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              孚碩電通 一種防脫落防水電源適配器——2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)

              2019/12/11 13:54:15 作者: 來源:浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司
              摘要:孚碩電通 一種防脫落防水電源適配器,為浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司2020神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  孚碩電通 一種防脫落防水電源適配器

              FOSO POWER Anti-Falling and Waterproof Adapter Patent

              申報(bào)單位:  浙江孚碩電通股份有限公司




              This anti-falling and waterproof power adapter includes an adapter body and an adaptable power cord. The adapter body is connected with a wire, and an adapter connector is provided at an end of the wire, which is away  the adapter body. An L-shaped plug is provided on both sides of the electrical interface, and a slot is formed between the two L-shaped  rods. A hinge seat is fixedly connected with the outer wall of the rubber part of the adapter connector, and the hinge seat is rotatably connected with an  piece which is ed into the slot.

              This utility model has a reasonable structure, which has the advantages of being not easy to fall off under external force and with a good waterproof effect.



              The adapter body is connected with a wire, and an adapter connector is provided at an end of the wire, which is away  the adapter body. An L-shaped plug is provided on both sides of the electrical interface, and a slot is formed between the two L-shaped  rods. A hinge seat is fixedly connected with the outer wall of the rubber part of the adapter connector, and the hinge seat is rotatably connected with an  piece which is ed into the slot.



              The adapter body is connected with a wire, and an adapter connector is provided at an end of the wire, which is away  the adapter body. An L-shaped plug is provided on both sides of the electrical interface, and a slot is formed between the two L-shaped  rods. A hinge seat is fixedly connected with the outer wall of the rubber part of the adapter connector, and the hinge seat is rotatably connected with an  piece which is ed into the slot.


              專利號(hào):ZL 2018 2 2166025.5


              Patent Number: ZL 2018 2 2166025.5

              Patent Application Date: 2018.12.22





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