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              孚碩電通 LED燈控用的電源器——2020神燈獎申報技術(shù)

              2019/12/13 15:44:30 作者: 來源:浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司
              摘要:孚碩電通 LED燈控用的電源器,為浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司2020神燈獎申報技術(shù)。

              項目名稱:  孚碩電通  LED燈控用的電源器

              FOSO   LED Light Control Power Supply

              申報單位:  浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司



              This LED light control power supply belongs to the technical field of power supply and solves the mode problem of LED light control. The key points of its technical solution include a base part and a display control part. The feature is that the base part includes a DC power supply, a wireless power supply module, a primary coil and a motor, and the DC power supply is connected to the wireless power supply module and the motor for power supply. The wireless power supply module is connected to the primary coil; the display control part includes the secondary coil, AC-DC conversion circuit, constant current circuit, main control circuit and LED lights. The secondary coil and the primary coil are coupled and induced to obtain power. The input end of the AC-DC conversion circuit is connected to the secondary coil, and the output end of the AC-DC conversion circuit is connected to the constant current circuit and the main control circuit. The constant current circuit is connected to the LED lamp to achieve wireless power connection and free multi-angle LED lighting effect.



              The key points of its technical solution include a base part and a display control part. The feature is that the base part includes a DC power supply, a wireless power supply module, a primary coil and a motor, and the DC power supply is connected to the wireless power supply module and the motor for power supply. The wireless power supply module is connected to the primary coil; the display control part includes the secondary coil, AC-DC conversion circuit, constant current circuit, main control circuit and LED lights. The secondary coil and the primary coil are coupled and induced to obtain power. The input end of the AC-DC conversion circuit is connected to the secondary coil, and the output end of the AC-DC conversion circuit is connected to the constant current circuit and the main control circuit. The constant current circuit is connected to the LED lamp to achieve wireless power connection and free multi-angle LED lighting effect.



              The key points of its technical solution include a base part and a display control part. The feature is that the base part includes a DC power supply, a wireless power supply module, a primary coil and a motor, and the DC power supply is connected to the wireless power supply module and the motor for power supply. The wireless power supply module is connected to the primary coil; the display control part includes the secondary coil, AC-DC conversion circuit, constant current circuit, main control circuit and LED lights. The secondary coil and the primary coil are coupled and induced to obtain power. The input end of the AC-DC conversion circuit is connected to the secondary coil, and the output end of the AC-DC conversion circuit is connected to the constant current circuit and the main control circuit. The constant current circuit is connected to the LED lamp to achieve wireless power connection and free multi-angle LED lighting effect.






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