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              basicDIM 無(wú)線藍(lán)牙模組、驅(qū)動(dòng)和用戶界面系統(tǒng)——2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)

              2020/4/3 12:51:07 作者: 來(lái)源:銳高照明電子(上海)有限公司
              摘要:basicDIM 無(wú)線藍(lán)牙模組、驅(qū)動(dòng)和用戶界面系統(tǒng),為銳高照明電子(上海)有限公司2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  basicDIM 無(wú)線藍(lán)牙模組、驅(qū)動(dòng)和用戶界面系統(tǒng)

              basicDIM wireless modules, drivers and user interface system

              申報(bào)單位:  銳高照明電子(上海)有限公司


              basicDIM無(wú)線藍(lán)牙系統(tǒng)是一款 Casambi Ready 技術(shù)解決方案,無(wú)需任何額外作業(yè)即可實(shí)現(xiàn)傳統(tǒng)照明系統(tǒng)升級(jí)。 而且?guī)缀醪幌奘褂脜^(qū)域。 例如,辦公樓的每個(gè)房間以及每個(gè)區(qū)域均可應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)中便捷而又功能多樣的智能技術(shù)。

              Casambi Ready basicDIM 無(wú)線藍(lán)牙控制技術(shù)支持與區(qū)域內(nèi)所有燈具之間實(shí)現(xiàn)各種專業(yè)功能互動(dòng),完全直觀,且無(wú)需額外布線。

              無(wú)線照明管理要求燈具必須配備 LED 模組、24 V 恒定電壓或 DALI 驅(qū)動(dòng)器和一個(gè) basicDIM無(wú)線藍(lán)牙模組。 燈具在生產(chǎn)階段保存控制配置文件。 用戶可利用 4remote BT 應(yīng)用程序或通過(guò)用戶界面來(lái)控制照明。

              通過(guò)藍(lán)牙可輕松控制 250 個(gè)光點(diǎn):將燈具分組并創(chuàng)建燈光設(shè)置,進(jìn)行開關(guān)以及明暗調(diào)節(jié)操作,非常簡(jiǎn)單。 可調(diào)白光燈具能夠根據(jù)用戶需要改變色溫,可直接和間接輕松調(diào)整光含量。 集成傳感器配備所有相關(guān)元件。

              對(duì)燈具制造商(生產(chǎn))而言的主要優(yōu)勢(shì)有: 配置簡(jiǎn)單;定義燈具屬性;無(wú)線分配燈具屬性

              對(duì)調(diào)試工程師(安裝)而言的主要優(yōu)勢(shì)有:通過(guò) 4remote BT 應(yīng)用程序可簡(jiǎn)單直觀地調(diào)試、編程和控制照明裝置。輕松實(shí)現(xiàn)燈具的無(wú)線定位與分配;快速適應(yīng)系統(tǒng)。



              The Casambi Ready basicDIM Wireless control technology allows versatile and professional interaction with all luminaires within an area – fully intuitive and with no additional wiring required.

              The basis for the wireless light management is found in the luminaire with the LED module, a 24 V constant voltage or DALI driver and one of the basicDIM Wireless modules. The control profiles are saved during the luminaire production stage. Users can choose whether to control the lighting using the 4remote BT App or via the user interface.

              Up to 250 light points can be conveniently controlled via Bluetooth: switching on and off as well as dimming functions are just as simple as grouping luminaires and creating lighting settings. Tunable White luminaires change their colour temperature to suit the user and the direct and indirect light content are simple to adjust. All the elements for integrating sensors are also in place.

              BasicDIM Wireless, a Casambi Ready technology, is the ideal solution for updating conventional lighting without requiring any additional construction effort. There are hardly any limits to the usage area with this. In office buildings for instance, each room and zone benefits  the system’s easy-to-use and multi-functional intelligence.



              Casambi Ready無(wú)線模組


              可通過(guò)安卓 / iOS 智能設(shè)備無(wú)線控制


              自動(dòng)構(gòu)建最多 250 個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn)的無(wú)線通信網(wǎng)絡(luò) (1)



              模擬輸出:0 - 10 伏 / 1 - 10 伏下降沿/上升沿

              數(shù)字輸出:DALI 兼容

              輕松實(shí)現(xiàn) RGB 和色溫控制


              可使用任何安卓或 iOS 設(shè)備對(duì)固件進(jìn)行無(wú)線更新


              Product description

              Wireless controllable with a Android / iOS smart device

              No need for an external gateway device

              Forms automatically a wireless communication network with up to 250 nodes (1)

              Small form factor for luminaire installation

              Configurable analog / digital output

              Analog output: 0 – 10 V / 1 – 10 V sinking / sourcing

              Digital output: Standalone DALI (compatible)

              Easily implemented RGB and colour temperature controls

              Controllable switched mains output

              Device firmware can be d over-the-air

              5-year guarantee


              輸入電壓范圍 220 – 240 V

              電源頻率 50 / 60 Hz

              工作頻段 2.4 – 2.483 GHz

              最大輸出增益 + 4 dBm

              DALI總線電壓 12 V

              DALI輸出電流 7 mA

              DALI最大線纜長(zhǎng)度 1 m at 1 mm2 cross section

              環(huán)境溫度 ta -20 ... +50 °C

              最高外殼溫度 70 °C

              ts存儲(chǔ)溫度范圍 -25 ... +75 °C

              尺寸 長(zhǎng) x 寬 x 高 56.5 x 35.8 x 22.3 mm

              保護(hù)類型 IP20




              可用作燈具內(nèi)置件或帶有卡扣裝接應(yīng)力消除的獨(dú)立 LED 驅(qū)動(dòng)(見配件)


              在150和400毫安之間的可調(diào)節(jié)輸出電流通過(guò) ready2mains Programmer 或 I-SELECT 2 plugs輸出

              最大輸出功率10 W

              效率高達(dá) 82%

              待機(jī)模式下的輸入功率 < 0,35 W

              調(diào)光范圍:1到100 %





              外殼: PC塑料, 白色



              basicDIM Wireless


              端口:45° 推入式端口


              1毫安的可調(diào)節(jié)輸出電流(ready2mains、I-SELECT 2)






              適用于符合 EN 50172 的應(yīng)急照明系統(tǒng)




              通過(guò) basicDIM Wireless、ready2mains 和 I-SELECT 2 進(jìn)行靈活配置



              Product description

              Dimmable built-in constant current LED Driver

              Can be either used built-in or independent with clip-on strain-relief (see accessory)

              Forms automatically a wireless communication network with up to 250 nodes

              Adjustable output current between 150 and 400 mA via ready2mains Programmer or I-SELECT 2 plugs

              Max. output power 10 W

              Up to 82 % efficiency

              Power input on stand-by < 0.35 W

              Dimming range 1 to 100 %

              For luminaires of protection class I and protection class II

              Nominal life-time up to 100,000 h

              5-year guarantee

              Housing properties

              Casing: polycarbonate, white

              Type of protection IP20


              basicDIM Wireless

              ready2mains (configuration via mains)

              Terminal blocks: 45° push terminals


              Adjustable output current in 1-mA-steps (ready2mains, I-SELECT 2)

              Constant light output function (CLO)

              Power-up fading at AC

              Configurable via ready2mains

              Service monitor to log certain events

              Protective features (overtemperature, short-circuit, overload, no-load, input voltage range, reduced surge amplification)

              Suitable for emergency escape lighting systems acc. to EN 50172


              Application-oriented operating window for maximum compatibility

              Best energy savings due to low stand-by losses and high efficiency

              Flexible configuration via basicDIM Wireless, ready2mains and I-SELECT 2

              Typical applications

              For linear/area lighting in office applications


              輸入電壓范圍 220 – 240 V

              交流電壓范圍 198 – 264 V

              直流電壓輸入范圍 176 – 280 V

              電源頻率 0 / 50 / 60 Hz

              過(guò)壓保護(hù) 320 V AC, 48 h

              典型電流 (at 230 V, 50 Hz, full load) (1) (2) 

              35 – 60 mA

              典型電流 (220 V, 0 Hz, full load, 15 % dimming level) (2)

              10 – 20 mA

              漏電流 (at 230 V, 50 Hz, full load) (1) (2)

              < 700 μA

              最大輸入功率 13 W

              典型效率 (at 230 V, 50 Hz, full load) (2)

              82 %

              λ   電源因數(shù) (at 230 V, 50 Hz, full load) 0.96

              典型待機(jī)功耗 < 0.35 W

              典型空載輸入電流 12.5 mA

              典型空載輸入功率 0.36 W

              浪涌電流(peak / duration) 16 A / 255 μs

              THD諧波失真(at 230 V, 50 Hz, full load) (1)

              < 8 %

              啟動(dòng)時(shí)間 (at 230 V, 50 Hz, full load) (1)     < 0.7 s

              啟動(dòng)時(shí)間 (DC mode) < 0.4 s

              切換時(shí)間(AC/DC) (3)        < 0.4 s

              關(guān)斷時(shí)間(at 230 V, 50 Hz, full load) < 20 ms

              輸出電流精度(1) (4)± 3 %

              最大輸出電流峰值(non-repetitive) ≤ output current + 40 %

              輸出低頻紋波 (< 120 Hz) ± 5 %

              最大輸出電壓 (U-OUT) 60 V

              調(diào)光范圍 1 – 100 %

              浪涌電壓 (between L - N) 1 kV

              浪涌電壓(between L/N - PE) 2 kV

              輸出浪涌電壓 (against PE) < 500 V

              保護(hù)類型 IP20

              壽命 up to 100,000 h




              自動(dòng)構(gòu)建最多 250 個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn)的無(wú)線通信網(wǎng)絡(luò) (1)

              控制所有類型的 basicDIM 無(wú)線設(shè)備

              4 種場(chǎng)景




              Product description

              Battery powered, wireless wall switch

              Forms automatically a wireless communication network with up to 250 nodes (1)

              Controls all types of basicDIM Wireless devices

              4 scenes

              Dim up / down

              Colour temperature control

              5-year guarantee


              鋰電池 CR 2430

              電池壽命 2 – 5 years, depending on usage

              工作頻段 2.4 – 2.483 GHz

              最大輸出增益 + 4 dBm

              無(wú)線距離 up to 60 m

              環(huán)境溫度 ta 0 ... +45 °C

              尺寸 長(zhǎng) x 寬 x 高 90 x 90 x 12 mm

              防護(hù)等級(jí) IP20



              basicDIM 無(wú)線系統(tǒng)的組件 (Casambi ready)


              可通過(guò)安卓 / iOS 智能設(shè)備無(wú)線控制

              自動(dòng)構(gòu)建最多 250 個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn)的無(wú)線通信網(wǎng)絡(luò)






              Product description

              Component of the basicDIM Wireless system (Casambi ready)

              Ambient light dependent control and presence detection

              Wireless controllable with a Android / iOS smart device

              Forms automatically a wireless communication network with up to 250 nodes

              Power supply via mains

              Mounting variants for suspended ceilings and solid ceilings available

              Passive Infrared sensor technology

              Shutters included to optimize sensor detection

              5-year guarantee


              輸入電壓范圍 220 – 240 V

              電源頻率 50 / 60 Hz

              典型功耗 0.17 W

              最大功耗 < 0.5 W

              典型待機(jī)功耗 0.15 W

              安裝高度 最大 4 m

              感應(yīng)范圍,安裝高度3米 ? 8 m

              感應(yīng)角度 53°

              亮度感應(yīng)范圍 1 – 2,000 lx (± 20 %)

              工作頻段 2.4 – 2.483 GHz

              最大輸出增益 + 4 dBm

              環(huán)境溫度 ta 0 ... +50 °C

              存儲(chǔ)溫度范圍 -40 ... +85 °C


              通過(guò)免費(fèi)的 4remote BT 應(yīng)用程序或用戶界面,可輕松使用 basicDIM Wireless 的各種控制選項(xiàng)。


              燈具制造商通過(guò) 4remote BT 應(yīng)用程序配置文件來(lái)保存燈具屬性。 參數(shù)包括明暗調(diào)節(jié)、可調(diào)白光以及直接/間接光含量。


              4remote BT 應(yīng)用程序可自動(dòng)檢測(cè)已打開的燈具。 燈具的后續(xù)位置、命名、說(shuō)明和分組簡(jiǎn)單易行。


              用戶可通過(guò)傳統(tǒng)的 4remote BT 應(yīng)用程序或用戶界面實(shí)現(xiàn)與燈具的直接通訊和定制功能。 形成一種全新便捷的燈具控制方式。

              4remote BT (basicDIM Wireless)

              在所有的開發(fā)階段過(guò)程中,4remote BT 與 basicDIM Wireless 解決方案配合使用。 從搭建和調(diào)試照明裝置,到日常使用,每項(xiàng)任務(wù)都能以非常方便、快捷和直觀的方式完成。












              集成 basicDIM Wireless 用戶界面(可選) 






              BasicDIM Wireless demonstrates its user-friendly control options at all stages with the free 4remote BT App or the User Interface.

              Define luminaire properties

              The luminaire manufacturer saves the properties that define the luminaire via 4remote BT App profiles. These parameters include dimmability, Tunable White and direct/indirect light content.  

              Commission the system intuitively

              The 4remote BT App automatically detects the luminaires that are switched on. Subsequent location, designation, illustration and grouping of the luminaires is very simple.

              Make use of light

              The user can communicate directly with the luminaires and customise these via traditional 4remote BT App or User Interface functions. The result is an entirely new method of light control that is very convenient at the same time.

              4remote BT (basicDIM Wireless)

              All-in-one app for Tridonic basicDIM Wireless lighting systems

              4remote BT accompanies a basicDIM wireless solution through all stages of development. Each task can be completed with exceptional convenience and speed and very intuitively, beginning with the processes for establishing and commissioning the luminaires through to their daily use.

              or daily use

              Switch luminaires on and off individually or as a group 

              Dim luminaires individually or as a group 

              Adjust light colour and colour temperatures 

              Call up preferred light settings 

              Select specific luminaires quickly using a graphic display of the room or the gallery view 

              Optional password protection 

              Incorporation into the network for other users with four levels of security

              For commissioning on-site

              Commission, programme and control luminaires 

              Location, addressing and assignment of luminaires 

              Incorporate basicDIM Wireless User Interface (optional) 

              Create groups 

              Create preferred light settings 

              Determine user rights

              For establishing luminaires

              Simple parameter settings: Define properties for luminaires and assign these wirelessly


              This app only works in combination with the Tridonic basicDIM Wireless lighting controls.



              Bluetooth wireless mesh ad hoc network adopts private protocol, and its stability and reliability have been verified for a long time; a single network supports up to 250 nodes, which is also in the leading position in the industry; the products include communication module, integrated driver, integrated sensor, remote control panel, and the whole series of products are the most complete in the industry.



              Bluetooth wireless mesh technology, no need to lay additional control lines, only need to add or replace the communication module, integrated driver, can upgrade the original lighting system to an intelligent control solution, realize energy saving and improve the lighting quality.

              Open-plan offices


              Save energy in open-plan offices


              A large number of luminaires and long operating hours provide significant potential for Co2 savings. Just switching  conventional T8 lighting to LED reduces energy costs by 40%. With basicDIM Wireless the luminaires can be dimmed without any DALI wiring, which can reduce energy costs by a further 20%.


              Main benefits: Up to 60% energy savings


              Control concept: Dim (groups of) luminaires automatically, depending on the time of day


              Commissioning: Light settings set automatically with individual control options available


              Individual operation: Switch on and off, access settings, dim the lighting


              Comparative calculation*

              比較計(jì)算*  (請(qǐng)參考附件圖片所示,經(jīng)濟(jì)數(shù)值對(duì)比圖)

              * Schedule: 7–10 a.m.: 100%; 10 a.m. – 12 noon: 75%; 12 noon – 2 p.m.: 50%; 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.: 75%; 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.: 100

              *時(shí)間安排:上午7-10點(diǎn):100%;上午10點(diǎn)至中午12點(diǎn):75%;中午12點(diǎn)–下午2點(diǎn):50%;下午2點(diǎn) –下午3點(diǎn):75%;下午3點(diǎn) –下午4點(diǎn):100%

              ** Operating time 12 hours per day, 300 working days per year


              *** EUR 0.20 per kw/h




              Based on Bluetooth wireless mesh ad hoc network protocol, a single network can support up to 250 nodes. Based on Bluetooth mesh network, it can support automatic networking, expansion and repair without manual intervention, so as to increase the coverage and stability of the network. It is very suitable for indoor lighting, office, commercial and education lighting control applications.


              1, 國(guó)內(nèi)案例







              為了幫助ENG 買手店實(shí)現(xiàn)卓越的照明環(huán)境,銳高選擇的照明解決方案實(shí)現(xiàn)了兩個(gè)重大突破:第一個(gè)突破是僅在該店,銳高就應(yīng)用了400多個(gè)無(wú)線藍(lán)牙模塊,這是全球銳高首創(chuàng)單體項(xiàng)目應(yīng)用無(wú)線藍(lán)牙模塊數(shù)量最多,也是目前銳高全球最大的單體應(yīng)用項(xiàng)目。


              另一大突破:眾所周知,2002年銳高率先推出DALI產(chǎn)品奠定其智能控制行業(yè)先導(dǎo)地位,并于2012年率先引入基于DT8技術(shù)的Tunable White可調(diào)白光系列產(chǎn)品,近年來(lái)不斷積累和豐富產(chǎn)品經(jīng)驗(yàn),打造眾多成功案例,贏得客戶廣泛認(rèn)可。銳高于2018年推出全面完整的DT8系列產(chǎn)品解決方案,并且成為首個(gè)引入時(shí)尚品牌店鋪應(yīng)用的公司。

              兩個(gè)重大突破讓ENG 買手店以一種全新方式使用光和體驗(yàn)光,提升了顧客的體驗(yàn)感,完成了用設(shè)計(jì)的語(yǔ)言解讀年輕人的潮流密碼,打造了一個(gè)充滿魅力的光空間。銳高憑借深厚的技術(shù)行業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)成為品牌可信賴的合作伙伴。首家買手店成為照明開啟時(shí)尚新體驗(yàn)的成功范例,帶來(lái)了良好的反饋效果,其第二家門店正計(jì)劃于深圳開設(shè)中。

              ENG品牌買手店除了常規(guī)的陳列展示之外,還將承載著更多不同的功能,未來(lái)的ENG買手店內(nèi),是創(chuàng)意無(wú)限的發(fā)布會(huì)場(chǎng),需要?jiǎng)?chuàng)造極致的光與影的空間;也是五光十色的走秀場(chǎng),需要滿足均勻鋪光的要求;更是高端宴請(qǐng)酒會(huì)現(xiàn)場(chǎng),需要能夠靈活的可調(diào)控色溫、亮度。所以銳高根據(jù)ENG品牌買手店的功能延展需求,為ENG買手店采用了可模擬多種場(chǎng)景和變化的DT8 PRE系列驅(qū)動(dòng),可實(shí)現(xiàn)2700K-6500K之間的色溫控制,同時(shí)可在1%-100%之間進(jìn)行調(diào)光,以滿足不同的時(shí)段、不同場(chǎng)景擁有不同模式的燈光控制場(chǎng)景的功能。交付之后的ENG店鋪內(nèi),店員均可以通過(guò)無(wú)線藍(lán)牙的控制方式,借助手持設(shè)備IPAD安裝4RemoteBP應(yīng)用程序?qū)θ珗?chǎng)所有燈光進(jìn)行控制,十分便捷。


              ENG, based on the mode of fashion buyers shop, is such a new fashion clothing brand. Setting a popular tone for itself when it was first founded, ENG focuses on integrating fashion to meet young people’s pursuit of fashion. In its first shop in China, besides space layout and graphic design, lighting plays an extremely important role in creating a commercial space atmosphere and presenting the brand’s DNA. With its smart lighting solutions, Tridonic has helped ENG interpret the ming light space that meets the tastes of young people and create a comfortable and pleasant light environment, which enhances the company’s brand image and makes it give new luster.

              Every link of ENG’s first shop in China needs to be carefully built. In the retail store, lighting shall have emphasis. Suitable light shall shine on the right place. Focusing on details enables the brand to highlight the texture of exhibits and show their original color. Through partial emphasis, more fashion details can be capture and the fashion breath can be read by consumers. Also, with a proper use of lighting as a whole, instead of just shining on the surface of the exhibits, a personalized and pleasant lighting atmosphere with vigorous lighting space can be created. Fashionable lighting can highlight the taste and aesthetics of young people.

              To create layered lighting, Tridonic makes the lighting of ENG buyers shop rich and flexible and full of vitality by using basic DIM wireless Bluetooth module with DT8 driver: for the basic lighting, the glowing backdrop with variable color temperature are used in many areas with spotlights and a few barrel lights to foil the overall light environment while makes consumers feel no presence of lights. It keeps the ceiling clean and cool and maintain the integrity of the visual space, showing the high-end fashion style of the buyers shop. For walls and doorways, the brand highlights the dynamic feeling, strengthens the atmosphere of the trend and foils the its image with line lights. In addition, we achieve perfection in details. For example, line lights are embellished somewhere in the staircase to provide enough illumination for the staircase area. It meets the functional needs of the staircase and realizes the concept of outlining the sense of space.

              In order to achieve excellent lighting environment in the ENG buyers shop, the lighting solution ed by Tridonic has made two major breakthroughs: one is that in this shop alone, Tridonic has applied more than 400 wireless Bluetooth modules, which is Tridonic’s first monolithic application project using the largest number of wireless Bluetooth modules in the world and Tridonic’s largest monolithic application project in the world.

              Due to the large number of nodes, Tridonic uses 1 Mesh network to automatically build up to 127 wireless communication networks. A total of 5 Mesh networks are used. By establishing a site, Tridonic can control all five networks without external gateways. It’s undoubtedly a great challenge to ensure that so many nodes can operate normally and steadily. As to time for the field debugging, in order to meet the needs of the project and the brand parties, Tridonic sent a technical team with three professional engineers for field debugging and completed all debugging work after two weeks, ensuring the steady operation of all equipment and the final lighting effect and quality.

              The other breakthrough: as we all know, Tridonic first introduced DALI products in 2002 to establish its leading position in the intelligent control industry, and then took the lead to introduce Tunable White series products based on DT8 technology in the same year. In recent years, we have accumulated and enriched product experience, created many successful cases, and won wide recognition  customers. Tridonic launched a complete DT8 series product solution in 2018, and became the first company to introduce fashion brand shop applications.

              Two major breakthroughs has enabled ENG buyers shop to use and experience light in a new way, enhanced the customer’s sense of experience, completed the interpretation of young people’s fashion codes in the design language, and created a ming light space. Tridonic has become a trusted partner of the brand by virtue of its rich technical industry experience. The first buyers shop has become a successful example of lighting opening a new fashion experience, bringing good feedback effect. Its second store is going to be opened in Shenzhen.

              Besides regular display, ENG brand buyers shops will also carry more different functions. In the future, ENG buyers shops will be creative release venues, which should create the ultimate space of light and shadow. They’ll also be colorful show venue, which should meet the requirements of uniform lighting. Moreover, they will be high-end banquet venues, which need flexible and adjustable color temperature and brightness. So according to the function extension requirement of ENG brand buyers shop, Tridonic adopts DT8 PRE series driver which can simulate various scenarios and changes, realize the color temperature control between 2,700K and 6,500K, and also can dim light between 1% and 100% in order to meet the needs of different scenes with different modes of light control field during different time periods. In ENG shops after delivery, clerks can control the lighting in the whole shop through wireless Bluetooth control mode with the help of the handheld device iPad, which is convenient.



              應(yīng)用于歷史古建筑中的藍(lán)牙照明控制,應(yīng)用產(chǎn)品: basicDIM無(wú)線藍(lán)牙模塊, 4remote BT應(yīng)用程序。

              Bluetooth lighting control in historical building,Products: basicDIM Wireless Passive Module, basicDIM Wireless Module, DALI-RM/S 4x10 A, 4remote BT app


              在呂特里神廟內(nèi),必須滿足嚴(yán)格的要求,以將眾多的LED光點(diǎn)連接到照明控制系統(tǒng):“考慮到教堂已有1000年的歷史,絕對(duì)禁止鋪設(shè)額外的電源或數(shù)據(jù)電纜,”來(lái)自Senseco照明設(shè)計(jì)事務(wù)所的Yannick Le Moigne表示。這意味著只能選擇無(wú)線解決方案。因此,每個(gè)照明元器件現(xiàn)在都配備了銳高的basicDIM無(wú)線控制模組,作為網(wǎng)狀結(jié)構(gòu)藍(lán)牙網(wǎng)絡(luò)中的節(jié)點(diǎn)。 

              得益于緊湊的Casambi Ready basicDIM無(wú)線模組,照明管理系統(tǒng)的設(shè)置變得非常簡(jiǎn)單。一旦與需要控制的LED驅(qū)動(dòng)連接,它們就會(huì)自動(dòng)建立一個(gè)多達(dá)127個(gè)光點(diǎn)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)。這些模組配有可配置的1 10 V接口和DALI接口以及可切換的繼電器觸點(diǎn)。此外,還可以集成可選傳感器。并且,在銳高4remote BT應(yīng)用程序中,聯(lián)網(wǎng)的燈具可以組合在一起,并可以創(chuàng)建和保存照明場(chǎng)景。


              對(duì)于教堂門廳的照明開關(guān),我們也找到了一種便捷的解決方案,游客可以使用該開關(guān)來(lái)激活“游覽”照明場(chǎng)景。在這里,我們將銳高的DALI-RM / S執(zhí)行器(其中,DALI信號(hào)用于控制繼電器觸點(diǎn))與basicDIM無(wú)線模組相連接。每當(dāng)教堂里的照明場(chǎng)景處于激活狀態(tài)時(shí),游客按鈕就會(huì)從網(wǎng)絡(luò)中斷開,無(wú)法傳遞傳入的切換命令。

              In the Temple de Lutry stringent requirements had to be met for connecting the numerous LED light points to a lighting control system: “In view of the 1000-year-old structure of the church, laying power or data cables was absolutely taboo,” says Yannick Le Moigne  lighting design office Senseco. This means that only a wireless solution was an option. Each lighting component has therefore been equipped with a basicDIM Wireless control module  Tridonic, acting as a node in a Bluetooth network with a mesh structure.

              Thanks to the compact Casambi Ready basicDIM Wireless modules, setting up a light management system is very easy. Once connected with the LED drivers of the luminaires to be controlled, they automatically establish a network with up to 127 light points. The modules come with a configurable 1 10 V interface and a DALI interface as well as a switchable relay contact. Optional sensors can be integrated. In the Tridonic 4remote BT app, the networked luminaires can then be grouped together and lighting scenes can be created and saved.

              In the Temple de Lutry there are scenes for services, for musical and literary events in the choir or the nave, and for the popular Bach concerts. One tap of a finger in the app is enough to retrieve the desired configuration. The battery-powered basicDIM Wireless User Interface is also used. This low-profile device in a switch format can store four scenes and fade luminaires up and down.

              An elegant solution was also found for the switch in the foyer of the church, which visitors can use to activate the “tour” lighting scene. Here, a DALI-RM/S actuator  Tridonic in which a DALI signal controls a relay contact was connected with a basicDIM Wireless module. Whenever a lighting scene is active in the church, the visitor button is disconnected  the network and cannot pass on incoming switching commands.



              銳高始終為客戶提供創(chuàng)新和一流的照明解決方案。如今,我們 100% 以上的研發(fā)項(xiàng)目與 LED 和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)照明技術(shù)的開發(fā)有關(guān)。基于我們?cè)诮K端照明應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的深厚專業(yè)技術(shù)和知識(shí)(比如,展示與零售、辦公與教育、戶外和工業(yè)),領(lǐng)導(dǎo)燈具制造商、建筑師、電氣和照明設(shè)計(jì)師、電器安裝工和批發(fā)商依賴銳高滿足室內(nèi)外的照明需求。


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