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              2019/4/2 16:24:50 作者: 來源:南昌易美光電科技有限公司

              項目名稱:  高PPE紫光類太陽光譜設計

              High PPE Sun-like spectrum design

              申報單位:  南昌易美光電科技有限公司



              As the concept of sun-like spectrum enters the horticulture lighting market, how to improve photosynthetic photon flux efficiency (PPE) becomes a top priority for such products. The full spectrum of violet excitation is affected by the electro-optical conversion efficiency of the violet chip and the matching phosphor excitation efficiency, and it is difficult to achieve high light extraction efficiency. shineon adopts dual-chip design, realizes Ra>95, PPE>2.3umol/J, and ensures the light-emitting efficiency while adding violet energy. This design can be matched to most mainstream packages and is suitable for use in the field of horticulture lighting.


              Ra>95 PPE>2.3umol/J





              The sun-like spectrum is realized by using violet and blue chips to excite the matching phosphor in the same package


              客戶已進行條形燈試樣(L1200*W38*H38, 40w 220v),整燈效率可達1.9umol/J

              The customer has carried out the strip light sample (L1200* W38* H38,40w 220v), The lamp efficiency can reach 1.9umol/J.




              Invention patent: a horticulture lighting device

              Application number or patent number: 201822145330.6



              易美芯光集團北京公司聚焦光電、第三代半導體、新型顯示等領域的國際先進硬科技技術,致力于新產品及高精尖產品的研發(fā)及制造。創(chuàng)建以來,易美獲得了國際國內一流客戶的認可與信任,還獲得了紅鯡魚(Red Herring)全球100強,德勤(Deloitte)中國高科技高成長50強,國務院僑辦重點華僑華人創(chuàng)業(yè)團隊等榮譽。公司承接并主導了17項國家及北京重大科技項目,包括多項科技部國家重點研發(fā)計劃,“戰(zhàn)略性先進電子材料”重點專項課題等。

              易美芯光堅持自主創(chuàng)新,在國際及國內創(chuàng)造了多個第一。被授予北京經濟技術開發(fā)區(qū)博士后科研工作站;高亮度半導體發(fā)光器件北京國際科技合作基地;中關村國家自主創(chuàng)新示范區(qū);北京科技研究開發(fā)機構;北京市設計創(chuàng)新中心等稱號。公司已獲得150多項國際、國內專利,積極參與國家標準編制,推動企業(yè)和行業(yè)的標準化發(fā)展,建立了由中國CNAS及美國EPA認證的LM80國家實驗室,先進的自動化產線采用ISO9001質量管理體系及專業(yè)的ERP\MES系統(tǒng)。公司始終堅信先進的技術、優(yōu)質的服務、可靠的質量是生存之本與核心價值。公司的愿景是:用創(chuàng)新改變世界,使世界更光明。公司的使命是成為顧客心目中 LED 技術方面的領導者、聚焦客戶關注的挑戰(zhàn)和壓力,提供有競爭力的 LED 解決方案和服務、我們積極致力于器件、模組及制造技術方面的知識提升。

              ShineOn is a leading global LED package and module solution provider for lightings and display market. It was established in January 2010. It was founded by a team of optoelectronics industry experts with experience in US high-tech companies. ShineOn is strongly backed up by famous USA and Chinese venture capital firms, including GSR ventures, Northern Light Venture Capital, IDG-Accel Partners and Mayfield, and is also supported by Beijing municipal government.

              ShineOn develops the world leading LED packages and modules for high performance,wide color gamut TV backlighting and for high efficient, high reliability light source. It’s SMD, COB, CSP packages and DoB driver integrated module have been used by many high quality TV and general lighting customers.
              ShineOn has obtained certification  CNAS and EPA for its LM-80 laboratory. It implemented advanced MES and ERP system in its production line and established a strict quality management system. The companys vision is to provide customers competitive solutions and most reliable products, and to add value to its customers.

              ShineOn was recognized as a 2011 Global Clean-tech 100 company, and won 2013 Red Herring Global 100 Award. It was also named as 2014 Deloitte Top 50 Fast Growing High Tech Company in China.


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