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              瑞邦 雙重防水LED洗墻燈——2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)產(chǎn)品

              2020/3/20 11:21:36 作者: 來(lái)源:廣東瑞邦照明科技有限公司
              摘要:瑞邦 雙重防水LED洗墻燈,為廣東瑞邦照明科技有限公司2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)產(chǎn)品。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  瑞邦 雙重防水LED洗墻燈

              Double waterproof LED wall washing lamp

              申報(bào)單位:  廣東瑞邦照明科技有限公司



              Outdoor lighting fixtures need to withstand the test of snow, scorching sun, storms and lightning for a long time, and the cost is high, and because it is difficult to disassemble on the external wall, it must meet the requirements of long-term stable work. LEDs are delicate semiconductor components. If they are wet, the chip will absorb moisture and damage LEDs, PCBs and other components. The waterproof problem of LED outdoor lamps is closely related to its life. Structural waterproofing and material waterproofing have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to achieve high reliability with a single waterproof design, and the potential hidden danger of water leakage still exists. Therefore, in the actual design and production, the advantages of structural waterproofing and material waterproofing technology should be flexibly combined, so as to avoid disadvantages, so as to ensure the long-term stable operation of outdoor lamps. The LED wall washer developed by our company combines the glue-filled waterproofing + structural waterproofing, which greatly improves the service life of the LED wall washer.


              LED顏色 Color Temperature:?jiǎn)紊玈ingle color

              額定功率 Rated power:18W / 24 W/27W

              光源數(shù)量 Led quantity:18/24/27

              光源規(guī)格 Led light source:3030/CREE

              額定電壓 Input voltage:24V

              保護(hù)等級(jí) IEC 安全等級(jí):III Safety Level III

              可配遮光板Anti-glare baffle optional :是 YES

              透鏡角度 Lens Angle: 30°/ 45°/ 10*40°/ 10*60°等

              透鏡類型 Optical lens :PC/蜂窩防眩光Honeycomb anti

              光源平均壽命 Average Lifespan:50000小時(shí)

              控制方式 Control Method:常亮normally on

              額定電流 Rated current: 0.75A- 1.125A

              最大串接數(shù)量1 way max long distance :6支pixels

              接頭類型 Connector type : M16

              初始光通量 Initial Liminous Flux 2247.95 lm

              顯色指數(shù) CRI:80

              光    效 Luminous efficiency:95.74lm/W

              外觀色澤 Appearance Color:砂銀grey

              工作濕度 Working huity:0%~95%

              工作溫度 Working Temperature: -30℃~55℃

              IP 等 級(jí) IP rating:IP66

              防護(hù)類型 Protection type:灌膠防水Glue +結(jié)構(gòu)防水structure

              重量 Weight : 1.4kg/m

              燈體材質(zhì) Material of Fixture:6063拉伸鋁材streched alluminum

              面罩材質(zhì) Cover material:絲印網(wǎng)孔鋼化玻璃 Tempered glass

              長(zhǎng)度 Length:1003mm

              寬度 Width:42mm

              高度 Height:27mm



              At present, most of the LED wall washer lights on the market are designed with a single waterproof design. Our company combined the advantages of structural waterproofing and glue waterproof technology to develop this dual waterproof LED wall washer, which greatly improves the service life of LED wall washer. .



              Outdoor lighting fixtures need to withstand the test of snow, scorching sun, storms and lightning for a long time, and the cost is high, and because it is difficult to disassemble on the external wall, it must meet the requirements of long-term stable work. Stable and reliable, long life LED wall washer is bound to be a development trend.



              This LED wall washer combines the advantages of structural waterproofing and glue-filling waterproof technology to enhance strengths and avoid weaknesses, which greatly increases the service life of LED wall washer. Coupled with the blank holder technology developed by our company, the waterproof performance of the structure of the lamp is more reliable. And can be customized to add honeycomb cover according to customer needs, thereby reducing glare.



              This double waterproof LED wall washing lamp is used in Wuzhou Public Security Bureau project, and there is no broken lamp up to now. The light effect is also unanimously recognized by the customer and Party A.




              This product has won the high-tech product award, as well as appearance patents and utility model patents.




              Guangdong Ruibond Lighting Technology Co., Ltd, founded in 2010, has been specialized in producing led outdoor landscape light for many years. 

              Ruibond lighting is an integrated enterprise of R&D, production and sales in LED linear light, LED wall washer, LED point light source etc. We are a member of CIES.

              RUIBOND is a registered brand in China, we have 15 Chinese branches to provide customers with a comprehensive pre-sales -sales and after-sale service. Moreover, we have industry-standard testing equipment, and obtained various corporate qualification certificates such as CE, ROHS, CCC, ISO9001, patents. RUIBOND Lighting enjoy following good reputations:  Chinese famous brand, Chinese top ten lighting industry brand, green-energy products, 3A level corporate credit enterprise, 3A level Contract and trustworthy enterprise etc.



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