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              維萊 洗墻燈WLXQ-101——2020神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品

              2020/4/9 13:17:07 作者: 來源:深圳市維萊創(chuàng)新電子有限公司
              摘要:維萊 洗墻燈WLXQ-101,為深圳市維萊創(chuàng)新電子有限公司2020神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品。

              項目名稱:  維萊 洗墻燈WLXQ-101

              Wallwash lamp wlxq-101

              申報單位:  深圳市維萊創(chuàng)新電子有限公司























              深圳市維萊創(chuàng)新電子有限公司是家專業(yè)從事LED新型照明系列產(chǎn)品研發(fā),生產(chǎn)和銷售的高科技企業(yè)。公司擁有一批精干、實干、熟悉新能源與光源結(jié)合應(yīng)用的技術(shù)開發(fā)團(tuán)隊,擁有現(xiàn)代化的生產(chǎn)基地,包括潔凈生產(chǎn)車間、自動的生產(chǎn)流水線,行業(yè)尖端的生產(chǎn)設(shè)備,檢測儀器,有一批國際視野的市場開拓人才。 公司主要產(chǎn)品有大功率LED室內(nèi)、戶外照明產(chǎn)品,涵蓋商業(yè)照明、家居照明、辦公照明、工廠照明及戶外景觀及道路照明等。公司擁有強(qiáng)大的研發(fā)團(tuán)隊及雄厚的技術(shù)實力,憑借自身過硬的科研技術(shù)力量及多年的LED照明產(chǎn)品設(shè)計制造經(jīng)驗及對品質(zhì)持續(xù)改善的能力以及快速響應(yīng)市場需求的能力,已成長為優(yōu)質(zhì)LED照明產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)商。



              Shenzhen Weilai innovation Electronics Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, production and sales of LED new lighting products. The company has a group of capable, practical and familiar with the application of new energy and light source technology development team, with a modern production base, including clean production workshop, automatic production line, industry-leading production equipment, testing instruments, and a number of market development talents with international vision. The companys main products are high-power LED indoor and outdoor lighting products, covering commercial lighting, home lighting, office lighting, factory lighting, outdoor landscape and road lighting. The company has a strong R & D team and strong technical strength, relying on its own excellent scientific research and technical strength, many years of LED lighting product design and manufacturing experience, the ability to continuously improve the quality and the ability to quickly respond to market demand, has grown into a manufacturer of high-quality LED lighting products. 

              Since the establishment of brand WLAN and safall, with professional R & D ability and technical talents, the company has a number of independent intellectual property technologies in the field of LED lighting in several years. Relying on advanced testing equipment and rich experience in photoelectric industry, the companys products continue to win widespread praise and trust  customers at home and abroad. In order to ensure that the quality level of the products is in line with the international standards, the company has always adhered to the design and production of high-quality raw materials and mature and stable lighting application solutions. The products have passed the aging and electrical performance tests to ensure that the performance and quality of the products are stable and reliable. The company adheres to the management policy of "quality, customer first". The products have passed all kinds of certification and ISO9001 / 2008 quality management system certification. Many products of the company have passed 3C certification and ETL, TUV, ROHS, CE, PSE and other international certification. It has several automatic production lines and all kinds of high-end imported equipment, strong production capacity and quality control system. At the same time, dozens of advanced testing equipment to ensure the high quality of products. With a professional and dedicated spirit, Shenzhen wellay innovative lighting provides customers with lighting application solutions, creates a beautiful, comfortable, safe and energy-saving lighting environment, and provides customers with a win-win platform. With its own efforts, it promotes the healthy and rapid development of the lighting industry. With perfect service and reliable quality, gratitude and strong sense of social responsibility, we are determined to build the brand of WLAN and safall into a famous brand of LED lighting. 

              Shenzhen Weilai innovation Electronics Co., Ltd. is committed to meet the new demand of green lighting with efficient and reliable products, make a contribution to Chinas energy conservation and emission reduction, and make a contribution to the sustainable development of the world.


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