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              孚碩電通 一種LED電源模塊——2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)

              2019/12/13 15:44:06 作者: 來源:浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司
              摘要:孚碩電通 一種LED電源模塊,為浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  孚碩電通  一種LED電源模塊

              FOSO  LED power module

              申報(bào)單位:  浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司



              This LED power module belongs to the technical field of power supply control, which solves the problems of reliability and stability of LED lamps. The key points of its technical solution include a PFC module, a DC/DC module, an auxiliary power supply, and an MCU module. After connected to the external power grid, the PFC module is connected to the DC/DC module and auxiliary power supply separately, the DC/DC module with constant current output, auxiliary power supply connected to the MCU module. The MCU module controls DC/DC module, receives RS485 instruction and controls the output D/A conversion signal. A dimming circuit is connected between the MCU module and the DC/DC module. The dimming circuit controls the DC/DC module according to the D/A conversion signal and the current sampling signal of constant current output to achieve efficient and accurate voltage and current signal adjustment so that to improve the service life of LED lamps.



              The key points of its technical solution include a PFC module, a DC/DC module, an auxiliary power supply, and an MCU module. After connected to the external power grid, the PFC module is connected to the DC/DC module and auxiliary power supply separately, the DC/DC module with constant current output, auxiliary power supply connected to the MCU module. The MCU module controls DC/DC module, receives RS485 instruction and controls the output D/A conversion signal. A dimming circuit is connected between the MCU module and the DC/DC module. The dimming circuit controls the DC/DC module according to the D/A conversion signal and the current sampling signal of constant current output to achieve efficient and accurate voltage and current signal adjustment so that to improve the service life of LED lamps.



              The key points of its technical solution include a PFC module, a DC/DC module, an auxiliary power supply, and an MCU module. After connected to the external power grid, the PFC module is connected to the DC/DC module and auxiliary power supply separately, the DC/DC module with constant current output, auxiliary power supply connected to the MCU module. The MCU module controls DC/DC module, receives RS485 instruction and controls the output D/A conversion signal. A dimming circuit is connected between the MCU module and the DC/DC module. The dimming circuit controls the DC/DC module according to the D/A conversion signal and the current sampling signal of constant current output to achieve efficient and accurate voltage and current signal adjustment so that to improve the service life of LED lamps.





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