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              2020/4/13 10:51:57 作者: 來源:浙江金陵光源電器有限公司

              項目名稱:  LED燈管制造工藝中的石墨烯導熱膜技術

              Graphene Thermal Conductive Film Technology in LED tube Manufacturing Process

              申報單位:  浙江金陵光源電器有限公司



              The technique applied graphene with 3-9 molecular layer thickness to the inner wall of the lamp tube to form a nearly fully transparent heat dissipation film, which made the heat dissipation area of the LED chip change  linear to surface, which could better solve the heat dissipation problem of the LED lamp tube. The research and development of this project will completely solve the important technical problem that LED straight tube lamp can not replace three-color fluorescent lamp with the same luminous flux. For the project, the 22 W lamp tube of this project can be used to replace 36 W of three-color fluorescent lamp with the same luminous flux, which opens up a new field of LED lamp tube to replace traditional fluorescent lamp.


              (1)光效(luminous efficiency)≥135 lm/W

              (2)顯色指數(shù)(color rendering index)Ra≥80



              At present, in addition to the company, the LED lamp tube using graphene as heat dissipation coating has not been found at home and abroad.



              This project paves the way for the LED lamp tube to completely replace the traditional lighting source in the field of indoor lighting. To replace 36 W tricolor fluorescent lamps with the 22 W lamp tube of this project, in the last 10 years, the annual global demand is 20~50 million, and the sales volume is 40 million Yuan RMB to 100 million Yuan RMB.


              本技術先將單層石墨烯分散于二苯胺磺酸鈉等溶劑中制成膠體,涂覆于玻璃燈管內壁,制成導熱膜。在導熱膜的上再涂上一層由二氧化硅層、硅酸鉀和氟化鎂等組成的減反射膜,而后在這層減反射膜上再涂上一層漫反射涂層。 漫反射膜可以將LED芯片上發(fā)出來的熱量快速傳導到玻璃管上表面,讓燈珠始終處于最佳的工作狀態(tài),從而大大提高了光效。

              In this technique, monolayer graphene was first dispersed in solvent such as sodium diphenylamine sulfonate to make colloid, coated on the inner wall of glass lamp tube, and made into thermal conductive film. A layer of antireflection film consisting of SiO2 , K2SiO3  and MgF2  is applied to the thermal conductive film, and then a diffuse reflection coating is applied to the film.diffuse reflection film can quickly transmit the heat emitted  the LED chip to the upper surface of the glass tube, so that the lamp beads are always in the best working state, thus greatly improving the luminous efficiency.



              After the lamp tube with this technology began to enter the market in 2019, the user reflected well. our company has started to accept large orders.






              (1) Certificate of Registration of Scientific and Technological Achievements

              (2) Certificate of Honour of Zhejiang Lighting Award

              (3) Patent Certificate for Utility Model

              (4) Notice of Acceptance of Patent for Invention





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