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              2019/12/17 15:29:18 作者: 來源:杭州中恒派威電源有限公司

              項目名稱:  中恒派威智慧照明控制終端

              Zhonhen Power Intelligent Lighting Control Terminal

              申報單位:  杭州中恒派威電源有限公司



              Intelligent lighting control terminal is a terminal controller specially designed for intelligent street lamp.It is an important hub connecting intelligent street lamp and cloud platform, and an intelligent device with edge computing for outdoor Internet of things,It is generally installed in the inside of intelligent street lamp, and connected with monitoring, LED display, environmental monitoring, broadcasting, emergency call, lighting and other equipment nearby,realize the unified upload of multiple sensor data to the platform through intelligent lighting control terminal, and finally realize the unified management of the platform.At the same time, SSL asymmetric encryption is used in data transmission to achieve the security and confidentiality of data transmission.




              豐富的通訊接口:網口、RS485/232、CAN、HDMI LVDS、USB2.0、line out等,可方便多種設備接入,具有較強的擴展能力。




              Super computing power: ARM9 architecture, can process video stream and picture stream smoothly.

              High security: use SSL asymmetric encryption transmission mode to communicate with the subsystem.

              Rich communication interfaces: network interface, RS485 / 232, CAN, HDMI LVDS, USB2.0, line out, etc., which are convenient for multiple devices to access and have strong expansion ability.

              High stability: vehicle specification level chip, strong anti electromagnetic interference and electrostatic damage ability, to ensure the stability of the system operation.

              High reliability: power supply input anti reverse connection, lightning protection, overcurrent protection and other configurations.

              Working temperature: - 40 ~ 85 ℃, to ensure that it hasa strong environmental adaptability.


              該終端采用主流的物聯網通信協議MQTT(消息隊列遙測傳輸)與服務平臺,滿足實時性要求高的應用場合。MQTT消息內容采用protobuf(谷歌內部的混合語言數據標準)或者JSON協議編碼,性能好、效率高、兼容性好?;谠摻K端應用于照明行業,對于安全性要求比較高,安全加密方式采用SSL (安全傳輸層協議)方式。

              The terminal uses the mainstream Internet of things communication protocol mqtt (message queue telemetry transmission) and service platform to meet the real-time requirements of high applications. Mqtt message content is encoded by protobuf (Googles internal mixed language data standard) or JSON protocol, with good performance, high efficiency and good compatibility. Based on the application of the terminal in the lighting industry, the security requirements are relatively high, and SSL (secure transport layer protocol) is used as the security encryption mode.




              CN201910322517.5 基于物聯網技術的電纜監測裝置及其控制方法

              CN201910299634.4 一種多功能照明系統


              杭州中恒派威電源有限公司于2012年由杭州中恒電氣股份有限公司(股票代碼:002364)投資成立。公司秉承著 “為人類創造更安全的環境”的愿景,堅持“以客戶為中心,以奮斗者為本,長期堅持艱苦奮斗”的核心價值觀,致力于智慧照明領域,專注于直流供電、網絡安全、電源及控制技術、綜合智能配電柜、智慧桿的研發、生產、銷售,為用戶提供完善的系統解決方案。業務范圍涵蓋道路照明、景觀亮化、直流供電、智慧照明、智慧城市等。公司工廠已通過環境、質量、安全等體系認證,產品也通過國內外各類安規認證,獲得專利數十項,且已廣泛應用于道路、隧道、高架橋、機場、樓宇、橋梁等場所。

              Hangzhou Zhonhen Power Energy Co., Ltd. is invested by Hangzhou Zhonhen Electric Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002364) in 2012.Company adheres to the vision of "Creating a safer environment for mankind",adhere to the core value of "customer-oriented, struggling oriented, long-term hard work",committed to the field of intelligent lighting. Focus on the R & D, production and sales of DC power supply, network security, power supply and control technology, integrated intelligent distribution cabinet and intelligent pole, and provide users with perfect System Solutions. Business scope covers road lighting, landscape lighting, DC power supply, smart lighting, smart city, etc. The companys factory has passed the systems certification of environment, quality, safety and others, products also obtain various types of safety certification at home and abroad, access to dozens of patents, and have been widely used in roads, tunnels, viaducts, airports, buildings, bridges and other places.


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