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              2019/10/18 16:53:10 作者: 來源:鄭州勝龍信息技術(shù)股份有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  微陣列背投SMRP—3D26XX/27XX/28XX/31XX/32XX//V/M

              Microarray Rear Projection SMRP—3D26XX/27XX/28XX/31XX/32XX//V/M

              申報(bào)單位:  鄭州勝龍信息技術(shù)股份有限公司



              The basic principle of the microarray rear projection series is to use an ultra-miniature self-luminous light source as a single imaging pixel, and each imaging pixel is projected onto the display surface through a microarray optical reflection device, and the entire image is formed by integrating a large number of imaging pixels. The conventional method differs  conventional projection in that a single lens is focused on a large screen. This new projection method reduces a large amount of light loss, because the entire projection process is performed in a closed space and the projection distance is short, so High brightness for good image quality. At the same time, by adding anti-blue and anti-glare design factors to the optical design, the influence of harmful light on the visual health of the viewer can be minimized, and the viewers vision can be protected.


              拼縫 ≤0.1mm無縫拼接

              枕形失真 無

              對比度 ≥3000:1

              色彩 281萬億色

              投影距離 ≤1.5mm

              成像模式 微陣列像素成像

              表面透明度 95%

              刷新頻率 ≥3840HZ

              表面平整度 ≤0.01mm

              最佳視距 1.5M-30M

              成像介質(zhì) 漫反射表面結(jié)構(gòu) 可視角度

              水平175 °垂直175 °

              光學(xué)材質(zhì) 環(huán)氧樹脂

              正面防護(hù)等級(jí) ≥IP54

              色度均勻性 <1%< p="">

              畫面散焦 無

              工作環(huán)境溫度 -10℃~50℃

              視頻制式 NTSC、PAL、SECAM、SDTV(480i/576i)、 EDTV (480p/576p、HDTV (720p、1080i/p 60Hz)

              3D制式 左右格式/上下格式/120HZ讀屏模式,支持圖像自適應(yīng),3D模式按比例播放

              Patchwork ≤0.1mm seamless stitching

              Pincushion distortion

              Contrast ≥3000:1

              Color 281 trillion colors

              Projection distance ≤1.5mm

              Imaging mode microarray pixel imaging

              Surface transparency 95%

              Refresh rate ≥3840HZ

              Surface flatness ≤0.01mm

              Optimum line of sight 1.5M-30M

              Imaging medium diffuse surface structure viewing angle

              Horizontal 175 ° vertical 175 °

              Optical material epoxy resin

              Front protection level ≥IP54

              Chromatic uniformity<1%< p="">

              Defocusing of the picture

              Working environment temperature -10 ° C ~ 50 ° C

              Video format NTSC, PAL, SECAM, SDTV (480i/576i), EDTV (480p/576p, HDTV (720p, 1080i/p 60Hz)

              3D system Left and right format / top and bottom format / 120HZ read screen mode, support image adaptive, 3D mode proportional play



              Patented technology, no similar products.



              It can not only display excellent display effect, but also realize the concept of healthy eye protection, providing users with a veritable high-definition eye-protection display product.


              The display and control technology of the micro-array rear projection series has obtained a number of patent certificates issued by the State Intellectual Property Office of China. At the same time, the eye protection performance of the products such as anti-blue light has passed the national authoritative test, which indicates that the Shenglong microarray rear projection realizes photoelectric display. A major breakthrough in the field, the concept of healthy eye protection is truly applied to the actual products, anti-blue light, no flicker, anti-glare and other outstanding product features, in the well-known liquid crystal, projection, LED display mode, created a A new form of display will bring a visual change to the display world.











              10、 超高速刷新頻率。



              1, health eye protection: anti-blue light technology; anti-glare technology, effectively blocking blue light damage to the human eye.

              2, energy saving and environmental protection: up to 70% effective energy saving.

              3, safety protection: the front protection level reaches IP54, the surface is smooth and flat, can be wiped directly with a damp cloth.

              4, intelligent correction: built-in correction circuit and pre-stored luminance ominance data in the circuit.

              5, effectively eliminate moiré: convert the pixel point source into a projection surface source, effectively reducing the moiré phenomenon.

              6, new light source technology, long life: LED pixel surface light source; life is 8-10 times longer than other projection products.

              7, 2D/3D is fully compatible, perfect for the three-dimensional world.

              8, true seamless stitching, any size customization.

              9, 175 degrees of ultra-wide viewing angle.

              10. Ultra-high speed refresh rate.

              11, nanosecond image frame change speed.

              12, easy to install, any shape.




              In late March 2019, the relevant leaders of the Ministry of Public Security visited the Public Security Bureau of a city accompanied by relevant leaders of the Henan Provincial Public Security Department and the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau. Shenglongs microarray rear projection display system is ed for its unique display of health and eye protection, high comfort, high definition, high resolution, high quality picture, high stability, high protection level and high definition. platform. Shenglong shares successfully completed the mission and was highly praised by the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Public Security Department and the Municipal Public Security Bureau.


              “一種超高清型三維微陣列光學(xué)顯示器件及顯示系統(tǒng)”專利號(hào)ZL 2018 2 0507891.3等四項(xiàng)國家專利。

              "Ultra high-definition three-dimensional microarray optical display device and display system" patent number ZL 2018 2 0507891.3 and other four national patents.



              鄭州勝龍信息技術(shù)股份有限公司在質(zhì)量上精益求精,相繼通過以下資格認(rèn)證:國家高新技術(shù)企業(yè)認(rèn)定證書、高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)品證書(全彩LED顯示系統(tǒng))、軟件企業(yè)認(rèn)定證書、軟件產(chǎn)品登記證書、ISO9001質(zhì)量管理體系認(rèn)證證書、ISO14001環(huán)境管理體系認(rèn)證證書、OHSAS18001、中國國家CCC認(rèn)證、中國光學(xué)光電子協(xié)會(huì)顯示屏分會(huì)理事會(huì)會(huì)員證書、河南省電子產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量檢驗(yàn)報(bào)告、 美國FCC認(rèn)證、歐盟CE、歐盟RoHS、多項(xiàng)國家專利等。


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