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              2019/11/15 10:56:41 作者: 來(lái)源:深圳市寶利鴻電器有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  工業(yè)電源BLH400W125

              Industrial power blh400w125

              申報(bào)單位:  深圳市寶利鴻電器有限公司








              深圳市寶利鴻電器有限公司成立于2008年。專業(yè)研發(fā)定制生產(chǎn)各種大小功率高可靠性開(kāi)關(guān)電源,如舞臺(tái)燈電源、POE電源、電源適配器、智能充電器、工業(yè)電源、LED電源以及定制電源,經(jīng)過(guò)十年的沉淀發(fā)展,已成長(zhǎng)為集產(chǎn)品研發(fā)、制造、銷售及服務(wù)為一體的電源高端企業(yè)。為了進(jìn)一步保證產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量公司嚴(yán)格按照ISO9001:2000質(zhì)量管理體系執(zhí)行,產(chǎn)品已取得CCC、CE、 GS、 UL、ETL、FCC、PSE等相關(guān)電源產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證,可同時(shí)出口歐洲、美國(guó)、日本、加拿大、澳洲等國(guó)家。 公司以先進(jìn)高效的管理為保證,以尖端研發(fā)技術(shù)為后盾,以先進(jìn)生產(chǎn)和檢驗(yàn)技術(shù)為支撐,致力于為工業(yè)機(jī)械設(shè)備、新能源、通信、LED照明、電工電力、軌道交通、船舶、航天航空及醫(yī)療等行業(yè)客戶提供專業(yè)化,個(gè)性化的電源定制解決方案,幫助客戶提高生產(chǎn)效率和能源效率。 本著“質(zhì)量第一、顧客至上、精心研發(fā)、竭誠(chéng)服務(wù)”的宗旨,嚴(yán)格把關(guān)、指導(dǎo)、規(guī)范、完善內(nèi)部品質(zhì)管控,以高品質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)滿足國(guó)內(nèi)外客戶的需求,為全球節(jié)能減排、綠色環(huán)保照明產(chǎn)業(yè)做出卓越的貢獻(xiàn)!    

              Shenzhen BLH Electric Co., Ltd. was established in 2008. Professional research and development to produce a variety of power and high reliability switching power supply, such as stage light power, POE power, power adapter, smart charger, industrial power, LED power supply and custom power supply, after ten years of development, has grown into a product A high-end power supply company that integrates R&D, manufacturing, sales and service. In order to further ensure product quality, the company has strictly implemented the ISO9001:2000 quality management system. The products have obtained CCC, CE, GS, UL, ETL, FCC, PSE and other related power product certifications, which can be exported to Europe, the United States, Japan, Canada, Australia. And other countries.   The company is backed by advanced and efficient management, backed by cutting-edge research and development technology, supported by advanced production and inspection technology, dedicated to industrial machinery and equipment, new energy, communications, LED lighting, electrical power, rail transit, ships, aerospace And customers in the medical and other industries provide professional, personalized power supply customization solutions to help customers improve production efficiency and energy efficiency.In the "quality first, customer first, meticulous research and development, dedicated service" purpose, strict control, guidance, standardization, improve internal quality control, to meet the needs of domestic and foreign customers with high-quality products and services, for global energy-saving The green environmental protection industry has made outstanding contributions!


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