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              可串聯(lián)一體式驅(qū)動(dòng)電源 ——2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)

              2020/2/21 16:52:07 作者: 來(lái)源:深圳市安規(guī)科技有限公司
              摘要:可串聯(lián)一體式驅(qū)動(dòng)電源 ,為深圳市安規(guī)科技有限公司2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)。


              項(xiàng)目名稱:  可串聯(lián)一體式驅(qū)動(dòng)電源

              Loop In & Loop Out Integrated Driver

              申報(bào)單位:  深圳市安規(guī)科技有限公司






              Origin of the product: in the traditional process to wiring the luminaries, when electricians connect the led drivers to the luminaries, they first have to split up the main line into many single lines to connect the led drivers. Then it wastes too much time and material. Aiming at this problem, we innovatively developed a new product ---series connection type integrated led drivers ,it is fast to connect one driver on AC input end to next driver on AC input end through series connection, saving many procedures of wiring, then reducing many costs of materials and increasing the work efficiency.

              Product advantage 1:realizing a fast series connection between led drivers and to fix the cables through pressing type connection terminal and the specific clips. no need to use screws and tapes any more, it is very fast solution to connect the led drivers with a chain of luminaries.

              Product advantage 2:power adjustable, CCT tunable, no flicker, CC type

              Product advantage 3:no need to use the junction boxes as traditional wiring. Humanization design, the appearance design is more beautiful.  


              1. 輸入電壓:200-240V

              2 .輸入端子:16A/450V/2.5MM2                            

              3. 功率因數(shù):0.95

              4. 內(nèi)置功率因數(shù)校正電路

              5. THD:<15%                                              

              6. 保護(hù):短路保護(hù),過(guò)流保護(hù),過(guò)壓保護(hù),過(guò)溫保護(hù)

              7. 自然冷卻,全密封塑膠外殼                                              

              8. 無(wú)頻閃,低 THD

              9. 標(biāo)配:UL2464 22AWG  DC線(VDE認(rèn)證) DC JACK: 5.5*2.1*7.0                          

              10. 撥碼調(diào)功率和定電流可選

              11. 證書(shū):ENEC/CB/RCM/CE/3C/SAA                                    

              12. 雙擊普通開(kāi)關(guān)實(shí)現(xiàn)兩路輸出電流的大小變化

              13. 雷擊標(biāo)準(zhǔn):1KV                                    

              14. 耐壓:3750VAC

              15. 工作溫度:-20-45 ℃                        

              16. 儲(chǔ)存溫度:-30-80 ℃ 

              EMC/EMI: EN55015 EN61547 EN61000-3-3 EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11 GB17743 GB17625

              安規(guī)標(biāo)準(zhǔn):EN61347-1/2-13   EN62384  EN62386-101 102 107 GB17625



              1. Input voltage range:200-240V

              2. Input terminal:16A/450V/2.5MM2                                                          

              3. Power factor:0.95

              4. With build-in PF corrector

              5. THD:<15%                                                                                              

              6. Protection: With SCP/OCP/OVP/OTP

              7. Natrual cooling, sealed plastic                                                            

              8. No-flicker , low THD

              9. Regular accessories:UL2464 22AWG  DC JACK: 5.5*2.1*7.0          

              10. Current adjustment function and fixed current function for your choice

              11. Certification:ENEC/CB/RCM/CE/3C/SAA                                      

              12.  Double click on common switch to change two channel output current

              13. Surge level:1KV

              14. Withstanding voltage:3750VAC

              15. Working temperature:-20-45  ℃    

              16. Storage temperature:-30-80  ℃    

              EMC/EMI: EN55015 EN61547 EN61000-3-3 EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11 GB17743 Gb17625
              Safety standards:EN61347-1/2-13   EN62384  EN62386-101 102 107  GB17625

              Evironment protection certificate:ROHS

              Life time:50000hrs





              1:通過(guò)電源上的按壓式接線端子和專用夾扣來(lái)實(shí)現(xiàn)連接線的快速固定以及多個(gè)電源之間的快速串聯(lián),全程不用螺絲和膠布,實(shí)現(xiàn)電源與  燈具的快速安裝。



              1: Realizing a fast series connection between led drivers and to fix the cables through pressing type connection terminal   and  the specific clips. no need to use screws and tapes any more, it is very fast solution to connect the led drivers with a  chain of luminaries.

              2: Power adjustable, CCT tunable, no flicker, CC type

              3: No need to use the junction boxes as traditional wiring. Humanization design, the appearance design is more beautiful.  



              本公司產(chǎn)品自上市以來(lái)已大批量應(yīng)用于“NVC雷士照明 ",“索恩照明(歐洲) "等其他著名照明品牌,并且在歐洲開(kāi)始熱銷(xiāo),詳情可向我司咨詢。




              深圳市安規(guī)科技有限公司是一家專業(yè)從事LED電源、定制電源、磁性元件研發(fā),生產(chǎn),銷(xiāo)售的高新科技企業(yè)。公司坐落于深圳市龍崗區(qū)同樂(lè),經(jīng)過(guò)10年來(lái)的發(fā)展,已形成了日光燈電源,面板燈電源,筒燈電源, 線型三防燈電源四大系列產(chǎn)品。電源產(chǎn)品年生產(chǎn)能力達(dá)1000萬(wàn)臺(tái),其中約80%的產(chǎn)品出口到世界各地幾十個(gè)國(guó)家和地區(qū),包括美國(guó),德國(guó),英國(guó),俄羅斯,西班牙,日本等;產(chǎn)品通過(guò)UL、GS、VDE、TUV、3C、FCC、CE等認(rèn)證。

                 Shenzhen Angui Technology Co., Ltd. (AGT for short) is a professinal high technology enterprise which engaged in R&D and production of LED drivers for commercial lighting. With the development of ten years, we have formed three big series of products such as linear lighting drivers, panel lighting drivers and tube lighting drivers. Our Annual production capacity is 10 million units, 80% of these  products are exported to the ries and regions all over the world, including America, Germany,Russia, Britain, Spain, Japan etc. The products have passed UL、GS、VDE、TUV、3C、FCC、CE, etc.  AGT takes the quality, efficiency, innovation, service as our business philosophy, provides high performance, reliable product as a fundamental, continuous innovationas the backing, fast and efficient way to serve the customers. With Concentration only on you as the purpose of enterprise, use professional technology, focused attitude and dedicated spirit, we provide world class LED green products as our own highest pursue.



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