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              2019/11/15 17:18:00 作者: 來(lái)源:上海順舟智能科技股份有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  “CBOX云盒”智慧路燈網(wǎng)關(guān)

              “CBOX”gateway for smart street lamp  

              申報(bào)單位:  上海順舟智能科技股份有限公司





               Shuncom Smart SZ10-CBOX Intelligent Gateway is a new type of remote central control device for outdoor use, which is specially developed to meet the needs of smart terminal users for remote intelligent control of equipment. It can work with smart terminal equipment management platform system. The design fully considers the versatility and stability. Based on the IoT technology architecture design, it can meet the data collection and intelligent control of smart terminal devices, and has a certain degree of scalability, which facilitates the access of new devices under existing hardware.

              At present, the main application object of this gateway is the smart light pole. And has landed several smart city lighting construction projects. The high integration and rich variety of functions make it the core transformation and upgrading means of smart lighting. More and more landing applications benefit  this, and “convenient, efficient and stable” has become its new market label.

              The introduction of CBOX intelligent gateway will help to end the various troubles that have appeared in practical applications in the past, and is committed to "a box of hands, all the way to get it, so that there is no difficult street lamp in the world."


              1. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)制式:2 路 SFP 光口(10/100/1000M SFP 插槽,整機(jī)交換容量3000M,支持單模、多模光纖、支持環(huán)型、鏈型等網(wǎng)絡(luò)拓?fù)浣Y(jié)構(gòu))
                                1 路 WAN 口 (10/100M 自適應(yīng)網(wǎng)口)
                                4G(根據(jù)用戶需求可選支持/不支持、4G 為全網(wǎng)通模塊)

              2. 供電范圍: AC110-265V/35A

              3. 防水等級(jí): IP65

              4. 工作環(huán)境溫度: -40~+80oC

              5. 儲(chǔ)存溫度: -40~+125oC

              6. 相對(duì)濕度: ≤95%(無(wú)凝結(jié))

              7. 工作頻率(4G): FDD LTE—B1/B3;TDD LTE—B38/B39/B40/B41;TDSCDMA—B34/B39;CDMA2000 1x/EVDO—BC0;GSM—900/1800MHz

              8. 傳輸速率(4G):LTE-FDD—Max 100Mbps(DL) Max50Mbps(UL);LTE-TDD—Max 61Mbps(DL) Max 18Mbps(UL);SCDMA-TD—Max 4.2Mbps(DL) Max2.2Mbps(UL);CDMA—Max 5.4Mbps(DL) Max 14.7Mbps(UL);GPRS—Max 85.6Kbps(DL) Max 85.6Kbps(UL)

              9. 發(fā)射功率(4G):FDD LTE—23dbm±2db;TDD LTE—23dbm±2db;TDSCDMA—24dbm +1/-3db;GSM 900Mhz—33dbm±2dbm;GSM 1800Mhz—30dbm±2dbm

              10. 接收靈敏度(4G):FDD B1— -97dBm(20M);FDD B3— -96dBm(20M);TDD B38— -94dBm(20M);TDD B39— -94dBm(20M);TDD B40— -94dBm(20M);TDD B41— -93.5dBm(20M);TDSCDMA B34— -110dbm;TDSCDMA B39— -110dbm;CDMA BC0— -108dbm;GSM 900— -110dBm;GSM 1800— -109dBm

              11. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及頻段(WiFi):支持 IEEE802.11b/g/n 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

              12. 理論帶寬(WiFi): UP TO 300Mbps

              13. 發(fā)射功率(WiFi): 20dbm

              14. CPU:32 位

              15. FLASH:128M

              16. DDR2:128M

              17. LoRA 主站網(wǎng)絡(luò)參數(shù):支持頻段——CN470Mhz(中國(guó))EU868MHz (歐洲)US915MHz (美洲)AS923MHz (東南亞)AU915MHz (澳洲)RU868MHz (俄羅斯)IN865MHz (印度)KR923MHz(韓國(guó))

              1. Network standard: 2 way SFP optical ports (10/100/1000M SFP slots, the whole machine has a switching capacity of 3000M, supports single-mode, multi-mode fiber, support ring, chain and other network topologies)
                                 1 way WAN port (10/100M adaptive network port)
                                 4G (optional support/non-support according to user requirements, 4G is full Netcom module)

              2. Power supply range: AC110-265V/35A

              3. Waterproof rating: IP65

              4. Working environment temperature: -40~+80°C

              5. Storage temperature: -40~+125°C

              6. Relative huity: ≤95% (no condensation)

              7. working frequency(4G): FDD LTE—B1/B3;TDD LTE—B38/B39/B40/B41;TDSCDMA—B34/B39;CDMA2000 1x/EVDO—BC0;GSM—900/1800MHz

              8. Transmission rate(4G):LTE-FDD—Max 100Mbps(DL) Max50Mbps(UL);LTE-TDD—Max 61Mbps(DL) Max 18Mbps(UL);SCDMA-TD—Max 4.2Mbps(DL) Max2.2Mbps(UL);CDMA—Max 5.4Mbps(DL) Max 14.7Mbps(UL);GPRS—Max 85.6Kbps(DL) Max 85.6Kbps(UL)

              9. Transmit power(4G):FDD LTE—23dbm±2db;TDD LTE—23dbm±2db;TDSCDMA—24dbm +1/-3db;GSM 900Mhz—33dbm±2dbm;GSM 1800Mhz—30dbm±2dbm

              10. Receiving sensitivity(4G):FDD B1— -97dBm(20M);FDD B3— -96dBm(20M);TDD B38— -94dBm(20M);TDD B39— -94dBm(20M);TDD B40— -94dBm(20M);TDD B41— -93.5dBm(20M);TDSCDMA B34— -110dbm;TDSCDMA B39— -110dbm;CDMA BC0— -108dbm;GSM 900— -110dBm;GSM 1800— -109dBm

              11. Standard and Band (WiFi): Supports IEEE802.11b/g/n standard

              12. Theoretical bandwidth(WiFi): UP TO 300Mbps

              13. Transmit power(WiFi): 20dbm

              14. CPU: 32 bits

              15. FLASH:128M

              16. DDR2:128M

              17. LoRA master station network parameters: Supported frequency band - CN470Mhz (China) EU868MHz (Europe) US915MHz (Americas) AS923MHz (Southeast Asia) AU915MHz (Australia) RU868MHz (Russia) IN865MHz (India) KR923MHz (Korea)







              Shuncom SZ10-CBOX intelligent gateway integrates anti-surge system, power conversion system, AC/DC power control and metering system, data acquisition system, network routing and switching system, and lighting control system, etc. which works with the intelligent terminal device management platform system.

              The design fully considers the versatility and stability. Based on the IoT technology architecture design, it can meet the data collection and intelligent control of smart terminal devices, and has a certain degree of scalability, which facilitates the access of new devices under existing hardware.

              The gateway has powerful edge computing capabilities, which is equivalent to the role of the smart light pole super brain in the construction of smart city. It integrates data collection, processing and ution, so that it can avoid the delays caused by some data uploading  and delivery, and will solve the demand at the edge terminal. which improves the processing power and response speed of the local IoT device.

              With the edge computing capability, it integrates optical ring switch, POE switch/POE power supply module, AC contactor, router, DC12V switching power supply, DC24V switching power supply, DC48V power supply, etc. A series of problems such as power management, complicated wiring, difficulty in waterproofing, cluttered equipment and large space in the past will no longer exist. In the smart light pole application, the installation is simple and convenient.



              1. 江蘇省宿遷市湖濱新區(qū)智慧園區(qū)項(xiàng)目

              2. 四川省成都市溫江區(qū)成都海峽兩岸科技產(chǎn)業(yè)開(kāi)發(fā)園項(xiàng)目

              1. Hubin New District Smart Park Project in Suqian City, Jiangsu Province
                  Shuncom Smart provided 12 sets of SZ10-CBOX products, and together with Jiangsu Chengyi, built a smart park lighting renovation project, which was completed in September 2019. The project has improved the past difficulties in lighting control and high energy consumption in the park. Overall improved the intellectual control, the effect is good, and the evaluation is quite high. 

              2. Chengdu Strait Science and Technology Industry Development Park Project in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province
                  Shuncom Smart provides several sets of SZ10-CBOX products, together with Sichuan Lishida Intelligent Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. built the intelligent lighting renovation project of Industrial Development Park. With the goal of improving the modernization of the park, the project vigorously use the IoT transformation technology to accelerate the intelligent upgrade process of the industrial development park. The cloud box plays an important role in the transformation of smart lighting. As of now, the evaluation is good, will increase the investment according to the situation later.



              上海順舟智能科技股份有限公司總部坐落于上海張江高科技園區(qū)—盛大天地源創(chuàng)谷,自2004年成立以來(lái)深耕無(wú)線通信技術(shù),涵蓋Zigbee、NB-IoT、LoRa、WiFi、Ble、4G等領(lǐng)域,致力于打造智慧城市物聯(lián)網(wǎng)垂直領(lǐng)域硬件解決方案,涉及智能家居、智慧照明、智慧環(huán)保、智慧電力、智慧農(nóng)業(yè)等不同行業(yè),其方案包括模塊、設(shè)備、網(wǎng)關(guān)、傳感器一系列硬件產(chǎn)品以及云平臺(tái)APP,已獲得專利及軟著100余項(xiàng),開(kāi)創(chuàng)獨(dú)立自主品牌 [順舟智能] 。

              順舟智能先后成立深圳分公司、西安分公司、北京分公司,業(yè)務(wù)范圍遍及全國(guó)各大省市,同時(shí)設(shè)立外貿(mào)部全面開(kāi)展國(guó)際業(yè)務(wù),目前已對(duì)接歐洲、美洲、東南亞地區(qū)等多個(gè)站點(diǎn),公司聯(lián)合產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈上下游企業(yè),組成強(qiáng)大的生態(tài)圈,為國(guó)內(nèi)外終端客戶提供一站式服務(wù)。專業(yè)的技術(shù)和卓越的服務(wù)使其躋身業(yè)內(nèi)前列,斬獲“高新技術(shù)企業(yè)” 等數(shù)十項(xiàng)榮譽(yù)稱號(hào),并獲得阿里ICA聯(lián)盟理事單位、Zigbee聯(lián)盟中國(guó)成員組理事成員、中國(guó)智能家居產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)盟理事單位、邊緣計(jì)算產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)盟理事、工業(yè)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)盟成員、中國(guó)照明電器協(xié)會(huì)成員、5G物聯(lián)網(wǎng)產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)盟成員、LoRa聯(lián)盟成員單位、智慧燈桿產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)盟理事成員單位、泛在電力物聯(lián)網(wǎng)會(huì)員單位等多個(gè)專業(yè)認(rèn)可資質(zhì)。



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