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              2019/11/25 17:19:05 作者: 來源:上海銀韌照明電器有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  二代無邊框小面板燈PNL-16SP1-RRA

              Rimless small panel light PNL-16SP1-RRA

              申報(bào)單位:  上海銀韌照明電器有限公司



              同樣的尺寸下會(huì)比傳統(tǒng)小面板燈功率更高,比如說225mm 常規(guī)是18w,此款產(chǎn)品可以做到30w





              1、Higher watt

              Same regular size but higher watt, such as below 225mm 30W (traditional this size only make as 18W)

              2、One Lamp with 3 Fuctions:

              Recessed with clips, use UFO base or use surface frame.

              3、For different cutting hole sizes

              Long clips and enough edge ensure this function.


              電壓Voltage: 110-240V

              功率Watt: 16W/22W/30W

              流明Lumen: 1600lm/2400lm/3300lm

              開孔尺寸Cutting hole sizes: 70-105mm/100-155mm/100-205mm

              赫茲Frequency: 50/60Hz

              顯指Ra: >80

              功率因數(shù)PF: >0.5/0.9

              發(fā)光角度Beam angle: 120°

              色溫Color temperature: 3000-6500K




              First of all, when open the mold of this product, design it with enough edge and long buckles to meet various cutting hole sizes requirements.

              At the same time, open the molds of corresponding accessories, UFO head and the frame, which gives the light source the possibility to use it directly as a lighting fixture. With these accessories, cheaper than the ceiling lamp, and it is not inferior in appearance.


              EPES LIGHTING是光源的專業(yè)制造商和出口商。

              產(chǎn)品范圍涵蓋大多數(shù)主要室內(nèi)照明。它成立于2001年9月。擁有2000平方米的建筑和80名工人。 EPES LIGHTING在江蘇省有一個(gè)生產(chǎn)中心,在浙江有一個(gè)工廠。兩家工廠共擁有10000平方米的生產(chǎn)車間和全套測試設(shè)備,如照明字符測試,EMI測試機(jī),壽命測試室?,F(xiàn)在,TUV Rheinaland幫助我們建立了TUV認(rèn)證的測試實(shí)驗(yàn)室。

              EPES LIGHTING在三個(gè)車間,50QC和20名研發(fā)工程師中擁有大約600名工人。技術(shù)小組正在逐步開發(fā)新模塊和新工藝。 EPES LIGHTING擁有嚴(yán)格的質(zhì)量控制體系,以確保最低的檢測率和最高的穩(wěn)定質(zhì)量。它吸引了客戶選EPES LIGHTING作為OEM零部件,例如歐司朗(OSRAM)和許多其他國家的著名品牌。 EPES LIGHTING的產(chǎn)品100%出口,主要銷往歐洲,俄羅斯,巴西,美國,日本……EPES LIGHTING擁有多種認(rèn)證,可以滿足來自不同國家的要求。例如CUL,CE,GS,EMC,ROHS。

              EPES LIGHTING is a professional manufacture and exporter of lighting source.

              Product range covers most of main indoor lighting. It is established in September of 2001. With a 2000 Square meters small building and 80 workers. EPES LIGHTING has one producing center in jiangsu Province and one factory in Zhejiang. The two factories have totally 10000 Square meters workshops and full set of testing equipment, such as lighting acters test, EMI testing machine, life time testing room. Now TUV Rheinaland helps us to build up TUV certified test laboratory.

              EPES LIGHTING has around 600 workers in three workshops, 50QC, 20 R&D engineers. The technical group is developing new module and new process step by step. EPES LIGHTING has a serious quality control system to guarantee the lowest detect rate and highest stable quality. It attracts customers to choose EPES LIGHTING as OEM partuer such as OSRAM and many other famous brand in different ries. EPES LIGHTING is exporting 100% of its products, mainly to Europe, Russia, Brazil, USA, Japan......EPES LIGHTING has many kinds of certifications to meet request  different ry. Such as CUL, CE, GS, EMC, ROHS.


              日本成人有码尤物,亚洲欧美成人精品香蕉网,亚洲国产成人精品无码区密柚,成人乱人伦免费视频网 (function(){ var bp = document.createElement('script'); var curProtocol = window.location.protocol.split(':')[0]; if (curProtocol === 'https') { bp.src = 'https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js'; } else { bp.src = 'http://push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'; } var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s); })();