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              2020/4/9 11:32:39 作者: 來源:佛山市順德區(qū)華達電器制造有限公司

              項目名稱:  教室燈-HHL-204036(004)

              Classroom Lighting-HHL-204036(004)

              申報單位:  佛山市順德區(qū)華達電器制造有限公司


              隨著社會的發(fā)展,智能化越來越普及,家居的智能化成為了大眾的理想。在校園里,能擁有一套智慧校園照明系統(tǒng),這是所有師生的盼望,也是一所學校的驕傲。那么,華輝AIoT智慧教育照明整體解決方案有哪些優(yōu)勢呢? AIoT智慧教育照明整體解決方案是采用物聯(lián)網技術將學校照明、電氣、校園安保等設備進行智能管理,打造健康、智能、節(jié)能的新一代校園光環(huán)境!

              With the development of society, intelligence is becoming more and more popular, and home intelligence has become the ideal of the public. In the campus,it is the hope and pride of all the teachers and students to have a set of  intelligent  lighting system,. And whats the advantages of Voltwells AIoT  integrated solution of smart education lighting? The  AIoT  integrated solution of smart education lighting is to apply the technology of the internet of things to manage the campus equipments of lighting,electricity and campus security intelligently, so as to built the new campus environment of healthy, intelligence and energy-saving


              1、LED 燈珠顯色性高,防藍光等級RG1。 

              LED chip is high color rendering, anti-blue light gradeRG1 

              2、LED 電源為隔離高功率因素無頻閃,浪涌5000V 

               The LED driver is isolated, and high power factors without flicker,surging 5000V 


              The lamp is high luminous efficiency,  and good anti-glare 


              The light is well distributed uniformly 


               Lamp body adopts cold rolled plate electrostatic spraying, bottom lighting, optical diffusion plate with anti-glare grid.


              1、 光源及數量240PCS 光分布曲線 

              Light source, and quantity of 240 pcs of light distribution curve 

              2、 LED 型號2835 0.2W 防藍光 

              LED type 2835, 0.2W, anti-blue light 

              3、 發(fā)光角度(°) 85 度 

              Beam angle is 85° 

              4、 色溫5000K 

              Color temperature 5000K 

              5、 總光通量3200Lm 

              Total  luminous flux 3200 Lm 

              6、 防眩指數<16 UGR<16 7="">90 Ra>90




              改造后效果視頻:https://v.qq.com/x/page/o3047cz75i8.html 廣西縣城教室照明 近日,華輝照明為廣西兩個縣城的教室進行教室照明改造,在經過緊張施工調試后,已順利完工。 

              庵埠華僑中學 2019年8月,華輝照明為潮州市潮安區(qū)的庵埠華僑中學進行了教室燈光的全改造。


              十大照明教育品牌 One of the ten lighting education brands 

              專利智能面板場景開關 Smart panel switch with patent 

              專利一種智能護眼殺毒燈 a kind of germicidal lamp with patent, which is with eye protection function 

              一種智能車庫線條燈 a kind of smart strip light for garage 

              一種無線空氣檢測智能開關 a kind of wireless smart switch for air inspection 

               計算機軟件著作權安卓版:2019SR0743805 蘋果版:2019SR074388   

              廣東教育裝備協(xié)會會員編碼:44062224 中國教育裝備行業(yè)協(xié)會會員編碼:44062224



              The smart switch adopts the wireless communication frequency transmission of Blueteeth MESHH, it has advanced function such as low power consumption, automatic networking, status feedback,fault warning etc. The hardware adopts the professional treated TI chip of United States to ensure the good quality of products. Meanwhile, the product adopts the industrial grade patent technology line design which is researched and developed by our company, the load range is greatly improved, so that the product can be well used no matter in home, villa, hotel, or public place with high load. So that there is  no restriction any more on the power of lamp for smart switch, and create the first time of single fire line switch adoption on smart home products.  Support product customization services such as OEM/ODM etc.




              針對該自主研發(fā)的系統(tǒng)平臺及關聯(lián)智能產品,已經獲得13項專利,其中發(fā)明專利 3項,軟件著作權 2 項,實用新型8項。     


               Shunde Huada Electrical Manufacture Co. Ltd was founded in 1987, we own the famous brand name of “VoltWell Lighting”. 

              With the aim to provide the high quality and level of lighting system solutions to our customers for the office and commerical areas, we focus on researching and development, manufacturing and selling the best quality of the LED lighting products which lead us to a professional Smart Lighting brand image.  With the intelligence winning the support among the people in the office and commerical area, the smart research team of VoltWell makes the full use of instrumented management of the household electrical box by placing the “central nerve” to the intelligence of office, commerical and family, combined with intelligent box made by Voltwell independently, just like connect your “Conception and Governor vessels” to be compatible and conversion for the intelligent control of wired and wireless multiple protocols products with the independent research and development of system platform. 

              We firstly achieve the safety management of using of electricity, secondly let you enjoy safe, smart and comforable space through adjusting the intelligent light, changing the temperature and huity, and connection to the relevant appliance. With this concept invented, the use of intelligent integrated control center was gotten an unprecedented boost for the stability, sense of convenience and experience!!! Voltwell independent research and development system platform and relevant smart products,have obtained 13 patents including 3 patents of invention,2 software copyrights and 8 patents for utility model. 

               VoltWell never stops and we are not only a lighting manufactuer...


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