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              2020/4/7 13:48:59 作者: 來源:深圳遠芯光路科技有限公司


              項目名稱:  高密度柔性Mini-LED背光模組

              High-Resolution Flexible Mini-LED Back-Lighting Module

              申報單位:  深圳遠芯光路科技有限公司



              另外,本項目的技術壁壘高,在新型封裝材料、設備及工藝方面都具有自主知識產權,并完全形成閉環系統:可實現超低溫倒裝封裝技術,節省能耗;并采用新型的卷對卷及面陣式巨量封裝設備,提高生產效率;其可靠性與良品率能與成熟的LED封裝工藝媲美,并且達到傳統焊膏無法實現的超小點間距;可在線返修機AOI,并捆綁巨量轉移設備;可極大提高生產速度、降低成本,可真正實現低成本、及高分辨率的Mini-LED 柔性背光標準尺寸模組的規?;慨a,有望在全行業中得到推廣,推動Mini-LED行業的快速發展。

               In this project, the whole technical scheme is including new packaging materials, special designed facilities and the new bonding process, which is initiated by the world. It can be used to realize the ultra-high resolution Mini-LED back-lighting module on the flexible substrate. Its point spacing can reach P0.3mm at current mass-production capability, the limitation can go down to P0.2mm in future. And its the maximum size of single module can reach 10 inches. Moreover,the final backlight module is much lighter with higher flexibility than before because of the ultra-thin flexible substrate (<30 microns). This new product with such kind of excellent acteristic is the one and only in the market.
              In addition, the technical barriers of this project are high. It has independent intellectual property rights in new packaging materials, equipment and technology, which forms a closed-loop system completely.It advantages are shown as below:
              (1) It can realize ultra-low temperature flip-chip packaging to save energy consumption and be able to use such kind of low cost flexible material as the substrate; 
              (2)It can adopt the roll-to-roll production scheme to improve production efficiency; (3)
              (3) Its packaging reliability and yield can be comparable with mature LED packaging technology, and the cost remain as before;
              (4) It can reach the ultra-small point spacing which the traditional solder paste cant achieve, to realize the ultra-high resolution; 
              (5)Its final special designed facility can integrate the online repair system, the AOI system, and the mass-transfer system in one production line, which can make mass packaging come true.
              To conclude, this technology can greatly improve the production speed, reduce the cost, and truly realize the high-resolution Mini-LED flexible back-light module with different standard size and pitch size. It will be expected to be promoted in the whole industry to speed up the development of Mini-LED industry.



              點間距: <  P0.9mm ,極限到P0.3mm,與現行LCD像素點一一對應


              模組厚度:< 300um




              可靠性 :連續4000小時點亮無損

              The main parameters of the representative Mini LED display module are as follows:

              Point spacing: < p0.9mm, limit to p0.3mm, corresponding to current LCD pixel points one by one

              Module size: 2-10 inches

              Module thickness: < 300um

              Brightness: no difference from traditional packaging

              Production efficiency: 200K / h

              Yield Rate: 99.99%

              Reliability: lighting for 4000 hours continuously without damage








              This product is the only ultra-high resolution and flexible Mini-LED backlight module in the market. The terminal product form has opened up a new blue ocean market, will not directly compete with the existing large LED factories, with obvious competitive advantages.

              (1) All packaging technologies on the market cannot achieve ultra-high resolution (ultra-high density) packaging. At present, the technical limit is only P0.75mm, and the technology of this project can achieve the ultimate P0.2-0.3mm;

              (2) At present, there is no real flexible LED display module or backlight module in the market;

              (3) All the packaging technologies in the market can not realize the low-cost, high-density, seamless splicing of the Mini-LEDmini LED backlight module. Because the common PCB substrate is thick and bulky, PCB is very expensive when the point spacing is reduced, so it can not achieve low-cost and high-density modules; and the LED backlight module of glass substrate also has the problem of processing size, and the flexible substrate can be spliced at will, and the thickness is very thin, which can reduce the thickness of the final LCD.

              (4) All the packaging technologies in the market can not achieve volume to volume, ultra-high efficiency and really huge package. In the next 1-2 years, the project can achieve 600-1000k ultra-high UPH, with improved efficiency and significantly reduced cost.

              Therefore, the product form of this project is very new, the performance is excellent, the cost is low, the competitiveness is strong, and the market space is broad; in addition, the technical barrier has complet





              而本項目的實施可以為Mini-LED背光應用提供更輕薄、分辨率更高的柔性背光模組,打開全新的市場;在未來1-2年內,還可以實現大面積可拼接的、點間距在P0.4mm左右的、超高清RGB Mini-LED柔性顯示屏。同時該項目的實施,可為低成本高可靠的超高分辨率的Mini-LED巨量封裝提供全新的行業解決方案,解決現階段封裝廠無法解決的可制造問題,最終可極大推動Mini-LED行業的發展。


              1. 高精度柔性基板封裝;

              2. 超高密度封裝技術;

              3. 快速巨量封裝技術;

              4. 卷對卷封裝技術;

              5. 材料+設備+工藝捆綁,技術首創

              6. 該技術具有極大的拓展性:可拓展到超高分辨RGB Mini-LED直顯產品;可拓展到任意高密度面陣式芯片的產品,例如紅外傳感器等;可拓展到任意基板類型的產品,例如Al,Si,玻璃,PCB等

              1. High precision flexible substrate packaging.

              2. Ultra high density packaging technology

              3. Fast and huge package technology

              4. Roll to roll packaging technology

              5. New material, special designed facility, and carefully matched bonding process window, the whole technology loop is the one and only in industry

              6. The technology has great expansibility: it can be expanded to ultra-high resolution RGB Mini led direct display products; It can be expanded to any high density planar array chip products, such as infrared sensors; It can be expanded to any substrate type products, such as Al, Si, glass, PCB, etc. 


              LED芯片及其制備方法 申請號:2019111259807


              LED chip and its preparation method 

              Application No.: 2019111259807

              Other patents are pending, design materials, equipment and process methods


              深圳遠芯光路科技有限公司于2019 年9 月成立,公司是市場唯一超高密度&超輕薄的柔性Mini-LED背光模組供應商。公司的背光模組以柔性PI材料為基板,搭載0408型號及以下的倒裝Mini-LED芯片,可實現點間距在P0.5mm以下及不同標準尺寸的倒裝封裝模組,為業界首創。公司由朱玲博士發起,與劉二壯博士天使投資聯合創,注冊資金為100萬(工商變更中)。

              Shenzhen YuanXin optical Technology Company was established in September 2019. It is the only supplier of ultra-high density and ultra light, thin and flexible Mini LED backlight module in the market. The backlight module of the company is based on flexible PI material, equipped with 0408 and below flip chip Mini led, which can match flip package modules with point spacing below p0.5mm and different standard sizes, and it is the first in this industry area. The company was jointly founded by Dr. Zhu Ling and Dr. Liu Erzhuang with a registered capital of 1 million yuan.

              朱玲博士是LED芯片設計、加工制造、封裝應用及可靠性領域專家,有近12年LED行業研究與開發的工作經驗。她曾經在世界頂級LED公司CREE研發部效力5年,曾帶領開發團隊發布近30款大功率LED封裝產品,引領了全球的技術方向,多次獲國內外獎項;其中CXA-HD系列全面突破業界當時產品性能(分級光效最高達到189lm/W),獲2015年中國“最佳照明芯片/封裝金獎”和2014年美國“最佳燈具設計獎”。另外,在香港大學攻讀博士期間,她師從香港大學H. W. Choi教授(Micro-LED 領域的先驅者,Micro-LED的發明人之一Martin Dawson教授的學生),在LED及Micro-LED芯片設計、制造與應用領域積攢了豐富的經驗,發表了相關學術期刊論文近40余篇,申請專利近20項,授權5項。她曾開發了基于微納結構的大功率LED芯片,短波長的微盤GaN固體激光器,激光微納加工系統及基于此系統開發的特殊形狀 LED及薄膜LED芯片,超高顯色指數(100)的可變色LED,高光效的垂直LED芯片等多種新型光電器件,同時也研究了低成本新型高效綠色無污染無鉛量子點和碳量子點發光材料。此外,她近期還有多項發明,有望在行業中應用:例如基于全新的基于Mini-LED顯示屏的巨量轉移方法,可使固晶流程UPH能至少提高到600k,而目前市面上最好固晶機的UPH僅為180k。

              劉二壯博士為LED、半導體行業專家,運營專家,現任美國Lam Research(全球知名半導體設備公司)集團副總裁,中國區總經理。劉博士擁有西安交大本科,英國丹迪大學博士,美國哈佛大學博士后,新加坡國立大學MBA等學歷,曾任CREE公司中國總經理、美國泛林半導體設備研發有限公司中國區副總經理、上海先進半導體有限公司運營總監,曾獲2013年“中國LED行業十大領軍人物”稱號。劉博士的行業地位能為公司來帶行業關注。

              除此之外,公司其他核心團隊成員專業領域涵蓋了LED 芯片、封裝、產品及量產等多個領域,團隊成員在LED行業及管理方面均有10+年以上經驗,有非常強的產業化背景及工程能力。


              -香港的H. W. Choi 博士(Micro-LED 領域先驅者)








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