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              臺(tái)燈 INVITING ——2019神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)設(shè)計(jì)類

              2019/3/29 14:30:30 作者: 來源:Faro Barcelona
              摘要:臺(tái)燈 INVITING ,為Faro Barcelona2019神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)設(shè)計(jì)類產(chǎn)品。



              臺(tái)燈 INVITING



              Faro Barcelona


              INVITING is a lighting family designed to improve user experience. It has an intensity and temperature regulator that adapts according to need. With a single head that uses LED technology, an entire family is successful formed: table, wall and clip. Ideal for lighting work spaces, reading spaces, living rooms and bedrooms. 

              INVITING是一個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)意念在于改善用戶的照明體驗(yàn)。 它僅有一個(gè)調(diào)節(jié)器,便可根據(jù)用戶需要同時(shí)對照度和色溫進(jìn)行調(diào)節(jié)。 通過單顆LED的嶄新技術(shù),成功將燈具演繹了整個(gè)系列:桌面,墻壁和燈夾三款,廣泛地適用于閱讀空間,起居室和臥室的照明工作空間。

              此產(chǎn)品已獲得GEMAN DESIGN AWARD SPECIAL 2019 和 REDDOT DESIGN AWARD 2019獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。


              Consumption: 6 watts (low consumption). 

              Dimensions: 75 x 255h x 110 mm. 

              Weight: 0.8 kg Regulation: IP20.


              尺寸:75 x 255h x 110 mm。 

              重量:0.8公斤 防水等級(jí):IP20


              With a single head that entirely uses LED technology, an entire family is successful formed: table, wall and clip. This facilitates the manufacturing processes, since different light can be created with a single mould, thereby reducing long-term environmental impact. Also, thanks to its regulable LED technology (0-6 watts), the user can lower the light’s intensity when required, thereby reducing electrical consumption.

              通過一個(gè)單頭,全方位運(yùn)用了LED技術(shù),成功的演繹成:桌面,墻壁和燈夾三類。 這有非常利于制造過程,因?yàn)榭梢赃\(yùn)用單個(gè)模具產(chǎn)生不同的光,從而減少長期對環(huán)境的影響。 此外,由于其可調(diào)節(jié)的LED技術(shù)(0-6瓦),用戶可以按需要時(shí)降低燈的功率,從而減少電力消耗。


              This light offers all the possibilities provided by LED technology, since the lighting can be adapted according to the user’s needs. By interacting with the upper wheel, optimum lighting is obtained for each situation: more or less warm light (2700 - 4800 K) with different intensities (0 – 6W).

              因?yàn)檎彰骺梢愿鶕?jù)用戶的需要進(jìn)行調(diào)整,INVITING提供了LED技術(shù)的所有可能性。 通過上方的旋鈕齒開關(guān),便可以獲得每種情況的最佳照明:不同強(qiáng)度(0-6W)或多或少的暖光(2700 - 4800 K)。


              Founded in 1945, Faro began manufacturing flexible table lamps, but gradually began to specialize in other industries. Our expertise comes  more than 60 years of experience to determine where to manufacture the highest quality standards.  



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