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              2020/3/26 15:41:21 作者: 來源:常州錦燦照明科技有限公司

              項目名稱:  LED路燈模塊-玉蘭燈系列

              LED street lamp module-yulan lamp series

              申報單位:  常州錦燦照明科技有限公司


              LED模組簡易安裝,設計應用簡單,支持個性化定制 LED module is easy to install, simple in design and application, and supports personalized customization.


              如下圖The following figure





              公司通過ISO9001質(zhì)量認證、CCC、CE、ROHS、CQC認證,公司擁有一批經(jīng)驗豐富,技術過硬的結(jié)構(gòu)、光學研發(fā)團隊,先后申報多項國家專利,擁有先進的檢測中心,積分球,分布光度計,防水,防塵設備,高低溫試驗箱,鹽霧試驗箱等實驗設備. 經(jīng)過多年的技術積累,我們解決了光源衰減,熱量集中,溫差凝露,LED串并損傷,低防水防塵等級等重大技術難題,

              公司與國際知名品牌PHILIPS OSRAM,CREE,REFOND, MWELL,INVENTRONICS合作,采用先進的光源,電源器件,自主研發(fā)的產(chǎn)品包括國標LED路燈照明模塊,LED路燈,太陽能路燈,庭院燈,高桿泛光燈,廣告牌專業(yè)投光燈等,我們產(chǎn)品具有安全、高效、節(jié)能、環(huán)保、穩(wěn)定等優(yōu)點,廣泛應用于道路、公園、港口、橋梁、工業(yè)廠區(qū)、礦廠、校園、運動場、酒店照明等。產(chǎn)品自上市以來,暢銷于國內(nèi)幾十個省市自治區(qū),以及東南亞、西歐等國外地區(qū),深受海內(nèi)外商家和用戶的贊譽。


              Changzhou Jincan Lighting Technology Co. Ltd., located in Changzhou, Jiangsu, the base of LED industry in China, always follows the principles of “Exploring and Innovation, and Customer First” and the business concepts of “Professional, Focusing, Honest and Sincere”, and has developed into a modern lighting company integrating R&D, design, manufacture, sales and engineering services in China, and the preferred supplier of lighting, providing lighting and brightening solutions for many cities. As an ISO9001, CCC, CE, ROHS and CQC certified company, we have established the structural and optical R&D teams with experienced high level technical staff, equipped with the advanced testing center, and the integrating sphere, distribution photometer, waterproof and dustproof equipment, high/low temperature test chamber, salt spray test chamber and other test equipment. With years of technical development, we have submitted several national patent applications, and solved many important technical problems as light attenuation, heat concentration, dewing  temperature difference, LED damage in serial/parallel arrangement, low waterproof and dustproof level, etc. Cooperating with world famous brands as PHILIPS OSRAM, CREE, REFOND, MWELL and INVENTRONICS, and adopting the cutting edge light source and light devices, we have independently developed LED road lighting module (GB), LED road lamp, solar energy road lamp, garden lamp, high pole flood lamp, billboard flood lamp and other products, featuring safety, high efficiency, energy saving, environment protection, high stability, etc., widely used in roads, parks, ports, bridges, factory areas, mines, campuses, sports grounds, hotels, etc. The products have been sold to tens of provinces, central municipalities and autonomous regions in China, Southeast Asia, West Europe and other ries, receiving the high applause of domestic and foreign customers. Based on the principles of “Exploring and Innovation, and Customer First”, the business concepts of “Professional, Focusing, Honest and Sincere”, and the quality guidelines of “Quality Based and Honesty First”, we will continue to build “Jincan” Brand, improve the corporate image and provide customers with excellent products and services.



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