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              2019/3/14 17:22:43 作者: 來(lái)源:廣東非同凡想照明電器有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱(chēng):  LED廣角投射燈-LED窗臺(tái)燈

              LED wide-angle projection lamps- Led Window Lamp

              申報(bào)單位:  廣東非同凡想照明電器有限公司


              LED廣角投射燈又叫“窗燈”,主要用于窗臺(tái)、走廊、隧道等。LED燈現(xiàn)被廣泛運(yùn)用到生活及工業(yè)領(lǐng)域。而燈具技術(shù)難點(diǎn)在于如何有效散熱及戶外使用時(shí)如何進(jìn)行有效防水。LED wide-angle projection lamps, also known as “window lamps”, are mainly used in windowsills, corridors, tunnels and other fields. LED lights have been widely used in life and industry because of their long service life, high brightness and power saving. The main technical difficulties of LED are how to improve heat capacity effectively and how to waterproof effectively when used outdoors.

              LED廣角投射燈的特征是LED燈板安裝在鋁散熱器上,在LED燈板的外側(cè)設(shè)有高透PC防水透鏡,高透PC防水透鏡與LED燈板之間通過(guò)防水膠圈密封。The acteristics of LED wide-angle projection lamps are installing the aluminum radiator on LED panel, arranging high transparency of PC on the outer side of the LED panel and sealing LED panel with a high transparent waterproof lens of PC by waterproof rubber ring.   

              燈具鋁合金殼體底面和與底面垂直的側(cè)面上均設(shè)有若干個(gè)通風(fēng)口。There are several vents on the bottom surface of the aluminum alloy shell and the side perpendicular to the bottom surface of the aluminum alloy shell.            



              型號(hào)  Model:FTFX-CTD-002

              外殼材料  Materail:鐵灰色鋁體

              燈光  LED:CREE 3535 XPE / CREE 2525 XBD

              尺寸  Size:L102*W45*H102mm

              輸入電壓  Input Voltage:AC90V-260V / DC24V

              電流  Current:300mA

              LED數(shù)量  LED QTY:3pcs

              功率  Power:6W

              顏色  Color:紅/綠/藍(lán)/黃/白/寶藍(lán)色/橘紅色/琥珀色   /  RGB             R/G/B/Y/W/Royal blue/Jacinth/Amber

              協(xié)議  Protocol:(常亮) light constantly on/ DMX512

              度數(shù)  Beam Angel:170°

              工作溫度  Working Temperature:-40~55℃

              防護(hù)指數(shù)  IP Grade:IP67

              保質(zhì)  Warranty:30000H-50000H

              證書(shū)  Certificate:CE, Rohs



              燈具多種組合方式,運(yùn)用和安裝靈活,解決了傳統(tǒng)條形燈具的安裝限制;此LED廣角燈通過(guò)高透PC防水透鏡跟殼體組合,可以有效的將散光聚集在一起,形成一條即寬而又亮的光帶,光帶也可以根據(jù)燈光不同的造型需求,進(jìn)行不同的拼接及安裝,不受限制。單個(gè)LED廣角燈,投射面積范圍發(fā)出的光帶有效光域是180度;左右兩個(gè)LED廣角燈拼接,發(fā)出的光帶有效光域是270度。頂端及底部設(shè)計(jì)有電源線,連接端口,燈具可以根據(jù)需求,進(jìn)行不限量拼接。Various combinations of lamps and flexible usage and installation solve the installation limitation of traditional strip lamps. This LED wide-angle lamp can effectively gather astigmatism together through the combination of high-transparent PC waterproof lens with aluminum alloy shell to form a wide and bright light band. The light band can also be spliced and installed in different ways according to the different modeling requirements of the light without restriction.  The effective light band of the projected area range is 180 degrees in a single LED wide-angle lamp. When the left LED wide-angle lamp is spliced with the right, the effective light band is 270 degrees. The top and bottom are designed with power lines, connecting ports, and the lamps can be spliced without restriction according to requirements.

              同比之下,傳統(tǒng)的產(chǎn)品需要多條燈具才能達(dá)到此光域效果。并且,傳統(tǒng)燈具各部位模具金屬件不能通用,燈具產(chǎn)品將耗用大量的開(kāi)模費(fèi),成本高也不環(huán)保。In contrast, traditional products require multiple lamps to attain this light effect. In addition, the mold metal of the traditional lamps parts can not be adapted to different type of lamps. These products consume a lot in mold fee and are neither low cost nor green.


              1、與現(xiàn)有技術(shù)相比,燈具散熱器和殼體采用了分離式設(shè)計(jì),具有很好的對(duì)流通透敞開(kāi)式散熱效果且呈現(xiàn)了精美的外觀,防水面積小,防水成本低、防水效果好,質(zhì)量有保證,LED燈具各部位模具金屬件能夠通用,采用了共摸式設(shè)計(jì),節(jié)約了燈具產(chǎn)品的開(kāi)模費(fèi)及零件成本。Compared with the existing technology, the radiator and housing of lamps adopt separate design, which has a good convection transparent and opening heat dissipation effect and present a beautiful appearance with small waterproof area, low cost, good effect and guaranteed quality. All metal parts of the LED lamps can be adapted to different type of lamps, adopt the use of common pattern design and save the mold fee and parts costs.

              2、燈具安裝靈活,解決了傳統(tǒng)條形燈具的安裝限制,節(jié)省安裝空間及安裝成本。Flexible installation solves the installation restriction of traditional strip lamps and saves installation space and costs.


              1、170度發(fā)光角,投射范圍廣,單個(gè)燈具投射效果可媲美傳統(tǒng)多條燈具投射效果;170-degree luminescence angle, wide projection range and the projection effect of single lamps are comparable to traditional multiple lamps.

              2、燈具散熱器、殼體運(yùn)用對(duì)稱(chēng)結(jié)構(gòu)共模設(shè)計(jì),散熱器、前后殼各自共用一套模具 ;The radiator and housing of the lamps are designed by using the symmetrical structure common pattern design and the radiator and the front and rear housings share a set of mold respectively.

              3、空氣導(dǎo)流設(shè)計(jì),對(duì)流散熱;Air diversion design is conducive to convection and heat dissipation.

              4、多種組合方式,運(yùn)用、安裝靈活,解決了傳統(tǒng)條形燈具的安裝限制;A variety of combination and flexible usage and installation solve the restrictions of installation of traditional strip lamps.

              5、模組式一體化防水設(shè)計(jì),防水工藝簡(jiǎn)單,防水效果好;Modular and integration of waterproof design has a simple waterproof technology and a good waterproof effect.

              6、支架隱藏式滑軌設(shè)計(jì),便于產(chǎn)品的運(yùn)輸及包裝。The hidden slide rail design of the bracket facilitates the transportation and packaging of the products.




              2、廣州番禺奧園國(guó)際中心商業(yè)裙樓的建筑輪廓 。the architectural outline of the commercial podium building of guangzhou panyu Ao yuan  park international center.


              窗、橋梁、建筑物照明、廣告牌照明、酒店、文化廣場(chǎng)設(shè)施專(zhuān)業(yè)照明、酒吧舞廳等娛樂(lè)場(chǎng)所照明Scope:landscape, bridge, building decoration, hotels, cultural facilities, and square, bars discos and other places of entertainment decoration.



              實(shí)用新型專(zhuān)利號(hào):2016211009945;Utility model patent no:2016211009945;

              外觀設(shè)計(jì)名稱(chēng):一種LED廣角投射燈;Design name: a kind of LED wide Angle projection lamp;

              申請(qǐng)人:廣東非同凡想照明電器有限公司;Patent applicant:Guangdong Ledifferent  Lighting Electrial Appliances Technology Co.,Ltd ;

              申請(qǐng)類(lèi)型:實(shí)用新型專(zhuān)利;Application type: utility model patent.

              外觀專(zhuān)利號(hào):2016304907588;Appearance patent number:2016304907588;

              外觀設(shè)計(jì)名稱(chēng):投射燈(LED廣角);Design name: projection light (LED wide Angle);

              申請(qǐng)人:廣東非同凡想照明電器有限公司;Patent applicant:Guangdong Ledifferent  Lighting Electrial Appliances Technology Co.,Ltd ;


              Application type: design patent.



              非同凡想成立于2015年,屬研發(fā),品牌設(shè)計(jì),實(shí)體制造企業(yè),現(xiàn)走向市場(chǎng)并成立“LEDifferent”品牌, 公司專(zhuān)注于“娛樂(lè)亮化”與“建筑亮化”LED技術(shù)創(chuàng)新與服務(wù)的高新技術(shù)企業(yè)。集研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售和滿足產(chǎn)品定制于一體,我們擁有優(yōu)秀的團(tuán)隊(duì)、良好的企業(yè)文化及完善的管理體系,SMT貼片技術(shù)、DIP波峰焊設(shè)備3001自動(dòng)測(cè)試設(shè)備、高速自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)設(shè)備,為提供優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)及服務(wù)打下了良好的基礎(chǔ)。
              Ledifferent is a  high-tech enterprise, research, production, sale and service of LED lighting.  The corporation involves a series of produces, such as LED high-power  spotlights, wall washer lights, underwater lights, LED Point light, Led Module  and led indoor lighting etc.

              Our corporation has  a strong technical team and provides affords research, production and inspection  devices. Our corporation implements the flow and standard management and  establishes the high-effective supply-chain management system and strict quality  management system. We are dedicated to providing high-quality products and  considerate technique services.

              On  the future  development path, Ledifferent always sticks to the principle “to realize the  win-win situation among staff, customers, society and enterprise”.

              At early  2015,Ledifferent Group researched a super wall washer led light without glue.The  super wall washer keep normal working after rigorous testing of raining and  soaking in the water.
              The researching of  super wall washer led light pave the way for Ledifferent, We will keeping to  research more special and innovative Led Light.


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