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              2019/12/16 14:10:27 作者: 來(lái)源:杭州中恒派威電源有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱(chēng):  中恒派威600W恒壓驅(qū)動(dòng)電源

              600W Constant Voltage Drive Power Supply Of Zhonhen Power

              申報(bào)單位:  杭州中恒派威電源有限公司



              The power supply is specially designed for high-power projection lamp, point light source, linear lamp and other outdoor landscape lighting scenes.Super efficiency,compact housing design,good heat dissipation,comprehensive protection function,whichmake landscape lighting brighter and more distant.It can save cost and easy to maintain.








              Constantvoltage output, constantvoltage accuracy ±3%, to ensure the consistency of LED luminaire brightness, stable work;

              High PF>0.96, Low THD<10%, Electromagnetic Compatibility is in line with GB17625 and GB17743 requirements, make full use of grid power, greatly reduce the pollution of the power grid and interferences with the surrounding electrical equipments;

              The protection functions include short circuit protection, over temperature protection and over-current protection,and Lightning protection rating 6kV/10kV.

              The degree of protection is IP67, can avoid the damage to the driver in external environment such as rain, moisture, salt mist and others.

              Full Range Of Protection: OVP/OTP/Short;

              Operating Temperature: -40~70 ℃, to ensure that the driver can adapt to all regions of the rys natural environment.


              本電源采用多種新型技術(shù)保障電源的穩(wěn)定可靠。過(guò)溫保護(hù)采用布局簡(jiǎn)單、不易受干擾的帶有解耦功能的過(guò)溫保護(hù)電路;過(guò)流保護(hù)采用新型LLC過(guò)流保護(hù)電路,將諧振電容分為多個(gè)串并聯(lián),使其等效電容量等于設(shè)計(jì)值,并且給其中一個(gè)或多個(gè)電容并聯(lián)一個(gè)鉗位二極管以實(shí)現(xiàn)過(guò)流保護(hù),結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)單,性能穩(wěn)定;前級(jí)PFC電路采用準(zhǔn)諧振Boost軟啟動(dòng)電路 ,于準(zhǔn)諧模式boost PFC中添加軟啟動(dòng)電路,完美解決電解電容的過(guò)沖及電感飽和問(wèn)題。

              The power supply adopts a variety of new technologies to ensure the stability and reliability of the power supply.The over temperature protection adopts circuit with decoupling function is simple in layout and not easy to be disturbed;The over-current protection adopts a new LLC over-current protection circuit, which divides the resonance capacitance into multiple series parallel connection, so that its equivalent capacitance is equal to the design value, and one or more capacitors are connected in parallel with a clamp diode to realize the over-current protection, which is simple in structure and stable in performance;The former PFC circuit adopts quasi resonant boost soft start circuit, and adds soft start circuit in quasi resonant boost PFC, which perfectly solves the problem of overshoot and inductance saturation of electrolytic capacitor.



              7th CISM Military World Games——Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge


              Songpu bridge, Harbin, Heilongjiang


              High power constant voltage driving power supply, perfect match with projection lamp and wall washing lamp, realize long-distance power supply through EMC test.






              A new LLC over-current protection circuit

              Over temperature protection circuit with decoupling function

              Quasi resonant boost soft start circuit

              A delay start device of constant voltage power supply


              杭州中恒派威電源有限公司于2012年由杭州中恒電氣股份有限公司(股票代碼:002364)投資成立。公司秉承著 “為人類(lèi)創(chuàng)造更安全的環(huán)境”的愿景,堅(jiān)持“以客戶(hù)為中心,以?shī)^斗者為本,長(zhǎng)期堅(jiān)持艱苦奮斗”的核心價(jià)值觀(guān),致力于智慧照明領(lǐng)域,專(zhuān)注于直流供電、網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全、電源及控制技術(shù)、綜合智能配電柜、智慧桿的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售,為用戶(hù)提供完善的系統(tǒng)解決方案。業(yè)務(wù)范圍涵蓋道路照明、景觀(guān)亮化、直流供電、智慧照明、智慧城市等。公司工廠(chǎng)已通過(guò)環(huán)境、質(zhì)量、安全等體系認(rèn)證,產(chǎn)品也通過(guò)國(guó)內(nèi)外各類(lèi)安規(guī)認(rèn)證,獲得專(zhuān)利數(shù)十項(xiàng),且已廣泛應(yīng)用于道路、隧道、高架橋、機(jī)場(chǎng)、樓宇、橋梁等場(chǎng)所。

              Hangzhou Zhonhen Power Energy Co., Ltd. is invested by Hangzhou Zhonhen Electric Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002364) in 2012.Company adheres to the vision of "Creating a safer environment for mankind",adhere to the core value of "customer-oriented, struggling oriented, long-term hard work",committed to the field of intelligent lighting. Focus on the R & D, production and sales of DC power supply, network security, power supply and control technology, integrated intelligent distribution cabinet and intelligent pole, and provide users with perfect System Solutions. Business scope covers road lighting, landscape lighting, DC power supply, smart lighting, smart city, etc. The companys factory has passed the systems certification of environment, quality, safety and others, products also obtain various types of safety certification at home and abroad, access to dozens of patents, and have been widely used in roads, tunnels, viaducts, airports, buildings, bridges and other places.



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