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              非同凡想 LED燈-三角形——2019神燈獎申報設計類

              2019/3/28 15:09:24 作者: 來源:廣東非同凡想照明電器有限公司-深圳市新時美特科技
              摘要:非同凡想 LED燈-三角形,為廣東非同凡想照明電器有限公司-深圳市新時美特科技有限公司2019神燈獎申報設計類產(chǎn)品。



              非同凡想 LED燈-三角形

              LED light - Triangle





              This is a triangular common-mode LED lamp, including the lamp body and the power box. The structure of the lamp body is same as the power box. The inner setting of lamp body has a radiator and installs a lamp panel. The upper side of the lamp panel is provided with a panel, which sets several polarizing anti-glare lens installed on the lamp panel.



              外殼材質  Material:鋁合金體+鋼化玻璃  Aluminum alloy body + tempered glass 

               光源  Light Source:CREE 

               尺寸  Size:520*72*70 

               輸入電壓  Input Voltage:DC24V/AC220 

               單顆LED功率  Single Power:1-3W 

               LED數(shù)量  LED quantity:12 

               功率  Total power:12W/18W/24W LED

              顏色  Color:RGB變色 紅 綠 藍 黃 白(可選) 

               光束角  Beam Angle:10*40/10*60 (偏光) 

               防雷擊ESD保護  Lighting Protection ESD:IEC61000-4(level4) 

               防護等級  ProtectingGrade:IP45-IP67 

               電器安全等級  Electrical safety level:I類 

               環(huán)境溫度  Working temperature:-40~55℃ 

               壽命  Life:50000H



              Compared with the existing technology, the utility model has beneficial effect like: the structure of this device is that the lamp body and the power box are triangular structure, which not only solves the problem of priming illumination in irregular wall, but also satisfy different installation environment and irradiation angle. The functions of illumination lamps are not limited in illumination, but also be the eyes of household; moreover, it plays a very important role in decorating. Therefore, the choice of illumination lamps becomes more complected. The reason why is that involves safety and energy-saving, and also involves a lot of factors such as texture, sort, style and taste. A good decorative lamp may become the soul of the decoration.



                   With the double angle adjustment, the lamp body can share with the power box because of their same structure. The double angle adjustment can be used in radiator and can also be used in power box. It is convenient to install because the plug can share with the screw. The design of combining the polarizing anti-glare lens, radiator and panel together can easily solve the outdoor waterproof performance. Between the lamp body and power box, it adopts the double hinges bearing design, which can adjust the illumination angle 180 degrees up and down and better satisfy the illumination angle needs in variety of installation environment.




              注:深圳市新時美特科技有限公司 為 廣東非同凡想照明電器有限公司旗下分公司。             

              非同凡想成立于2015年,屬研發(fā),品牌設計,實體制造企業(yè),現(xiàn)走向市場并成立“LEDifferent”品牌, 公司專注于“娛樂亮化”與“建筑亮化”LED技術創(chuàng)新與服務的高新技術企業(yè)。集研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售和滿足產(chǎn)品定制于一體,我們擁有優(yōu)秀的團隊、良好的企業(yè)文化及完善的管理體系,SMT貼片技術、DIP波峰焊設備3001自動測試等設備為提供優(yōu)秀品質及服務打下了良好的基礎。      


              Ledifferent is a  high-tech enterprise, research, production, sale and service of LED lighting. Our corporation has  a strong technical team and provides affords research, production and inspection  devices. Our corporation implements the flow and standard management and  establishes the high-effective supply-chain management system and strict quality  management system. We are dedicated to providing high-quality products and  considerate technique services. On  the future  development path, Ledifferent always sticks to the principle “to realize the  win-win situation among staff, customers, society and enterprise”.


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