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              2020/4/10 13:15:27 作者: 來源:深圳市環(huán)源虹照明技術(shù)有限公司

              項目名稱:  智慧互動地磚燈

              Smart Interactive Brick Lamp

              申報單位:  深圳市環(huán)源虹照明技術(shù)有限公司



              如何在都市中尋找更多的樂趣?讓生活更加絢麗多彩,從而釋放自我,為美好的明天奮斗……此刻,我在大膽的設(shè)想大理石磚能否隨我的心靈而動?智能感應(yīng)發(fā)光磚不僅僅是地磚,而是地面上的耀眼明珠讓您的心隨您的腳步韻動…………,讓你第一眼就沉醉于純粹的視覺盛宴研發(fā)團(tuán)隊 從光中汲取靈感,將自然融于設(shè)計浯言不經(jīng)意間,你便會在這方寸間流連忘返。

              Walking through the dim square, a thought suddenly come out in my mind: Today, peoples living standards are constantly improving, the economy is developing rapidly, the pressure of work and life is gradually increasing, and the space for releasing oneself is getting smaller and smaller. How to find more fun in the city? How to make the life be more colorful to release yourself and fight for a better tomorrow ... At this moment, I am boldly envisioning whether marble tiles can move with my heart? Intelligent induction light-emitting bricks are not just floor tiles, but dazzling pearls on the ground, let your heart move with your footsteps ......, let you indulge in a pure visual feast at first glance. The R & D team draws inspiration  the light ,blending nature into the design inadvertently, you will linger in this square.


              電氣參數(shù) Electrical parameters

              輸入電壓  Input voltage              DC24V   

              額定功率 Rated power               16W     

              電氣安全等級 Electrical safety class    III級   Class III    

              *光學(xué)參數(shù)  Optical parameters

              光源   Light source                  RGB 5050 

              燈珠數(shù)量  Number of lamp beads       64PCS 

              發(fā)光顏色 Glow color                 RGB   

              發(fā)光角度 Beam angle                 180°

              光源壽命 Light source life            >30, 000小時   > 30,000 hours

              顏色范圍  Color range               16.7m 

              灰度等級   Gray scale                65536  

              *控制參數(shù) Control parameters

              LED工作電流  LED working current    0~60mA

              控制方式 Control method              DMX512

              寫碼方式 Code writing method         雙備份, 自識別  double backup, self-identification

              燈光效果 Lighting effects            全彩外控 + 感應(yīng)內(nèi)置變色(紅,綠,藍(lán)爆閃;全彩漸變)

              Full-color external control + sensor built-in color change (red, green, blue flash; full color gradient)

              感應(yīng)信號   Induction signal            人體感應(yīng) Body sensors

              *結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù) Structural parameters

              外殼   Shell                304不銹鋼  304 stainless steel

              面罩材質(zhì) Mask material             鋼化玻璃,高強(qiáng)度抗沖擊(表面大理石紋理)

              Tempered glass, high strength and impact resistance (surface marble texture)

              線材  Cable                       兩芯防水電源公母頭+四芯防水信號公母插

              Two-core waterproof power male and female head + four-core waterproof signal male and female plug

              預(yù)埋件    Embedded parts          不銹鋼   stainless steel                

              燈體尺寸(mm) Lamp Size      W300*L300*H93mm(包含預(yù)埋件) W300*L300*H93mm(including embedded parts) 

              重量(Kg)  Weight           5.5KG(包含預(yù)埋件)5.5KG(including embedded parts)

              *其他 others

              工作溫度   Working temperature            -20℃~40℃

              儲存溫度Storage temperature               -20℃~40℃

              濕度范圍 Huity range                  0~80%

              使用環(huán)境  Operating environment           戶外(IP67)  Outdoor(IP67)


              原創(chuàng)產(chǎn)品 Original product



              Interactive product lamps and lanterns are a necessity and flavoring agent for the internet red night economy. Increase fun and release peoples work pressure during the day. Attract traffic and increase consumption, thereby boosting economic development.



              當(dāng)無感應(yīng)物經(jīng)過或停留在產(chǎn)品上時, 燈具接受外部DMX512控制信號,實(shí)現(xiàn)整體燈光變化效果控制;當(dāng)有感應(yīng)物從產(chǎn)品上面停留或者經(jīng)過時,產(chǎn)品切換至感應(yīng)控制模式,產(chǎn)生不同的燈光變化效果并輸出不同的音效; 人與產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行燈光互動玩樂,同時感受燈光的絢麗視覺沖擊。營造有趣生動生活氛圍。

              Human body interaction:

              When no sensor passes or stays on the product, the lamp accepts the external DMX512 control signal to achieve the overall light change effect control; when a sensor stays or passes  the product, the product switches to the sensor control mode, resulting in different light changes Effects and output different sound effects; people and products interact with each other in the light, and feel the gorgeous visual impact of the light at the same time, create an interesting and lively atmosphere.



              Wisdom masonry surface:

              Solve the problem of incoordination between the lamp and the environment, so that the lamp is integrated into the environment. After the lamp’s installation, when the lamp is off, the lamp is not to be seen, and a high aesthetic appearance is maintained.


              見附件:效果圖,案例視頻 :http://player.youku.com/embed/XNDI4NjI4MDQzNg==

              See attachment: renderings, case videos:http://player.youku.com/embed/XNDI4NjI4MDQzNg==


              發(fā)明專利 Invention patent:201811077537.2



              當(dāng)無感應(yīng)物經(jīng)過或停留在產(chǎn)品上時, 燈具接受外部DMX512控制信號,實(shí)現(xiàn)整體燈光變化效果控制;當(dāng)有感應(yīng)物從產(chǎn)品上面停留或者經(jīng)過時,產(chǎn)品切換至感應(yīng)控制模式,產(chǎn)生不同的燈光變化效果并輸出不同的音效; 人與產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行燈光互動玩樂,同時感受燈光的絢麗視覺沖擊。營造有趣生動生活氛圍。

              Human body interaction:

              When no sensor passes or stays on the product, the lamp accepts the external DMX512 control signal to achieve the overall light change effect control; when a sensor stays or passes  the product, the product switches to the sensor control mode, resulting in different light changes Effects and output different sound effects; people and products interact with each other in the light, and feel the gorgeous visual impact of the light at the same time, create an interesting and lively atmosphere.





              經(jīng)多年潛心耕耘,我司自主研發(fā)的LED產(chǎn)品技術(shù)含量已穩(wěn)居同行業(yè)領(lǐng)先水平。并符合ISO9001、CE、RoSH等認(rèn)證要求。環(huán)源虹的LED燈具100%通過嚴(yán)格的檢驗(yàn)。過硬的質(zhì)量、超前的創(chuàng)新和優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù),得到了客戶的高度好評。讓環(huán)源虹的產(chǎn)品在國內(nèi)占有較高的市場占有率,同時在北京、上海、濟(jì)南、西安、長沙、昆明、重慶、四川、浙江 、江蘇等國內(nèi)省市

              Found in 2010, Shenzhen Globow Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise, which is committed to research and development of design and production of LED outdoor lighting equipment and control system products. We have our own experienced R & D center, technical and engineering department, testing laboratory, sales and marketing team, can quickly respond to every customers needs and provide customers with best service.

              Globow focuses on new, environmentally friendly and energy-saving products, mainly including interactive floor brick light&screen, wall washer lights, in-ground lights, linear lights, flood lights and other LED landscape lighting fixtures. All LED lighting products are approved by ISO9001, TUV, CE, RoHS, SAA and etc. They are sold to more than 30 ries around the world, such as the Middle East, Thailand, USA, Australia and other ries, are widely applied in architectural lighting, garden landscapes, Courtyard squares, roads and bridges, stadiums, cultural tourism towns and other lighting design projects.

              Our company can customize all kind of lamps according to customers’ needs to meet various applications, installation and lighting requirements.

              Globow is committed to quality first and fast delivery. In the future, we will pay more attention to R & D efforts, continue to develop and innovate, to provide customers with more professional and advanced lighting application solutions, and bring new options to the lighting world.


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