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              2019/10/24 17:08:59 作者: 來源:中山市評好照明科技有限公司

              項目名稱:  吸音系列-波浪吸音吊燈

                          Sound Absorption Series - Wave Acoustic Chandelier

              申報單位:  中山市評好照明科技有限公司


              鮮艷時尚的設計理念,使辦公環(huán)境增添活潑、時尚的元素。吸音板采用100% 聚酯纖維材料,具有吸音、阻燃、無毒害、無刺激性特點,是集吸音、隔 熱及裝飾效果為一體的新型材料。下打光偏光燈杯與上打光雙偏透鏡的出色光學系統(tǒng),出色的深度控光設計更能降低燈具的 UGR,減少眩光對眼睛的傷害,更能提高使用者的工作效率。


              The bright and fashionable design concept adds a lively and fashionable element to the office environment. The sound absorbing panel is made of 100% polyester fiber material. It has sound absorption, flame retardant, non-toxic and non-irritating properties. It is a new material that integrates sound absorption, heat insulation and decorative effects. The excellent optical system of the lower polarized light cup and the upper polarized lens, the excellent deep light control design can reduce the UGR of the luminaire, reduce the damage of glare to the eyes, and improve the users work efficiency.

              Application places: office, conference room, study, library.


              輸入功率/Input Power: 30W

              顯色指數(shù)/Ra: Ra>80

              燈具光束角/Beam Angle: 40°

              防眩指數(shù)/UGR:<18.0< p="">

              輸入電壓范圍/Input Voltage: 220-240V

              電源頻率/Freqency Range: 50/60Hz

              功率因數(shù)/Power Factor: 0.972

              工作環(huán)境溫度/Working Temperature: -25℃~ +40℃

              是否可調光/Dimmabledriver or NOT: Not

              相關色溫/CCT: 3000/4000/6000K

              燈具光效/Lm/W: 75

              燈具總光通量/Luminous Flux: 2267

              絕緣等級/Insulation Class: CLASS Ⅰ

              防護等級/IP Grade: IP 20


              The bright and fashionable design concept adds a lively and fashionable element to the office environment. The sound absorbing panel is made of 100% polyester fiber material. It has sound absorption, flame retardant, non-toxic and non-irritating properties. It is a new material that integrates sound absorption, heat insulation and decorative effects. The excellent optical system of the lower polarized light cup and the upper polarized lens, the excellent deep light control design can reduce the UGR of the luminaire, reduce the damage of glare to the eyes, and improve the users work efficiency.

              Application places: office, conference room, study, library.





              作為專業(yè)制造商,評好照明有自己的磨具,壓鑄,組裝等多個車間,擁有先進的生產(chǎn)技術設備和嚴格的管理體系。 2007年通過了ISO 9001質量管理體系認證,所有產(chǎn)品均通過CCC,CE,RoHS,SAA認證。 隨著公司全球業(yè)務和銷售額的增加,在2017年公司占地面積擴展到了10000平方米; 同時,我們的線性燈可用于多種安裝方式:懸掛,天花板,表面,凹槽,墻壁安裝,軌道。 另外,為了提供一個完整的解決方案,我們開發(fā)了Led落地燈用于辦公室。 由于我們的高質量和優(yōu)質的服務,我們的產(chǎn)品在全球擁有良好的市場份額。 60%的產(chǎn)品銷往亞洲,歐洲和美國等國家。



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