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              2019/11/4 16:16:28 作者: 來源:蘇州優(yōu)童智能科技有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  優(yōu)童-智能護(hù)眼臺(tái)燈

              Smart eye lamp project

              申報(bào)單位:  蘇州優(yōu)童智能科技有限公司







              Five layers of light filtration technology and focus on soft eye protection and correcting sitting postures, Yootong, the children eye -protection lamp, is particuliarly designed with specific spectral curve, anti-glare,and  reduction of blue light . And more and more family love it. 

              In china, more than 450 million people are nearsighted,which is still on the rise. China has the worlds highest rate of myopia among teenagers  aged 10-18. The Ministry of Education/health commission of the Peoples Republic of China has drafted the implementation plan for comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents (draft for comments).  Yootong lamp of our company can prevent myopia better than ordinary desk lamp for working or learning. 

              The lamp has a variety of modes, reading, writing,drawing,timing and color temperature switch. Different color temperature and lightness are used by different age groups, thus have good protection for the eyes.

              Timing: The warning tone “beep” appears after the lamp is lighted 45 minutes. The sound reminds adult or children to take a break after a certain period time of working or learning. By the break, It can effectively adjust the change of eye focus and play the role of eye movement, which has good effect on preventing myopia.

              With strong market competitiveness, the lamp also has a time/date/temperature display functions. The appearance is novel and generous. The 360 degree steering adjustment is suitable for use in various places. And there are many colors for users to choose.


              功率:15W   電壓:100-240V  頻率:50/60Hz   色溫:4000K~5000K

              顯色指數(shù):Ra≥95   材質(zhì):ABS+硅膠   產(chǎn)品顏色:白色

              Power:15W  Voltage:100-240V   Frequency:50/60Hz  Color temperature:4000K~5000K

              Coler rendering index:Ra≥95   Raw Material: ABS    Product Color: White




              Adult and Children model , Color Temperature with 4000K/5000K, Automatical sitting posture correcting with G-sensor, Five layers of light filtration technology


              坐姿糾正創(chuàng)新功能(Innovation function of correcting sitting postures)





              通過多層材料 反射膜-導(dǎo)光板-擴(kuò)散膜-防炫光膜-潤(rùn)光板過濾后的燈光柔和不刺眼,無藍(lán)光危害,沒有重影和頻閃問題,可以有效降低因長(zhǎng)時(shí)間用眼睛產(chǎn)生的疲勞問題。

              When the bad posture lasts longer than 3 seconds, the first reminder sound will be come out, “kids, please sit up straight”. If the kids havent sat up straight after the first reminder for 30 seconds,  the second reminder sound will be come out, “kids, please sit up straight”. If the kids continuously havent sat up straight after the second reminder for two minutes, the third reminder sound will be  come out, “kids, please sit up straight”. if the kids havent sat up straight after the third reminder for two minutes, the G-sensor goes into sleep automatically . if we need to use it again, we need to flip the switch again, thus the function of correcting sitting postures will be turned on again.

              After five layers of light filtration, which is reflectance coating, light guide plate, diffusion barrier, light anti-glare film and embellish plate, the light is soft, no dazzling, no nlue light warm, no double images and strobing. It can effectively reduce the fatigue problem caused by using eyes for a long time.



              Offline 1000+ experience store , online stores such as JD,Taobao, the customer evaluation is actually high.

              臺(tái)燈面很大,燈罩照射的面積均勻,光線自然柔和也不刺眼。長(zhǎng)時(shí)間注視眼睛也不會(huì)覺得疲勞,顯色指數(shù)高達(dá)95以上,親測(cè)沒有頻閃,自帶智能感光系統(tǒng),能夠更好的去保護(hù)孩子的視力,還有45分鐘定時(shí)提示休息,很好操作點(diǎn)擊下小眼睛就可以了,外觀設(shè)計(jì)的也很簡(jiǎn)單自己很滿意。尤其是對(duì)售后非常滿意 賣家承諾10年質(zhì)保,1年之內(nèi)質(zhì)量問題直接免費(fèi)換新,確實(shí)是相當(dāng)滿意的一次購(gòu)物.

              Desk lamp surface is very big. The area of chimney illuminate is even. The light is natural and not dazzling. You can look at your eyes for a long time without getting tired. The color rendering index is above 95. There is no stroboscopic by myself test. The lamp has an intelligent photosensitive system, thus can better protect the childs eyesight. The voice of  45 minute intervals for rest is very good. The design is also very simple and satisfied.  In particular, the after-sell policy is very satisfied . The seller promises to guarantee the warranty for 10 years, and directly replace the new lamp for free within 1 year. It was a really quite satisfying shopping.


              The packaging is perfect .I have bought a desk lamp, putting in the home before . Now i buy this one for elementary schools nephew, which is very satisfied. The cost performance of the lamp is very high.the lamp has nine modes and the speech is the human nature.  not only children, adults can also use by the children and adult mod., the lamp is very good. The after-sales is also very patient. She teach me how to operate. It is a pleasant shopping experience.


              實(shí)用新型專利 201721791818.5    







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