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              HLC610/HLC734 1-10V調(diào)光控制器——2020神燈獎申報技術(shù)

              2020/1/3 10:13:24 作者: 來源:深圳市和瑪科技有限公司
              摘要:HLC610/HLC734 1-10V調(diào)光控制器,為深圳市和瑪科技有限公司2020神燈獎申報技術(shù)。

              項目名稱:  HLC610/HLC734 1-10V調(diào)光控制器

              HLC610/HLC734  1-10V Wireless Dimmable Controller

              申報單位:  深圳市和瑪科技有限公司


              1、內(nèi)置zigbee 無線收發(fā)模塊。Built-in zigbee wireless transceiver module.

              2、基于ZIGBEE3.0標準協(xié)議開發(fā)。Based on the ZigBee3.0 standard protocol development.

              3、內(nèi)置電量統(tǒng)計和故障報警功能。Power consumption and error reporting function.

              4、內(nèi)嵌繼電器,完全切斷電源,最大承受5A電流。Embedded relay, fully cut off power supply, maximum withstand current 5A.

              5、多種控制方式:配合我司系統(tǒng)可進行手機APP 、調(diào)光面板、遙控開關(guān)控制,并且支持與光感傳感器、移動傳感器等。Various control modes: cooperate with our system for mobile phone APP, light control panel, remote control switch control, and support with light sensor, mobile sensor, etc.

              6、防水等級IP65。適用于干燥、潮濕環(huán)境。Water-proof grade IP65. Suitable for dry, moist environment.

              7、針對UFO燈具,可免去電源盒安裝,減少安裝成本。For UFO lamps, with waterproof Zigbee controller/driver, no need power box installation, Reduce installation cost.

              8、支持空中升級功能,降低維護成本。Support for over-the-air upgrade,reduce maintenance cost.


              輸入電壓:AC 100-277V        Input Power:AC 100-277V

              輸出電壓:AC 100-277V   1-10V           Input Voltage:AC 100-277V   1-10V

              1-10V輸出最大電流:15MA           1-10V Max Current:15MA

              繼電器最大切換電流:5A           Relay Max Current:5A

              待機RF值:0.33(MAX Load)        Standby PF Value:0.33(MAX Load)

              待機功率:1.7W          Standby Power:1.7W

              控制距離:20-30m         Control Distance:20-30m

              工作溫度:-40℃ to 85℃        Operation Temperature:-40℃ to 85℃


              ZigBee、WiFi和藍牙Mesh比較:Comparison for Zigbee, WiFi, Bluetooth Mesh Technology


              ZigBee has frequency hopping technology to avoid co-channel interference. When one channel frequency is interfered, it will automatically hop to other channels that works.


              Both zigbee and Bluetooth Mesh have mesh network function. Each node in the mesh network has relay function, which can extend the signal infinitely (in theory). Max 65534 nodes in one Zigbee meth network. But zigbee is a mesh (hardware mesh) implemented in protocol layer, and Bluetooth Mesh is a Bluetooth (software mesh) implemented in application layer. Max 32676 nodes in one bluetooth mesh network.  WiFi is mesh network function.

                Connecting speed for Zigbee mesh network after power-on is faster. Bluetooth protocol stack is more complicated, so connecting speed for Bluetooth mesh will be longer.

              4、zigbee傳輸速度最快,工作功耗與Mesh藍牙相差不大,但對于大型mesh 網(wǎng)絡(luò), 藍牙m(xù)esh功耗會比Zigbee mesh 更高。WiFi因要傳輸大數(shù)據(jù)量,因此功耗是zigbee和藍牙m(xù)esh的10倍左右。

              Zigbee has fastest transmission speed, and its working power consumption is similar with Bluetooth Meshs. But for large mesh networks, Bluetooth meshs power consumption is higher than Zigbee meshs. As WiFi need transmit large data, its power consumption is 10 times more than zigbee or Bluetooth mesh power consumption.


              ZigBee network uses router technology to pass signal. Signal hop  node to node until they reach their final destination. Bluetooth Mesh network uses ‘managing network brodcasting’ technology, where each device on the network sends signal to all other nodes. Although a mesh network using brodcasting technology can be more easily and flexibly applicated to simple and small applications, it also brings longer latency and higher power consumption to large networks.

              ZigBee和Dali的對比:Comparison for Zigbee, Dali Technology


              ZigBee and Dali are two widely recognized lighting network protocols. Compared with Dali, ZigBee has the advantage of convenient installation and wireless, no extra control wiring.


              免布線,安裝更便捷,節(jié)省人力成本。Wireless, no extra wiring, more convenient installation, saving labor costs.

              配合傳感器工作,降低燈具滿載工作時間,極大的降低能耗,延長燈具使用壽命。Working with sensors to reduce full load working time of lamp, reduce energy consumption and extend  lamp usage life.


              1、基于ZIGBEE3.0標準協(xié)議開發(fā), 智能無線控制。Based on the ZigBee3.0 standard protocol development, smart wireless control.

              2.內(nèi)置電量統(tǒng)計和故障報警功能。Power consumption and failure report function.

              3.多種控制方式:配合我司系統(tǒng)可進行手機APP 、電腦服務(wù)器APP,調(diào)光面板、遙控開關(guān)控制,并且支持光感傳感器、移動傳感器等。Various control modes: cooperate with our system for mobile phone APP, PC server APP, light control panel, remote control, switch control, and support daylight sensor, motion sensor, etc.

              4.針對UFO燈具,可免去電源盒安裝,減少安裝成本。For UFO lamps, with waterproof Zigbee controller/driver, no need power box installation, Reduce installation cost.

              5.支持空中升級功能,降低維護成本。Support for over-the-air upgrade,reduce maintenance cost.


              1、一汽豐田廠房照明改造項目:3000個150W工礦燈ZigBee調(diào)光控制器+ ZigBee網(wǎng)關(guān)+服務(wù)器軟件;通過電腦服務(wù)器控制燈具,每周獲取燈具狀態(tài)和能耗報告。

              FAW TOYOTA Motor Co., LTD – Changchun, China:ZigBee dimming controller for 3000pcs 150W highbays + ZigBee gateway +server app;Control fixtures by PC (server app), get lamp status and energy consumption report weekly.

              2、芬蘭倉庫照明改造項目:200個240W工礦燈ZigBee調(diào)光控制器+ 280個線條燈ZigBee調(diào)光驅(qū)動器+微波傳感器+ ZigBee網(wǎng)關(guān)+手機App ;一個過道上的任何一個微波傳感器檢測到物體移動,過道和公共區(qū)域的高架燈都打開到100%,然后變暗到50%,然后變?yōu)?%。

              DHL warehouse – Finland:ZigBee dimming controller for 200pcs 240W highbays + ZigBee dimming driver for 280 linear lights + motion sensor + ZigBee gateway + phone app any motion sensor  one aisle detects motion, highbays  both the aisleand the public area turn on to 100%, and dimmed to 50% and later 0%.

              3、德國漢莎航空維修機庫照明改造項目:1200個200W工礦燈ZigBee調(diào)光控制器+光感+ ZigBee網(wǎng)關(guān)+手機App;通過光感恒照度控制每個大廳的燈具照明。

              Aircraft maintenance hangar – Frankfurt, Germany:ZigBee dimming controller for 1200pcs 200W highbays + daylight sensor + ZigBee gateway + phone app;Constant illuminance control for highbays in every hall by daylight sensor.

              4、年重慶金康車間照明項目:4000個150W工礦燈/ 60W線性燈 ZigBee調(diào)光控制器+觸控面板+遙控器+光感+ ZigBee網(wǎng)關(guān)+手機App;通過光感恒對不同區(qū)域的工礦燈/條形燈進行恒定照明控制,使用觸控面板/遙控器進行手動控制,也可以通過手機APP查看燈具的照度值和能耗實時數(shù)據(jù)。

              SOKON SF Motors INC workshop – Chongqing, China:ZigBee dimming controller for 4000pcs 150W highbays/ 60W linear lights + touch switch + remote control + daylight sensor + ZigBee gateway + phone app;Constant illuminance control for highbays/ strip lights in different areas by daylight sensor. Use switch/ remote control for manual control when needed. Check real-time data of lux and energy consumption for lights by phone app.


              1、一種大功率LED可調(diào)光系統(tǒng) 實用新型專利

              2、一種智能燈光控制系統(tǒng) 實用新型專利

              3、一種燈光集中控制系統(tǒng) 實用新型專利



              深圳市和瑪科技有限公司(Shenzhen HOMA Technology Co., Ltd.)成立于2011年,專注于智能照明系統(tǒng)及產(chǎn)品的研發(fā)和生產(chǎn),是ZigBee聯(lián)盟成員。

              我們的核心團隊擁有10多年的無線研發(fā)經(jīng)驗,現(xiàn)有高素質(zhì)、高技術(shù)、敬業(yè)求精的研發(fā)設(shè)計團隊和專業(yè)的國內(nèi)外銷售團隊,其中軟硬件研發(fā)和測試人員30多人,WiFi/ ZigBee無線研發(fā)經(jīng)驗豐富,擁有20多項照明領(lǐng)域核心專利,產(chǎn)品認證齊全。


              我們始終堅持“一 -切以用戶需求為中心”的服務(wù)觀念。希望通過專業(yè)水平和不懈努力,為更多的用戶帶來專屬智能照明方案。



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