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              2019/12/9 14:13:03 作者: 來(lái)源:江蘇輝亞照明科技有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  庭院天使系列雙頭景觀燈-HYTYD-03501

              Garden Angel series double head landscape lamp-hytyd-03501

              申報(bào)單位:  江蘇輝亞照明科技有限公司




              Courtyard lamp series lighting is widely used as decoration and lighting source configuration form in garden scenic spot, cultural leisure and entertainment square, pedestrian street, commercial street, residential area, inner side of carriageway and other places. It is a decorative lighting product;

              The lamp body material is various, the light source movement is flexible, the structure shape is various, it is the beautification, the illumination, the afforestation organic union, the light and the shape, the lamp and the artistic perfect crystallization;








              芯片牌子:PHILIPS LUMILEDS光源








              Product model: hytyd-03501

              Product size (single head): 702x679

              Lamp body material: aluminum die casting

              Main lamp power: 60W

              Total power: 60W

              Chip model: smd3030

              Chip brand: Philips Lumileds light source

              Power brand: Dongling

              Input voltage: 220v-240v

              Frequency: 50Hz

              Color temperature: 5700k

              Manifesting: 80RA

              Lumen per watt: 100lm / W

              Protection grade: IP65


              為了達(dá)到低碳生活,創(chuàng)造綠色家園的目的,在照明設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)大量選用了LED產(chǎn)品以及太陽(yáng)能智能控制系統(tǒng)的結(jié)合,節(jié)能環(huán)保的同時(shí)營(yíng)造庭院的環(huán)境氣氛,LED消耗的能源是節(jié)能燈的百分之二十五,LED的使用壽命更長(zhǎng),可以達(dá)到五萬(wàn)小時(shí)以上,不僅降低了維護(hù)的成本,而且LED的高亮度,燈具數(shù)量上也相對(duì)減少了。 選用智能調(diào)光系統(tǒng),調(diào)光是可以達(dá)到省電的效果的,道理其實(shí)很簡(jiǎn)單,亮度越低電流越小,能耗也就越少。根據(jù)不同時(shí)間段,將光環(huán)境與整體結(jié)合,表達(dá)空間的焦點(diǎn)及主題的同時(shí),也增加了空間的層次感。優(yōu)質(zhì)的光可以成為氣氛的催化劑,使庭院更顯奢華更顯藝術(shù)。

              In order to achieve the goal of low-carbon life and create a green home, a large number of LED products and solar intelligent control system are used in the lighting design to create the environment atmosphere of the courtyard while saving energy and environmental protection. The energy consumption of LED is 25% of that of energy-saving lamp, and the service life of LED is longer, which can reach more than 50000 hours, not only reducing the maintenance cost, but also l With the high brightness of ED, the number of lamps is relatively reduced. Choose intelligent dimming system, dimming can achieve the effect of power saving, the truth is very simple, the lower the brightness, the smaller the current, the less energy consumption. According to different periods of time, the light environment and the whole are combined to express the focus and theme of space, and at the same time, the level sense of space is increased. High quality light can be the catalyst of atmosphere, making the courtyard more luxurious and artistic.


              低碳節(jié)能,太陽(yáng)能和LED庭院燈相結(jié)合一體化,具有優(yōu)質(zhì)鋁材塑形和焊接性以及成型能力,有效保障每根燈桿的強(qiáng)度!芯片PHILIPS LUMILEDS光源,燈桿縷空工藝,使用繳光割花,藝術(shù)完美體現(xiàn)。

              Low carbon and energy-saving, solar energy and led courtyard lamp integration, with high-quality aluminum molding and welding, as well as molding ability, effectively guarantee the strength of each lamp pole! The chip Philips Lumileds light source, the technology of lighting pole and space, the use of pay light cut flowers, the perfect embodiment of art.


              獨(dú)具匠心的設(shè)計(jì),精致又嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)闹圃旃に?,展現(xiàn)出燈具與生俱來(lái)的魅力,天使的化身,有情調(diào)的燈光,讓整個(gè)庭院街道都是愛(ài)氣息。讓人們?cè)谧匀坏臍庀⒅校w會(huì)到溫馨和舒適的感覺(jué)。重新定義防水標(biāo)準(zhǔn)  多層戶外防水工藝,燈柱有雕刻藝術(shù)圖案透入美的藝術(shù)燈光。精選 優(yōu)質(zhì)鋁材鑄造、堅(jiān)固耐用不生銹 可抗多年戶外風(fēng)吹雨打,加粗燈桿透光設(shè)計(jì) 更牢固可 庭院燈系列燈飾是園林景區(qū)、文化休閑娛樂(lè)廣場(chǎng)、步行街、商業(yè)街、住宅小區(qū)、行車道內(nèi)側(cè)等場(chǎng)所普遍使用的裝飾及照明光源配置形式,是裝飾照明燈飾產(chǎn)品,燈體材質(zhì)多樣,光源運(yùn)動(dòng)靈活多變,結(jié)構(gòu)形態(tài)千姿百態(tài),是美化、亮化、綠化有機(jī)結(jié)合,光與形、燈與藝術(shù)的完美結(jié)晶;

              The unique design and exquisite and rigorous manufacturing process show the inherent m of lamps and lanterns, the incarnation of angels and emotional lights, making the whole courtyard street full of love. Let people feel warm and comfortable in the natural atmosphere. Redefining waterproof standard multi-layer outdoor waterproof technology, the lamp post has the art light of carving art pattern penetrating beauty. It is made of ed high-quality aluminum material, durable and rust free, which can withstand many years of outdoor wind and rain. It is stronger in the design of thick light pole, and it can be used in the garden area, cultural, leisure and entertainment square, pedestrian street, commercial street, residential quarter, inner side of carriageway and other places. It is a decorative lighting product with various materials It is the perfect combination of beautification, lighting and greening, and the perfect crystallization of light and shape, light and art;



              User feedback: the product quality is very good, the material is thick enough, the height is suitable, the lamp type is beautiful, and the decorative lighting is good.



              Patent No.: 201630583719.2





              Jiangsu Huiya Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise engaged in the development, research and production of lamps and lanterns. It has rich experienced engineering and technical personnel and management personnel. After years of unremitting efforts, the enterprise has formed several categories and dozens of series products such as outdoor road lighting lamps and lanterns, special lamps and lanterns. In addition, the company has applied for a number of patent products, such as "other shore flower", "bird", "lotus of light", "angel", "lucky star", "golden branches and jade leaves", etc., which must be investigated for erfeiting.

              The products are sold to more than 20 provinces and cities in China and are widely used in many large-scale projects.

              The company has perfect manufacturing ability and new product development ability, strict management system, advanced production technology and comprehensive quality assurance system, which provide sufficient guarantee for products.

              The company takes preciseness, innovation, integrity and enterprising as its enterprise spirit, adheres to the market requirements as the guide and customer satisfaction as the purpose. The company will provide customers with reliable products and satisfactory services with good product quality and sales service.



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