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              安防和電子身份證PC薄膜 ——2019神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)

              2019/2/23 14:40:12 作者: 來(lái)源:余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽(yáng)光板有限公司
              摘要:安防和電子身份證PC薄膜 ,為余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽(yáng)光板有限公司2019神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  安防和電子身份證PC薄膜

              Security and Electronic ID Card PC Film

              申報(bào)單位:  余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽(yáng)光板有限公司


              JIASIDA提供一種高性能的聚碳酸酯(PC) PW-SD薄膜系列產(chǎn)品,專為高安全等級(jí)安全身份證卡的制造和層壓工藝而設(shè)計(jì)。JIASIDA*PW-SD安全身份卡薄膜系列產(chǎn)品包括可激光蝕刻薄膜、不透明白色薄膜、用作面層或中間層的透明薄膜以及共擠薄膜和有韌性的硬涂層薄膜,可以提高身份卡和其他安全文檔的安全性和耐用性。 這些產(chǎn)品直接符合日益加快的行業(yè)發(fā)展趨勢(shì)的要求,即采用更多(因此更薄的)卡層來(lái)容納附加安全功能,簡(jiǎn)化身份證卡和其他安防證件的制作工藝, 并提高它們的耐用性。




              JIASIDA provides a high performance polycarbonate (PC) PW-SD film series, designed for the manufacture and laminate technology of high security identification card. JIASIDA*PW-SD security identity card film series products include laser etching film, an opaque white film, used as a surface or layer of transparent film and co-extrusion film and resilient hard coating film, can improve the security of id cards and other security documents and durability. These products directly in line with the requirements of increasingly to speed up the development of the industry trend, namely to adopt more (and therefore more thin) card layer to accommodate additional security features, simplify the making craft of id card and other security certificates, and improve their durability.


              適用于對(duì)卡體性能和防偽技術(shù)要求的證照卡。 身份證、駕駛證、電子護(hù)照、過(guò)境卡、居住證、軍官證和警官證、智能卡嵌體、轉(zhuǎn)速計(jì)卡、醫(yī)保卡、公務(wù)員證、車(chē)輛注冊(cè)登記證等。 

              Apply to card body performance and anti-erfeiting technology requirements of the license card. ID Card, driving license, electronic passport, transit card, residence permit, military card and police card, smart card , tachometer card, health insurance card, civil service certificate, vehicle registration certificate, etc.


              主要優(yōu)勢(shì): 耐高低溫 高耐磨性 低收縮性,高平整度 優(yōu)化的表面紋理,可用于印刷,熱燙印和層壓 極優(yōu)的公差控制,便于控制成品厚度 高光學(xué)性能 極優(yōu)的不透光性 卓越的激光蝕刻性 

              Feature: Low temperature High wear resistance low contractility, high flatness optimization of surface texture and can be used for printing, hot stamping and laminated excellent tolerance control, easy to control the thickness High school performance Extreme excellence



              Yuyao Jiashida Sunshine Plate Co., Ltd. has been engaged in plastic sheet industry for 13 years. We focus on transforming innovative ideas into new products quickly and successfully. Jiayuda products have a wide range of applications, including aviation high-speed railway supporting facilities, industrial intelligent products, mechanical anti-static and protective products, electronic products, lighting, sunshine plate, PC film, PC board, PC wave plate, endurance plate. Building lighting and intelligent greenhouse and other fields, we are people-oriented, always focusing on meeting customer needs, from strict material selection to logistics distribution, the whole process of perfect service makes your selection and use more convenient, safe and efficient! Wherever you are, JSODA Enterprise will be your trustworthy partner in Taiwan


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