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              2020/4/3 11:43:43 作者: 來源:深圳市思奧特光電科技有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  激光投射器-DREAM

              Laser projector -DREAM

              申報(bào)單位:  深圳市思奧特光電科技有限公司


              在追求夢想的路上沒有止境,全新一代DREAM Mk3系列全新精密緊湊機(jī)身設(shè)計(jì),獨(dú)立三層分離機(jī)體,極具現(xiàn)代感而又個(gè)性十足,專業(yè)級振鏡,機(jī)械式激光安全閘刀,以行動,追尋夢想。

              Dream can be limitless. The new generation of Dream MK3 series, adopts new precise compact design. Three-layer of isolated structure gives us the unique sense of fashion. Concentric-circle design for the lens can soften the tough appearance of the device. Dream are fantastic, so let’s pursue our dreams with actions.


              如下圖   The following figure



              SD card can store and play a large number of programs.


              We acquire high technology and adopt intelligent chip ARM project with outlaying SD card which has high memory capacity, fast data transfer rate,great moving flexibility and excellent safety, meeting your endless imagination. 


              DMX interface for recall the built in shows and customized texts saved

              通過USITT DMX512協(xié)議直接調(diào)用SD卡節(jié)目庫。

              SD card program library is directly invoked through the USITT DMX512 protocol.


              Powered by Pangolin FB4


              The built-in Pangolin FB4 control system can control the laser effect at a longer distance through the connection of the network cable, and more conveniently regulate the overall effect of outdoor laser engineering.


              Perfect Color Mixing


              Using all LD lasers, high brightness, small divergence angel, good coherence, strong stability, delivering brighter laser beams.


              Security protection


              When the image outputs less than +/-1.5°, it can turn off the laser light path to make sure not appear laser light spot. With 1T high velocity intelligent chip,through complex arithmetic comparison, it can judge the security of laser beam. When the mage outputs less than +/-1.5° , it can turn off the laser signal, double protection,double security.


              Isolated three-layer design


              Totally new design of precise compact design, independent three layers design, perfectly separating laser light path, circuit control and heat radiation. Laser light mixing layer, silica gel sealing, dust-proof, water-proof, oil-proof.


              Three dimensional adjusting bracket 


              Precise three-dimensional adjusting bracket guarantees the quality of laser spot.


              Large heat radiator

              300cm2 超大散熱面積,確保激光器的熱能交換。百頁窗式進(jìn)出風(fēng)口后,內(nèi)置2對3路高轉(zhuǎn)速散熱風(fēng)扇,一吸一出,最有效的將交換熱能帶走。

              300cm2 for heat radiation to make sure the heat interchange in laser.  Window-shades for ventilating, two sets of high speed heat radiation fan, one for inhaling, one for exhaling, taking away the interchanging heat.


              Professional outdoor rainproof incubator (optional)


              Temperature and huity sensor inside, the best working temperature is 22-23°inside of diode-pumped solid-state laser. When sensor detects temperature lower than 18°, the fan will stop work, heater strip will work till the temperature up to 20°; when temperature higher than 20°huity more than 70%, fan will work.(the parameter can be set manually)


              實(shí)用型專利:ZL 2010 2 0508229.3

              Practical patent: ZL 2010 2 0508229.3


              思奧特集團(tuán)旗下CR-LASER品牌,創(chuàng)始于2003年,為集團(tuán)的始創(chuàng)品牌,前身為正大方圓,是中國最早經(jīng)營激光演示系統(tǒng)的公司之一。專業(yè)從事激光表演系統(tǒng),智能化演藝燈光產(chǎn)品的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售、工程項(xiàng)目為一體的綜合性現(xiàn)代化企業(yè)。CR-LASER一直以To be Marvelous(創(chuàng)造無限精彩)為品牌口號,以引導(dǎo)激光發(fā)展潮流為追求,為各種表演場合帶來震撼的視覺效果為目的,這些觀念已促使CR-LASER 成為國內(nèi)外領(lǐng)先的專業(yè)激光研發(fā)生產(chǎn)和舞臺效果方案解決的提供商。

              The CR-LASER brand of Siot Group, founded in 2003, is the groups original brand, formerly known as Zhengda Fangyuan, and is one of the earliest companies operating laser demonstration systems in China.  Specializing in laser performance systems, intelligent performance lighting products research and development, production, sales, engineering projects as one of the comprehensive modern enterprises.  CR-LASER has always taken "To be Marvelous" as its brand slogan, followed by guiding the trend of laser development and bringing shocking visual effects to various performance occasions. These concepts have prompted CR-LASER to become a leading provider of professional laser research and development and stage effect solutions at home and abroad.


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