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              Yeecat 高清臺燈 ——2020神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品

              2020/3/4 13:37:17 作者: 來源:廣東中晶激光照明技術(shù)有限公司
              摘要:Yeecat 高清臺燈 ,為廣東中晶激光照明技術(shù)有限公司2020神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品。

              項目名稱:  Yeecat 高清臺燈

              Yeecat High Definition Desk Lamp

              申報單位:  廣東中晶激光照明技術(shù)有限公司



              At present, more than 5 billion people in the world are polluted by glare, and more than 3 billion people are short-sighted; the myopia rate of adolescents in China is 53.6%, ranking first in the world;traditional light sources have poor light quality and severe glare, which can cause dry eyes and fatigue. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. For these reasons, our company introduced Yeecat high definition desk lamps, using original CPP high-definition light source technology, to break through the problems of traditional light sources with severe glare and poor texture, improve the clarity of light, effectively suppress electronic screen glare, and create higher quality light.



              輸入電壓:100-240V  50/60HZ  DC12V 1A



              Power: 8W

              Input Voltage: 100-240V  50/60HZ  DC12V 1A

              Color rendering index: Ra>90

              CCT: 3000K/4000K






              1. Yeecat high definition desk lamp adopts CPP high-definition light source patented technology, which breaks through the problem of serious glare and poor texture of traditional light sources;

              2. High definition desk lamps use laser-grade optical materials, which can smooth stray light, focus the light, and improve the clarity of the light, so the human eye can easily recognize the outline of the object; the LED desk lamps on the market use a process of phosphor and glue Different phosphors have different refractive indices and reflectances, making the light stray. The human eye needs to continuously adjust under this light environment, which is equivalent to people running constantly, which easily causes dry eyes and fatigue;

              3.Due to the acteristics of the new material, high-density light can suppress the glare of the electronic screen. In addition, the growth temperature of the crystal is 2100 degrees Celsius, so the high definition desk lamp light source is resistant to high temperatures, and has a long service life with energy-saving and environmentally friendly. However, with the increase of the use time and the temperature of the fluorescent powder in ordinary desk lamps, the fluorescent powder gradually fails, resulting in color fade and weak ;

              4.High definition desk lamp can truly restore the color and texture of objects, and are no different  what you see in natural light; while desk lamps on the market  generally use high display indicators as a selling point. They can only restore the color of objects, but cannot restore texture of the objects, causing distortion.




              The high definition desk lamp adopts a unique packaging method, which will cause a new revolution in light quality. It will completely jump out of the Red Sea competition in the traditional LED market. Under the background of the aggravation of myopia in our ry and even the world, our company carries out market introduction through the school, hospital and home and combines the technical barriers of the light source, so that it can truly serve human health with the technology and products.

              The development of LED has made great achievements in energy saving and art. However, with the development of the economy and the uncertainty of the environment, human beings have higher requirements for the quality of life and health. The production of high-definition desk lamps is not a competition for the market with traditional lamps, but to redefine a new market. There are at least hundreds of billions of market space waiting to be evoked and developed every year.








              1. Using CPP high definition light source technology to improve the clarity of light and suppress the glare of electronic screens;

              2. Realistic reproduction of colors, textures and textures of objects;

              3.Double color temperature design;

              4. No blue light hazard;

              5. No strobe;

              6.Double 180 degree adjustment




              Case 1: Miss Wan, a junior dle school student in Nanchang Development Zone

              In April 2017, as long as Wan wrote her homework for a while, her eyes were very uncomfortable and she became irritable. Her father changed her table lamps 4 times in succession, which are international brands. But they were not changed the situation. In May 2018, her dad took her to Hong Kong for vision correction, costing about 10,000 yuan, and brought a few bottles of eye drops . After returning, the good times only lasted for one week, and she needed to use eye drops everyday. In July 2019, our partner in Nanchang provided her with a  high definition desk lamp for her trial. She no longer had bulging eyes that night. So far, she has never used a drop of eye drops.



              Case 2: A myopia prevention and control expert in Hubei Province

              In August 2019, our manager Zhang took a high definition desk lamp to the myopia prevention and control center for a demonstration. At the beginning, no one was willing to come. Under the persuasion of  manager Zhang, an old expert came to take a look out of politeness. As a result, the old expert suddenly saw the doorway, and he immediately called to all colleagues. After the presentation, the old expert told Manager Zhang very excitedly: "This is the light I have been looking for. Some people have sent other lamps before, but these lamps were really disappointment to us. So no one wants to watch it, Im so sorry!"

              案例三:珠海某軟件集團前CTO 陳某某


              Case 3: Mr Chen , former CTO of a software group in Zhuhai

              As a result of writing code at night for a long time, Mr Chen’s eyesight was severely reduced and he was extremely sensitive to light with high eye-pressure. He spoke frankly that he had found most of eye doctors in Zhuhai .But the treatment didn’t work for long time. Therefore, he thought it was an incurable disease. Later, after seeing the information of Mr Xia(founder of Cercrys) in the Wechat Moments, he ordered a high definition desk lamp for experience. The next day he sent a thank-you message to Mr Xia, and ordered a few more, saying that every room would use the high-definition desk lamp.


              1、實用新型專利:一種護眼臺燈     專利號;ZL 2017 2 1854880.4

              2、實用新型專利:一種高清光源     專利號:ZL 2018 2 1638450.3

              3、實用新型專利:一種高清、高顯色指數(shù)的光源及使用該光源的燈具     專利號:ZL 2017 2 1853746.2

              4、實用新型專利:一種消除短波藍光的LED封裝結(jié)構(gòu)    專利號:ZL 2018 2 1638449.0

              5、實用新型專利:高清燈頭     專利號:ZL 2017 2 1853523.6

              6、實用新型專利:高清光源及帶有該高清光源的燈具     專利號:ZL 2018 2 1513718

              7、外觀設(shè)計專利:燈具(1)  專利號:ZL 2018 3 0516210.5

              8、外觀設(shè)計專利:臺燈(高清護眼臺燈)    專利號:ZL 2018 3 0688944.1

              9、高清臺燈質(zhì)檢報告     報告編號:HTT181130002ZR




              Guangdong Cercrys Laser Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd. is a lighting enterprise specializing in the development of new light sources and the development of special lamps, which is a national high-tech enterprise. It has pioneered CPP(Crystal Phophors Package) and L2C white light package technology and has applied for nearly 100patents.



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