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              2019/4/1 16:25:28 作者: 來源:江西盛匯光學(xué)科技協(xié)同創(chuàng)新有限公司

              項目名稱:  高光效防眩光阻燃擴(kuò)散板

              High Light Efficiency Flame Retardant Diffusion Plate

              申報單位:  江西盛匯光學(xué)科技協(xié)同創(chuàng)新有限公司





              2、TP(a) 阻燃等級;

              TP(a) flame retardant   


               Light transmission more than 90% 


              haze degree more than 94%





              1. Compared with foreign products: UGR processing technology belongs to UV forming, forming ring-cylinder structure on PET film, forming PET film is very soft and needs to be covered on transparent board; UGR effect is good, but the production and use process is complicated, bad rate is high, and UV processing process has environmental pollution.

              2. Comparing with domestic products, UGR processing in China mainly uses PS material in surface forming rules of quadripyramid, commonly known as prism plate, with low structural accuracy, 2-4mm prism plane size, poor optical uniformity, forming yield and aesthetics; and PS material has short service life, and its optical properties will generally not meet the standards in 6-12 months.

              3. Compared with foreign products, our products have simple processing technology, one-time forming, low cost, and no pollution to the environment. Compared with domestic products, our products have high structural accuracy, fine plane size of 0.15-0.4 mm, service life of 3-5 years, at the same time, it gives the product flame retardant performance, and the appearance visual effect is more beautiful. In recent years, the EU issued the LED health lighting standards, the lighting industry has improved from the pursuit of light efficiency and energy saving to the demand for light quality, light health and light environment. Our UGR diffuser meets the current health lighting industry needs.



              Our company's UGR diffusion plate processing technology is simple, low cost, less environmental pollution, the current market has at least 230 million yuan potential value demand.








              Highly glossy anti-glare and flame retardant diffuser is a kind of diffuser with auxiliary control UGR < 19 and combustion grade satisfying TP(a). It is different from the traditional diffuser. Its low gloss treatment and more scientific formulation process make its diffusivity better and enhance the uniformity and flame retardancy of the diffuser.

              1. High light efficiency anti-glare flame retardant diffuser is different from PMMA and PS as raw materials in the existing technology. Our company uses polycarbonate (PC) with excellent optical properties and better dimensional stability as raw materials.

              2. This product solves the flame retardant problem well: first, it uses polycarbonate PC with better flame retardant performance as the main material; second, it adds flame retardant to make color masterbatch, and improves the flame retardant of PC through blending process to solve the flame retardant problem of the product;

              3. This product needs to design and process the mould with UGR function. There are two kinds of structure of the mould with UGR function. The lens structure and the quadripyramid structure have different processing difficulty. At present, the lens structure can process 60-700 mesh structure, while the quadripyramid structure can only process 30-200 mesh structure because of the influence of equipment technology. Therefore, the structure selection of the processing die for different sheet thickness is the same. In the process of rolling the diffusion plate, the surface of the diffusion plate will form a convex honeycomb shape or a convex quadripyramid shape.

              4. This product solves the contradiction between diffusion and anti-glare: anti-glare is concentration and diffusion is astigmatism. They are contradictory. Adding flame retardant can improve the diffusion effect. The more the flame retardant is added, the better the diffusion effect is, and the worse the anti-glare effect is. Therefore, selecting imported high-efficiency flame retardant, a small amount of content can make PC sheet reach the flame retardant grade of TP(a) and improve the anti-glare effect. Effect;

              5. The process of this product duplicates 90% of the micro-structure on the die to the sheet by hot forming or ultraviolet forming. In the invented process, the extruder process (runner temperature, roll temperature and mechanical limit of the die) is adjusted, and 90% of the structure depth on the roll surface is duplicated to the sheet.




              江西盛匯光學(xué)科技協(xié)同創(chuàng)新有限公司是經(jīng)江西省科技廳批準(zhǔn),注冊資金八千萬,目前已投資1.5億元,以研究世界前沿的光學(xué)應(yīng)用技術(shù)為核心業(yè)務(wù)的科技協(xié)同創(chuàng)新體承辦單位。 公司研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售的“明月牌”PC光學(xué)擴(kuò)散板&膜、廣泛應(yīng)用于LED筒燈、面板燈、高棚燈、廣告燈箱、LCD背光模組等光學(xué)領(lǐng)域,被譽為高品質(zhì)健康照明的“伴侶”,多次榮獲照明行業(yè)優(yōu)秀技術(shù)獎。 

              Jiangxi Shenghui Optical Technology Collaborative Innovation Co.,Ltd, permitted by Jiangxi Science and Technology Department, The registered capital is USD 12 MILLION. Now USD 22 MILLION has been invested at present. It is honored as Science and Technology Collaborative Innovator which specializes in developing optics applications. Our company focuses on developing,producing and selling PC light diffusion sheets and films which are widely applied to LED down lights, panel lights, high bay light, advertising lamp boxes, LCD, backlight modules etc. It is an integral part of Green LED lights with high light efficiency.


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