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              COFAN集團(tuán):以全新3P封裝技術(shù) 破解大功率散熱難題

              2015/11/4 11:47:46 作者:卡茨 來(lái)源:阿拉丁照明網(wǎng)
              摘要:近日,阿拉丁新聞中心從美國(guó)硅谷企業(yè)Cofan集團(tuán)處獲悉,其近期推出的1200W的大功率工礦燈,不僅很好地解決了散熱問(wèn)題,而且可使成本降至更低,現(xiàn)已達(dá)量產(chǎn)水平。另外Cofan集團(tuán)在解決散熱的問(wèn)題上帶來(lái)了他們獨(dú)到的3P封裝技術(shù)。記者有幸采訪到Cofan集團(tuán)總裁特別助理Sang Han和集團(tuán)品牌總監(jiān)Carol Chiu,共同探討大功率LED燈的散熱問(wèn)題和中國(guó)的市場(chǎng)計(jì)劃。


                Heat dissipation can be described as the biggest technical problem in high-power LED COBs at present. Many manufacturers are working hard on substrate radiation methods and radiator module design, but in terms of volume, cost, and performance they have yet to make a breakthrough.


                近日,阿拉丁新聞中心從美國(guó)硅谷企業(yè)Cofan集團(tuán)處獲悉,其近期推出的1200W的大功率工礦燈,不僅很好地解決了散熱問(wèn)題,而且可使成本降至更低,現(xiàn)已達(dá)量產(chǎn)水平。他們還透露,計(jì)劃將推出2400W甚至更高功率的產(chǎn)品Cofan集團(tuán)在解決散熱的問(wèn)題上帶來(lái)了他們獨(dú)到的3P封裝技術(shù),今天有幸采訪到Cofan集團(tuán)總裁特別助理Sang Han和集團(tuán)品牌總監(jiān)Carol Chiu,共同探討大功率LED燈的散熱問(wèn)題和他們?cè)谥袊?guó)的市場(chǎng)計(jì)劃。

                Recently, however, The Alighting News Center was glad to learn that American company Cofan Group and one of brand family- Flip Chip Opto has launched a 1200W LED COB with not only a perfect solution to the heat problem, but also lowered costs, and has now entered mass production. They also revealed that they are going to launch a 2400W COB and potentially even higher wattage products in the near future.

                Cofan’s 3P unique packaging technology in solving the problem of heat dissipation, today have the opportunity to interview the Cofan Group President Special Assistant Mr. Sang Han, and the Brand Director Carol Chiu to discuss the heat dissipation of high-power LED COBs and their Chinese market plan.

              Cofan集團(tuán)總裁特別助理Sang Han

                Cofan Group President Special Assistant-Sang Han


                阿拉丁照明網(wǎng): 可否具體談?wù)勛钚峦瞥龅拇蠊β蔐ED燈具的特點(diǎn)和優(yōu)勢(shì)?

                Q1: Could you specifically talk about the characteristics and advantages of the new high-power LED COBs?

                Sang Han:大功率LED作為新型光源,是掀開(kāi)LED代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)照明的先鋒,它不但突破原有應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域,引起更強(qiáng)烈的關(guān)注,而且還給行業(yè)帶來(lái)無(wú)限商機(jī)和遐想。

                The high-power LED is pioneering a shift from traditional lighting. It not only creates breakthroughs in existing applications, disrupting the industry, but also tremendous business opportunities.

                阿拉丁照明網(wǎng): Cofan集團(tuán)是如何解決大功率燈具的散熱問(wèn)題?

                Q2: How did Cofan solve the heat dissipation problem of high-power LED COBs?

                Sang Han:我們利用了FLIP CHIP OPTO 的最新美國(guó)專(zhuān)利技術(shù)-3 PAD (低熱阻抗/低制造成本/快速熱導(dǎo)散),成功將高功率LED的熱導(dǎo)出,將COB板裁縮小,降低散熱器材料成本,在同高功率LED光源下結(jié)合COFAN集團(tuán)旗下核心產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈優(yōu)勢(shì),將COFAN(散熱模塊)+FLIP CHIP OPTO (COB光源設(shè)計(jì))+ STARLITE (LED燈具成品)整合為一體,不僅很好地解決了散熱問(wèn)題,還大大為行業(yè)帶來(lái)無(wú)限商機(jī)和遐想。

                A2: FLIP CHIP OPTO adopted the latest US patent 3 PAD technology (low heat Resistance/low manufacturing cost/fastest heat dissipation) to successfully reduce the dimensions of the COB as well as radiator material cost for the high-power segment. The Cofan group unites Cofans thermal module and MCPCB, Flip Chip Optos COB and light source design, and Starlites lighting fixtures as a total solution provider to yield myriad business opportunities for the industry and associations.


                Q3. What advantages does the Cofan Groups heat dissipation method leverage? What challenges does it present?



                Regarding the Cofan Groups core competitiveness; I think we are in the thick of the latest scientific and technological innovations to produce high quality products to consumers, industrial users, and systems builder manufacturers. With a solid research foundation, the Cofan Group is a multifunctional supplier providing professional cooling solutions to meet customers needs. For example: LED heat sink applications, desktop cooling, industrial use, and systems builder.

                Consumers dont have much familiarity with 1200W/600W high-power LED products as there are many substandard and even fake products infecting the market. Moreover, many manufacturers cut corners to curb costs, showing a disregard for customers by using toxic chemicals and materials. The market needs to be cleaned up over time with improved regulation; eventually customers will return to reason and see the merits in high-power LED products from honest manufacturers.

              Cofan集團(tuán)品牌總監(jiān) Carol Chiu

              Cofan Group Brand Director Carol Chiu



                Q4. What is the COFAN Groups plan for the Chinese market?

                Carol:因中國(guó)是為發(fā)展中國(guó)家, 而最大市場(chǎng)為改造工程,故高功率LED的需求量增加, Cofan集團(tuán)當(dāng)然也會(huì)迎合這樣的大趨勢(shì),對(duì)自己的產(chǎn)品作出相應(yīng)規(guī)劃。因應(yīng)全球環(huán)保和節(jié)能的時(shí)代潮流,Cofan集團(tuán)未來(lái)將重點(diǎn)推廣高功率COB 系列產(chǎn)品,并將努力使之價(jià)格平民化,讓更多的應(yīng)用面加入環(huán)保節(jié)能的行動(dòng)。

                As China is a developing country, the biggest market relates to large renovation projects, so the demand for high-power LEDs continues to increase. The Cofan Group is, of course, planning its services to cater to these projects. Furthermore, in the spirit of the global trend emphasizing environmental protection and energy conservation, the Cofan group will endeavor to promote high-power COB products for the future and make prices affordable for anyone.


                Q5 Which product and focus on for first launch in china market

                Sang Han:目前Cofan集團(tuán)LED產(chǎn)品主要應(yīng)用在室外照明,如:倉(cāng)庫(kù)/工廠照明、機(jī)場(chǎng)/飛機(jī)棚照明、燈塔/沿海照明、滑雪場(chǎng)照明、體育館(體育)照明、公園+休閑、橋梁照明/泛光燈(洗墻燈)等領(lǐng)域。



                Currently, the Cofan Groups LED products are mainly used in outdoor lighting, such as:

                Warehouse/factory lighting、Airport/hangar lighting、Lighthouse/coastal lighting、Ski area lighting、Gymnasium (sports) lighting、Parks & Recreation、Bridge lighting/floodlights, and more.

                The Cofan group has many key technical and professional teams in LED light source design, heat sink solutions, and home lighting fixture design. Not only does the diversification of products effectively cover a variety of applications, but it allows us to customize quality LED products according to the different needs of customers. The company also has competitive advantages in reducing costs, breaking the myth of LED product prices.

                The Chinese Governments plan for industrial revitalization, energy conservation, and environmental protection has received unprecedented attention. LEDs are a key component of this project, strongly supported by the Government. The world attaches great importance to LED projects. As an early participant in these projects, the Cofan Group will soar to new heights.

                High Power Applications are:

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