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              2023光亞展直擊丨 雷特C位霸屏 “全面超越”轟動光亞展 !

              2023/6/13 13:29:37 作者: 來源:

              GILE2023 Live | LTECH Booth Is Centrally Located & Gets Tremendous Attention with the Exceptional New Product: Go Above and Beyond

              今日,照明行業(yè)年度盛會-第二十八屆廣州國際照明展覽會在中國進(jìn)出口商品交易會展館盛大啟幕!雷特科技(9.2館B02)“全面超越”主題展館C位霸屏,轟動全場!The 28th Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition (GILE), the prestigious annual lighting event, kicks off today. Themed as Go Above and Beyond, LTECH booth (Hall 9. B02) is one of the most centrally located areas and has grabbed tremendous attention within the exhibition.







              全面超越 旗艦級新品發(fā)布

              Release the Exceptional New Product: Go Above and Beyond

              還未面世,便已斬獲IDPA國際大獎!今日,光亞展C位主角—雷特2023全宅智能旗艦級新品超智慧·全面屏Super Panel 12S在雷特展位(9.2館B02)驚艷亮相!

              Before it comes out, it has already won the IDPA design award. Today, the GILEs highlighted product made its debut at LTECH booth(Hall 9. B02), which is LTECHs whole house new smart product of 2023 -a ultra smart display Super Panel 12S.

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              作為全宅智能家居場景的總?cè)肟?,智能中控屏在家庭中所扮演角色的重要性無需多言。雷特Super Panel 12S集當(dāng)下各品牌屏顯中控屏的功能與優(yōu)點(diǎn)于一身,在中控屏領(lǐng)域遙遙領(lǐng)先!

              As a central place for controlling whole house smart scenes, smart central control panel plays a pivotal role in a smart home. LTECH Super Panel 12S integrates the functions and advantages of central smart control panels from various brands, and goes far beyond them. 



              雷特Super Panel 12S無論從藍(lán)牙 5.0SIG Mesh、無線 WIFI6(支持 2.4 和 5G)、以太網(wǎng)、紅外遙控等全能中樞協(xié)議,到 12.3 寸超大視野、獨(dú)立 NPU 芯片·超強(qiáng) AI 算力、4G 處理器+16G 儲存器、藍(lán)牙5.1音頻、AAC 大師級聲學(xué)方案、全向性六麥克風(fēng)陣列、旗艦級硬核配置,再到連接各品牌藍(lán)牙音響、咪咕、愛奇藝等影音系統(tǒng)及8000+家電品牌的全能生態(tài),包括One command超能AI語音交互、家庭相冊輪播、智能紅外遙控、門禁可視對講、光/距/溫濕/煙霧等細(xì)致入微的貼心設(shè)計(jì),都無不為用戶帶來“全面超越”的非凡體驗(yàn)

              LTECH Super Panel 12S integrates Bluetooth 5.0SIG Mesh, WIFI6 (supporting 2.4G & 5GHz) and Ethernet protocol. It features a 12.3-inch large screen, independent NPU chip for powerful AI calculation, 4G RAM +16G ROM, Bluetooth 5.1 audio, AACs acoustic solution, omnidirectional six mic array and more excellent configuration. It also offers integration with different brands of speakers, Migu, iQIYI and over 8000 brands of home appliances. Super Panel 12S provides plenty of considerate functions including One command voice control, looping family photos in album, acting a general IR remote, video intercom and light level/human distance/temperature and humidity/smoke detection. These all deliver extraordinary experiences to users that are beyond what theyve ever got. 



              人氣爆棚 轟動全場

              Got Overwhelming Popularity and Attracted Wide Attention within the Exhibition

              百聞不如一見!前來一睹雷特Super Panel 12S真容的“雷特粉”熱情高漲,展位人流如潮!本就位于展館C位的雷特展位(9.2館B02),更是接連霸屏,轟動全場!

              LTECH fans who came to visit Super Panel 12S shown great enthusiasm and the flow was overwhelming at LTECH booth! This made LTECH booth (Hall 9.2 B02) which is centrally located attract wide attention within the exhibition.




              想了解更多雷特超智慧·全面屏Super Panel 12S更多產(chǎn)品信息,不妨親臨雷特展位(9.2館B02)0距離體驗(yàn)!

              If you want to know more about LTECHs ultra smart display-Super Panel 12S, come and visit LTECH booth (Hall 9.2 B02) to have an in-person experience. 

              引領(lǐng)chat GPT時(shí)代的智能照明

              Guide the Intelligent Lighting Development in the Chat GPT Era

              被譽(yù)為引領(lǐng)chat GPT時(shí)代的智能照明、榮獲阿拉丁神燈獎-最佳技術(shù)獎雷特NFC全指令可編程電源,也于光亞展現(xiàn)場與大家見面!

              Known for guiding the intelligent lighting development in the Chat GPT Era, LTECH NFC programmable LED drivers won the Best Technology of Alighting Award 2022. This year at GILE, you can find them at our booth too! 



              The traditional commissioning method has been retained in LTECH NFC programmable LED drivers, but we add a fast and simple commissioning method via NFC, which allows users to pre-program drivers. For example, scene, power, color temperature that need to be preset can be set up in a warehouse without the need of setting on the construction site.



              This is a black technology that seems like it can chat with designers about parameters in advance. Such making commissioning in advance” is likely to make a new service model start. 


              More eye-catching LED Drivers


              High-end soft start effect goes beyond that in five-star hotels


              As the lighting designer's favorite function, slow start is not only friendly to human eyes, allowing them to comfortably adapt to the lighting transition process, but also a great design to elevate the lighting, creating a more natural, brighter lighting atmosphere. In daily life, dimming and tunable white are not really essential for most occasions. Therefore if you dont want lights to be so common as ordinary lights, the most simplest way is to use LED drivers with soft start  functionality. They are typically installed and used in the same way as ordinary lights, but dramatically upgrade the lighting atmosphere. So far, LED drivers with soft start functionality have been widely used in high-end hotels, classrooms, hospitals, and workplaces. 




              Most LED drivers with soft start functionality on the market are designed with capacitor discharge. Although they can achieve the relatively basic soft start effect, the poor visual effect of lighting appear. Not only the lighting consistency among multiple drivers is bad, but also its incapable of defining soft start dimming curves that comply with human eyes perception, and the fade time is relatively fixed. LTECH LED drivers with soft start functionality deliver healthy dimming with no visual flicker that reaches the high-frequency exemption level. It prevent screens from producing flicker when shooting. The drivers adopt MCU programming to figure out the soft start dimming curve for deep adjustment. LTECH's pioneering T-PWM super depth dimming technology is used to offer 0.01% dimming depth and upgraded lighting experiences, which make you feel naturally comfortable from the darkest to the brightest light and fundamentally solves the pain points. The constant current version also allows you to freely set current down to 1mA by NFC. 



              LTECH LED drivers with soft start functionality can not only use digitization to accurately output a more comfortable soft start dimming curve, but also let you freely choose the fade time. Brightness smoothly increases to 100% over a specific time period that creates high-end soft start effect going beyond that in five-star hotels. 


              New Cutting-edge Products and Innovative Technologies Are Showcased Together on Site

              現(xiàn)場,雷特展位眾多明星新品將如約而至:可支持多區(qū)控制,新增RGBCW 5路規(guī)格的MINI觸摸遙控器新系列;IP67級防水、DMX512/RDM雙向通信的戶外解碼器;比普通電源更小的可控硅調(diào)光電源.....

              Many new LTECH products are showcasing during the exhibition as scheduled, including MINI series new 5 channel RGBCW touch remote that supports multi-zone control, IP 67 rated waterproof DMX512/RDM decoders that allows RDM bidirectional communication, and the phase cut LED drivers that are more much smaller than most common drivers. 





              LTECHs new products, new designs, and new technologies are used to fully demonstrate the industry's most cutting-edge intelligent lighting, which impressed the customers a lot. They couldnhelp discussing with their industry fellows and LTECH staff, and personally experiencing the new products as well. 



              image.png     超級空間show出圈

              Super Space Gets Immense Popularity


              Compared to the smart home experience area last year, the experience area -Super Space this year not only provides an immersive experience as it did last year, but also sets up a variety of excellent zones for people to visit. There are live demonstrations of LTECH smart controllers to present outstanding lighting effects under smart control, which allow LTECH fans to interact with the cool colored lighting and take amazing light and shadow photos!




              "Natural light" in rest & negotiation area of Super Space is shown using LTECH whole house smart products. On the theme of nature and health, LTECH adaptive lighting technology is used to create natural light , which enables people to experience the changes of sunlight in indoor spaces  and creates splendid light and shadow that supports human circadian rhythm



              LTECH Super Space not only attracts many visitors to have a experience, but also becomes a popular object to shoot for the media.



              Looking for Distributors Around the World


              We are now looking for service providers of LTECH whole house intelligence, who will get the brand empowerment from the A-share listed company, benefit from our 20-year experience in the intelligent lighting industry and will enjoy comprehensive support welfare provided for service providers .






              As of now, LTECH whole house intelligence distributors are there in many cities around the world.LTECH now offers more services to join more distributors at GILE. We are looking forward to working with you to usher in the smart home era, in which the market size is projected to be valued at 100 billion.

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              The 4-day exhibition is still ongoing. LTECH (stock code: 832110) is looking forward to your visit at booth Hall 9. B02.


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