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              阿拉丁之約 | Amardeep:關(guān)于“人本照明”,我有不同看法!

              2024/9/2 10:46:25 作者: 來源:《阿拉丁·設(shè)計(jì)》
              摘要:A Date with Alighting | Amardeep: I am not particularly happy about the phrase Human Centric.8月7日上午,「Lighting Research & Design」 創(chuàng)始人兼負(fù)責(zé)人 Amardeep M. Dugar 博士蒞臨光亞集團(tuán)總部,CILCA國際照明商會(huì)秘書長/光亞照明研究院秘書長陶文泉進(jìn)行接…

              A Date with Alighting | Amardeep: I am not particularly happy about the phrase Human Centric.


              8月7日上午,「Lighting Research & Design」 創(chuàng)始人兼負(fù)責(zé)人 Amardeep M. Dugar 博士蒞臨光亞集團(tuán)總部,CILCA國際照明商會(huì)秘書長/光亞照明研究院秘書長陶文泉進(jìn)行接待。同時(shí),《阿拉丁·設(shè)計(jì)》對(duì)Amardeep博士進(jìn)行了專訪。

              On the morning of Aug 7, 2024, Dr. Amardeep M. Dugar, the founder and head of 「Lighting Research & Design」, visited the Guangya Group, and was received by Tao Wenquan, Secretary General of CILCA & Guangdong Guangya Academy of Research. Meanwhile, Alighting·Design had an exclusive interview with Dr. Amardeep.

              About Amardeep M. Dugar


              Amardeep M. Dugar,是一位源自印度的跨界設(shè)計(jì)精英,其職業(yè)生涯跨越了建筑學(xué)與照明設(shè)計(jì)。在深入研習(xí)并獲得建筑學(xué)本科學(xué)位后,他選擇深耕照明設(shè)計(jì)的專業(yè)世界,進(jìn)一步攻讀了碩士及博士學(xué)位,這一堅(jiān)實(shí)的學(xué)術(shù)背景為他日后的卓越成就奠定了基石。

              Amardeep M. Dugar, an interdisciplinary designers from India, has a career that spans the fields of architecture and lighting design. After receiving his undergraduate degree in Architecture, he chose to delve deeper into the field of lighting design, pursuing a Master's degree and a PhD. His solid academic background was the cornerstone of his outstanding achievements.

              憑借其深厚的建筑知識(shí)與獨(dú)到的照明設(shè)計(jì)理念,Amardeep 迅速在印度乃至全球照明設(shè)計(jì)領(lǐng)域嶄露頭角,多年來,Amardeep的才華與努力得到了業(yè)界的高度認(rèn)可,取得了眾多耀眼成績。他積極參與并加入了 IES 和 IALD 等著名國際組織,曾斬獲包括 IALD 卓越獎(jiǎng)、IES 優(yōu)秀獎(jiǎng)和 LIT 獎(jiǎng)在內(nèi)的多個(gè)國際獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。

              With his in-depth architectural knowledge and unique lighting design concepts, Amardeep has quickly made a name for himself in the field of lighting design in India and globally, and over the years, Amardeep's talent and hard work has been recognized by the industry with many notable achievements. He is an active member of prestigious international organizations such as the IES and IALD, and has won several international awards including the IALD Award of Excellence, the IES Award of Merit and LIT Award.


              自2002年起,Amardeep的職業(yè)生涯經(jīng)歷了多重身份的轉(zhuǎn)換,從建筑師到照明設(shè)計(jì)師,從客座教授到自由職業(yè)者,每一次轉(zhuǎn)身都見證了他對(duì)設(shè)計(jì)藝術(shù)的執(zhí)著追求與不懈探索。在2010年,32歲的他,憑借豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn)與獨(dú)到的見解,創(chuàng)立了自己的工作室——Lighting Research & Design,專注于燈光藝術(shù)的深度研究與創(chuàng)新設(shè)計(jì),成為照明行業(yè)的中堅(jiān)力量。

              Since 2002, Amardeep's career has gone through multiple transitions, from architect to lighting designer, from visiting professor to freelancer, each of which has witnessed his persistent pursuit of the art of design and relentless exploration. In 2010, when he was 32, with his rich experience and unique insights, he founded his own studio - Lighting Research & Design, focusing on in-depth research and innovative design in the art of lighting, and became a stalwart of the lighting industry.


              Following is the interview:




              A:What is your impression of Chinese lighting designs?

              Amardeep:I have been following Chinese lighting design for over a decade. Whatever I have seen so far, it's very impressive. And I saw a lot of the Chinese projects in the international lighting design awards. What I have seen is that the number of the winning entries are increasing, and most of them are from China. I am really impressed by China, especially for the good works and good Chinese Lighting designers.



              A:What are the similarities and differences of designs between China and other countries?

              Amardeep:The similarities is that Chinese lighting designers are really sensitive to a place which is very similar to international designers. It's the right amount of light that is used. Not less light or more light, is just the right kind of light. The differences that I find is(Chinese designers)more like to do with the Chinese culture, because obviously Chinese culture is very different from a lot of international cultures in the choice of color, in the use of light models. I think Chinese designers have to be very sensitive and aware of the Chinese culture. So that is probably the difference between Chinese designers and other designers.


              Amardeep:各種類型的都有,目前我在做一個(gè)汽車博物館項(xiàng)目。這個(gè)博物館是近十年以前的工程,我們有很多這樣的珍藏版汽車,以及大量的傳統(tǒng)汽車收藏。在這個(gè)博物館里可以看到世界上第一輛梅賽德斯汽車的模型。10 年后,客戶要擴(kuò)建同一個(gè)博物館。他又叫我去設(shè)計(jì)燈光,我感到非常榮幸。最近印度航空公司訂購了一批新飛機(jī),我為他們?cè)O(shè)計(jì)了波音和空客最新機(jī)隊(duì)的內(nèi)部照明。由于我有幸設(shè)計(jì)了這些飛機(jī)的燈光,我進(jìn)入了航空照明的新領(lǐng)域。這對(duì)我來說非常新鮮,也非常榮幸。

              A:What projects are you working on recently?

              Amardeep:I'm working on various types of projects. I'm working on a car museum project. This is approaching (what) they worked on 10 years ago. We had a lot of these collectors’ edition of cars, as well as a huge collection of heritage cars. A model of the first Mercedes ever built in the world can be seen at this museum. I'm very privileged to work on that project. And 10 years later, the client is doing an expansion of the same museum. He's calling me back for designing the lighting. So I feel really privileged. I recently designed the lighting scenes for the interiors of the newest fleets of Boeing and Airbus for Air India. Air India has recently placed an order for new planes and I had the privilege to design the lighting. So, I have moved into a new realm of aviation lighting. This is very new to me. I feel really privileged for being here.



              A:Do you have plans to design some projects in China?

              Amardeep: I’d love to. I wish because I think the Chinese market is amazing, the way they look at design is so creative. It will be one of my dream to come true.

              關(guān)于人本照明(Human Centric Lighting),您有什么不同看法?



              這些都是照明必須關(guān)注的微妙之處。我很高興人們產(chǎn)生關(guān)于人本照明方面的思考。但我要說的是,我們?cè)谶@方面還有很多東西要學(xué),要審視每一個(gè)差異,而不是簡單地說可以交換顏色、溫度,可以改變強(qiáng)度,或者復(fù)制日光就是人本照明。國際照明委員會(huì)已經(jīng)提出了一個(gè)叫做 “綜合照明(Integrative Lighting)”的說法,這個(gè)詞比 “以人為本(Human Centric)”更合適。我希望未來每一位照明專業(yè)人士都能關(guān)注“綜合照明(Integrative Lighting)”,它的定義更加全面。

              A:What do you think about Human Centric Lighting?

              Amardeep:This phrase Human Centric Lighting is something that I am not particularly happy about, because everything that you design is very essential. This chair is Human Centric. So all we design is for humans. What the real problem I have with this phrase is that it is used as a marketing gimmick.

              Quite a lot of manufacturers, what they say is that they can change all this light, change color, and temperatures. Human centric is a lot more of that. Because there are five different variables that our human body needs. It means intensity, spectrum, timing, duration, and spatial distribution. So,  light needs all these five different variables for the human body to adjust. The manufacturer says that I can dim the light, is just one aspect of it. That doesn't make a human centric, because you need to incorporate all of these aspects into the whole. It's a holistic system, and every human being is different. Just like having a cup of coffee. You might prefer two spoons of sugar in a cup. I prefer just one. If you could design one entire space and say this is human centric, but there are hundred people working. How can it be consented with each human being so different?

              Those are the subtle things that lighting has to be looking at. I'm glad he was thinking about human centric lighting, but what I have to say is we still have a lot to learn about human centric lighting. We need to look at every difference and not say that we can swap colors, temperatures, change intensities, or that replicating daylight is human centric lighting. The CIE has come up with a term called Integrative lighting. That is a more appropriate term to use instead of human centric. Because in the future, I would request every lighting professional to look at this term called Integrative lighting. Integrative lighting has a much more holistic definition.



              A Date with Alighting

              A Date with Alighting is a classic interview column created by Alighting·Design, which talks with domestic and foreign design elites, artists, business leaders and other people with outstanding achievements in different fields. Through in-depth understanding of their works, corporate experience and their stories of struggle, explore their unique insights into the lighting industry.

              采訪 | 陶文泉

              撰寫 | 楊晗

              翻譯 | 李碧瑩、楊晗

              排版 | 易夢(mèng)夢(mèng)

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