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              2020/3/23 13:21:09 作者: 來(lái)源:長(zhǎng)春希達(dá)電子技術(shù)有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱(chēng): 一體化固定式燈具-CD-DL200

              Integrated Fixed Lamp-CD-DL200

              申報(bào)單位:  長(zhǎng)春希達(dá)電子技術(shù)有限公司



              The product is developed and designed based on the leading domestic "New technology for LED large space lighting applications". It adopts the self-developed "core" heat dissipation and convection channel technology route to break through the problem of guidance and heat dissipation of high power density COB light sources. The combination of high thermal conductivity “core” and low-density heat dissipation wall is adopted to realize rapid heat dissipation, small size and light weight. This product adopts a modular design. The basic type is surface-mounted downlights. It can be expanded into industrial and mining lights and embedded downlights by configuring various functional modules to meet the needs of different application places. The optical glass lens with high temperature resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance and high light transmittance is used, and the product protection grade is IP66, which meets the requirements of the outdoor environment and has high reliability. According to the use site and user needs, intelligent components can be freely ed to meet the needs of smart factories, digital transportation and urban construction. The products have been mass-produced and successfully applied to large space lighting places such as waiting rooms, platforms, and automobile factories of high-speed railway stations, which have broad market prospects. The product and technology have excellent performance, high reliability, independent intellectual property rights, and the research results have reached the leading domestic level.






              Through independent innovation of lamp body die-casting and "core" technology integration, the industrys first integrated fixed lamp solves the high-density COB light source heat conduction and heat dissipation technology bottleneck. Compared with similar products at home and abroad, it achieves "small size, light weight, high reliability, high power density, and large wattage". Through the optical glass lens light distribution design, compared with similar products of optical plastic accessories, to achieve "high temperature resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, higher IP protection". Through the modular design of the structure and functional accessories, compared with similar products, it achieves "wide application fields and strong installation compatibility".




              1. 領(lǐng)先散熱技術(shù)


              2. 專(zhuān)業(yè)配光設(shè)計(jì)


              3. 個(gè)性化選配設(shè)計(jì)


              1. Advanced Cooling Technology

              The self-developed core heat dissipation and convection channel technology is adopted to break through the heat conduction and heat dissipation problems of high-power density COB light sources. The combination of high thermal conductivity core and low-density heat dissipation wall is used to achieve rapid heat dissipation, small size and light weight.

              2. Professional Light Distribution Design

              The lens is an optical glass lens with high temperature resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance and high light transmittance. The anti-glare design of structure and the optical lens realize a more comfortable space lighting performance.

              3. Personalized Optional Design

              The product adopts a modular design, the basic type is surface-mounted downlights, and it can be expanded into high bay lights and embedded downlights by configuring various functional modules to meet different applications.





              The lamp has a reserved dimming interface, which can be equipped with intelligent wireless or wired control systems. It can be centrally controlled and intelligently dimmed to achieve on-demand lighting, fault detection and positioning, and lighting statistical analysis. Customers can freely choose intelligent components according to the use site and user needs to meet the needs of smart factories, digital transportation and cities.







              希達(dá)電子以技術(shù)為優(yōu)勢(shì),市場(chǎng)為導(dǎo)向,不斷推出新技術(shù)、新產(chǎn)品,以創(chuàng)新能力和完全自主制造的產(chǎn)業(yè)優(yōu)勢(shì),在行業(yè)內(nèi)享有較高聲譽(yù)。獲得了“國(guó)家火炬計(jì)劃重點(diǎn)高新技術(shù)企業(yè)”、“吉林省名牌產(chǎn)品”、“省級(jí)光電子信息產(chǎn)業(yè)出口基地” “省級(jí)企業(yè)技術(shù)中心”等資質(zhì)榮譽(yù)。




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