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              2020/1/18 13:40:05 作者: 來(lái)源:惠州市安規(guī)電子有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  智能高壓可控硅調(diào)光控制器

              Smart Triac dimming controller 230V

              申報(bào)單位:  惠州市安規(guī)電子有限公司


              230V Smart LED Triac dimmable controller can be equipped with WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and RF, working at primary side of the driver and can be dimmable if the driver is Triac dimmable driver.
              Support three AI voice speakers: Amazon Echo, Google Home, Tmall Genie.





              INPUT:Nominal voltage 220V  Stand-by power<0.5W Protection class II

              OUTPUT:Nominal voltage range 220-240V MaximumWatt. 100W.

              ENVIRONMENT:Ambient temperaturerange ta -20 …+60°C Maximumcase temperature tc 50 °C Storage temperaturerange -25 …+85 °C Relative huity 5 ...85 % Not condensing Environmental rating Indoor IPrating IP20 Mainsswitchingcycles >100’000

              輸入:額定電壓220-240V 待機(jī)功率<0.5W 安全等級(jí)ClassII

              輸出:額定電壓范圍220-240V 最大功率:100W

              環(huán)境:環(huán)境溫度范圍ta -20…+60℃ 最高溫度tc 50℃ 儲(chǔ)存溫度范圍ta -25…+85℃ 相對(duì)濕度 5%-85% IP20 開(kāi)關(guān)次數(shù)>100000


              Available with Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiFi and RF, Long lasting and high reliability,

              Extra small compact housing,

              Suitable for use with all indoor 220-240V LED applications

              Support three AI voice speakers:Amazon Echo, Google Home, Tmall Genie.



              適用于所有室內(nèi)220-240V LED應(yīng)用



              Huizhou Anway Electrical Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005. We are specialized in developing and producing LED drivers. Our factory covers about 10000 square meters area with around 200 employees. We have effective equipments for aging and reliability testing, with latest technology and stable quality, all of our led drivers will be tested for 12hours aging test before shipping, we have got certificate ENEC, GS, CE, EMC and EMC mark etc, which approved by SGS or NEMKO, all products have been passed latest ERP directives,and also with short-circuit protection, overload protection, overheat protection etc, it can protect the driver itself and the LED lights effectively. During the past ten years, Anway keeps good and long term cooperation with customers in Europe and China, we focus on providing LED driver with high quality, long lifespan, and reasonable price, in order to keep our products competitive in the market.

              Based on our advanced and strong R & D ability and reliable quality, we have gained many lighting companies in Europe and China, Such as Osram, Paulmann, Paul Neuhaus, Eglo, etc.

              For intelligent/smart control, we have provided customized LED drivers with build-in Zigbee, Wifi and Bluetooth technology, as well as independent Zigbee,Wifi and Bluetooth control modules, touch dimming, colour temperature (CCT) changing, RGBW control modules, motion, detection, photocell sensor, magnetic sensor, remote control etc. We work closely with German engineers in this field, we got good experience in technology, we are able to  provide customer a complete intelligent  control solution or customized solution .

              For servicing our customers or end users in Europe more efficient, we have set up a service center and warehouse in Cologne, Germany.

              惠州市安規(guī)電子有限公司于2005年3月成立,是一家專業(yè)從事研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售LED驅(qū)動(dòng)器的生產(chǎn)型企業(yè),公司占地面積約10000平方米。產(chǎn)品技術(shù)先進(jìn),性能穩(wěn)定,擁有成套性能測(cè)試系統(tǒng)及老化設(shè)備。所有產(chǎn)品100%經(jīng)過(guò)12小時(shí)電腦監(jiān)控老化性能測(cè)試,全部產(chǎn)品通過(guò)SGS、NEMKO權(quán)威機(jī)構(gòu)承認(rèn)的ENEC,GS,CB,CE及EMC MARK等認(rèn)證,產(chǎn)品全部符合歐盟ERP最新指令要求,具有短路保護(hù)、過(guò)載、過(guò)熱保護(hù)功能,有效保護(hù)產(chǎn)品本身及LED燈具的安全。




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