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              第七代TB雙色溫COB 產(chǎn)品系列——2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)

              2020/4/10 13:40:03 作者: 來(lái)源:深圳市同一方光電技術(shù)有限公司
              摘要:第七代TB雙色溫COB 產(chǎn)品系列,為深圳市同一方光電技術(shù)有限公司2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  第七代TB雙色溫COB 產(chǎn)品系列

              7th generation TB double color temperature COB product series

              申報(bào)單位:  深圳市同一方光電技術(shù)有限公司





              4、我司的第七代TB雙色溫COB系列產(chǎn)品,6500K&Ra90,光效高達(dá)150-160lm/W, 2700K&Ra90,光效高達(dá)130-140lm/W,已處于同類產(chǎn)品領(lǐng)先地位,未來(lái)還將進(jìn)一步進(jìn)行優(yōu)化升級(jí)。

              1. As the dimming lighting market has increasingly higher requirements on the light efficiency and light quality of the dual-color temperature dimming COB light source , the existing dual-color temperature dimming COB products can no longer meet the needs of customers . The demand for dual color temperature dimming COB lighted source products are imminent ;

              2 . According to the market research and the feedback information on our customer groups , the application end is very urgent to improve the light efficiency and light quality of the dual-color temperature dimming COB light source . We hope that our company can develop a match with the demand . Of dual color temperature dimmable COB light source products ;

              3 . After more than a year of continuous research and experiments , our company has finally developed the seventh generation of TB double color temperature COB series products that can meet the needs of high light efficiency and light quality . The customer expects that it is currently in mass shipment ;

              4 . Our seventh-generation TB dual-color temperature COB series products , 6500K & Ra90 , luminous efficiency up to 150-160lm / W , 2700K & Ra90 , luminous efficiency up to 130-140lm / W , already in the leading position of similar products , and further optimization upgrade .


              1、最高可實(shí)現(xiàn)2倍電流驅(qū)動(dòng)使用。 Up to 2 times current drive

              2、2700K:Ra90光效130-140lm/w , Ra95光效 110-120lm/w。:2700K:Ra90 Efficacy 130-140lm/w , Ra95光效110-120lm/w。

              3、6500K:Ra90 efficacy 150-160lm/w , Ra95 efficacy 130-140lm/w。





              1. Compared with the domestic two-color temperature COB products , our seventh-generation two-color temperature COB products have about 30% higher luminous efficiency under the same driving conditions and the same color rendering index and the same color temperature .

              2. Our seventh-generation COB series of two-color temperature products have a hot-state lumen maintenance rate that is about 3% higher than conventional products

              3. Effectively avoid the hidden dangers of CSP packaging due to different expansion coefficients.





              1. Our seventh-generation dual-color temperature COB series products can be seamlessly replaced with products of the same size and specifications on the market ;

              2. The overall light efficiency is improved by more than 30% , and the energy consumption can be saved by more than 30% year-on-year ;

              3. In the current fiercely competitive application field of electrodless dimming and ton lamps , this dual-color temperature COB product can effectively improve the color performance of the whole lamp , reduce the cost of the light source of the lamp , and thus enhance the competitiveness of the whole lamp market .  


              第七代TB雙色溫COB系列產(chǎn)品,6500K&Ra90,光效高達(dá)150-160lm/W, 2700K&Ra90,光效高達(dá)130-140lm/W,已處于同類產(chǎn)品領(lǐng)先地位。

              Our seventh-generation TB dual-color temperature COB series products , 6500K & Ra90 , luminous efficiency up to 150-160lm / W , 2700K & Ra90 , luminous efficiency up to 130-140lm / W , already in the leading position of similar products , and further optimization upgrade .




              公司產(chǎn)品堅(jiān)持“高品質(zhì)、零缺陷”的品質(zhì)理念,從材料入庫(kù)到工藝設(shè)計(jì)再到產(chǎn)品制造,每個(gè)步驟和工藝都有嚴(yán)格的檢驗(yàn)及品質(zhì)控制,嚴(yán)格按照ISO/Ts16949認(rèn)證體系全套運(yùn)作。 全系列產(chǎn)品通過(guò)LM-80認(rèn)證,并先后通過(guò)了CE、ROHS、EN62471、ISO9001:2008等相關(guān)認(rèn)證,并成功獲得中國(guó)合格評(píng)定國(guó)家認(rèn)可委員會(huì)(CNAS)實(shí)驗(yàn)室認(rèn)可證書。

              一直以來(lái),同一方光電秉承 “以客戶為本;以人才為本;以誠(chéng)信為本”的經(jīng)營(yíng)理念,力爭(zhēng)成為“創(chuàng)大功率LED光源的世界品牌”,努力為行業(yè)為客戶“提供領(lǐng)先的LED光源解決方案“。我們?cè)谔峁┮涣鞯腖ED照明產(chǎn)品的同時(shí),更關(guān)注客戶利益及全球環(huán)保問(wèn)題,同一方光電將用自己的努力及不斷的創(chuàng)新,為人類光電事業(yè)的發(fā)展、進(jìn)步及環(huán)保事業(yè)做出應(yīng)有的貢獻(xiàn)。

              Shenzhen TongYiFang (TYF) Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., was established in Shenzhen, China in 2009 and located in jincheng Road, Shajing Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, is a National High-Tech Enterprise focuses on high-end LED device package, COB integrated technology development, optical design and LED lighting solutions. TYF Strives to bring in high-end machines for full-automatic production and aging test equipment for making itself a leading International LED production base. Main products includes COB, Flip-chip COB, Tunable COB, EMC 3030, EMC5050, EMC3535, K2 High Power Emitter, Horticultural LEDs, AC LED Module and PCBA. TYF provides full-range of technical and professional support for LED light source design, solutions and lighting applications.

              With the concept of “High Quality, No Defect:, TYF utes strict quality control according to the ISO/TS16949 certification system in every step the raw materials to technological design and to the production. The full series of products was certificates by LM-80, and obtained certificates of CE, ROHS, EN62471, IS9001:2008 and etcs. TYF successfully obtained the China National Qualifications Evaluation Committee (C N A S ) Laboratory accreditation certificate.

              With 10 years of business development in LED package field, TYF has been adhering to the core values of“ Customer-oriented, Talent-oriented, Honesty-oriented”the company gets the support and the praise our clients. TYF strives to become a world famous brand of high-power LED light source.

              With the spirit of“Integrity, Innovation, Quality and Efficiency”, TYF tries to become a pacemaker and a positive advocate in the field of LED. While providing first-class LED lighting products, TYF concerns more on customers interests and global environmental issues. TYF will keep trying and devoting itself to the cause of human optoelectronics and of environmental protection.

              TYF owns more than 50 patents, TYF is Shenzhen high-tech enterprise and China high-tech enterprise.


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