was installed with our multi-zone RGBCW LED drivers to perform excellent lighting effects under smart control. LTECH fans could interact with the cool colored lighting and take amazing light and shadow photos!







              休息洽談區(qū)域,更可體驗雷特超人因級智適應智能照明打造的“自然光”,在室內也能感受日照 的變化!可以說,雷特展位每一個細節(jié)都飽含驚喜,以最佳的面貌迎接這一年一度的行業(yè)盛會!

              In the rest & negotiation area, people can also experience "natural light" created by LTECH  adaptive lighting, which enabled people to experience the changes of sunlight in indoor spaces.Every detail of the LTECH booth could give you a surprise and we welcomed this big annual industry event with the best booth design. 




              Excellent Forum Speech


              The exhibition this year brought together industry experts, authorities and well-known brands. LTECH was invited to give a on-site speech at the forum hosted by Shanghai Pudong Intelligent Lighting Association. In front of many outstanding enterprise representatives, LTECH shared its healthy, natural lighting. The speech content was brilliant so the audience took pictures with their mobile phones. 




              Multiple Prestigious Awards


              Relying on its R&D strengths and product superiority, LTECH has won the Best Technology Award of the Alighting Award and the Top 100 Intelligent Lighting Enterprises in 2022. This year LTECH received multiple awards again, including Alighting Award-Industry’s Top 10 Classic Selections in Technology Category from 2013 to 2022 and Whole House Digital Intelligent Product Innovation Award. So many awards fully reflect LTECH ‘s strengths in the field of whole house intelligence. 





              Mass Attention and Reports of the Media 


              As a benchmark enterprise in the industry, LTECH has always attracted much attention. At the exhibition this year, LTECH booth drew in well-known visitor groups, including the DALI Alliance, Shanghai Pudong Intelligent Lighting Association and eLicht. LTECH also had on-site interviews with mainstream media in the industry including Alighting, Guzhen Lighting Media, eLicht, Qianjia Wang, Da Zhaoming and Zhi Naer. 










              Work Together to Welcome the Era of 100 Billion Market Size 


              At the exhibition this year, LTECH attracted countless visitors with its breakthrough technological strength and significant new smart products. LTECH booth was always surrounded by visitor enthusiasm at the exhibition and there is a steady flow of people around the booth consulting for joining as a distributor. So far, LTECH whole house intelligence distributors are there in so many cities around the world.The growing number of distributors is the recognition and trust to LTECH, as well as the driving force to motivate LTECH to keep innovating!



              GILE 2023 came to a successful end, but we will continue to output more great products. LTECH will not never forget its commitment and will keep moving forward. See you next year!


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