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              無涂層印刷PC薄膜 JIASIDA*PW-UL系列——2019神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)

              2019/2/23 14:39:41 作者: 來源:余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽光板有限公司
              摘要:無涂層印刷PC薄膜 JIASIDA*PW-UL系列,為余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽光板有限公司2019神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  無涂層印刷PC薄膜 JIASIDA*PW-UL系列

              Uncoated Printed PC Film JIASIDA * PW - UL Series

              申報(bào)單位:  余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽光板有限公司


              對于薄膜印刷行業(yè)而言,藉由JIASIDA*聚碳酸酯印刷薄膜產(chǎn)品系列,可以實(shí)現(xiàn)頂級品質(zhì)的性能和幾乎不受限制的用途。這些材料具有出色的光學(xué)透明度和機(jī)械強(qiáng)度以及一致的可印刷性和易加工性。這些產(chǎn)品包含眾多可供選擇的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)材 質(zhì)和高性能材質(zhì),并且可以提供各種表面處理和紋理。 

              For the film printing industry, the performance of top quality and almost unlimited use can be achieved by the JIASIDA* polycarbonate printing film series. These materials have excellent optical transparency and mechanical strength as well as consistent printability and frangibility. These products include a wide ion of standard material and high performance materials, and can provide various surface treatments and textures.




              拋光型表面處理 所有厚度的JIASIDA*拋光薄膜的透光率都達(dá)到86%到92%。在達(dá)到最小訂貨量時(shí),這些薄膜可以按客戶要求的定制顏色提供。另外,我們還可以按照客戶要求提供各種保護(hù)膜。 

              Polished surface treatment The transmittance of all thickness JIASIDA* polished films reached 86% to 92%. When the MOQ is reached, The films can be provided according to the custom color required by the customer. In addition, we can also provide a variety of protective film according to customer requirements. 

              紋理型表面處理  Texture Surface Treatment JIASIDA*PW-UL

              紋理薄膜系列可以實(shí)現(xiàn)廣泛的設(shè)計(jì)靈活性和美觀度。不論是單面還是雙面紋理產(chǎn)品,都可以進(jìn)行方角、直邊、窄條和平扁形設(shè)計(jì)。這些薄膜的主要特點(diǎn) 包括優(yōu)異的尺寸穩(wěn)定性和延展性。 

              JIASIDA*PW-UL Texture Film Series can achieve a wide range of design flexibility and aesthetics. Whether it is a single or double sided texture product, it can be designed with square Angle, straight edge and narrow strip. The main features of these films include excellent size stability and ductility.



              拋光型表面處理 潛在應(yīng)用: 汽車內(nèi)飾、家電和消費(fèi)類電子產(chǎn) 品方面的模內(nèi)裝飾應(yīng)用 LED/LCD顯示屏 藥品包裝用途 絕緣墊片 頭盔/箱包等吸塑產(chǎn)品 

              Applications: Interior decoration application of automobile interior decoration, household appliances and consumer electronics products  LED/LCD display  Drug packaging use Insulating spacer Helmet / luggage and other blister products 

              主要優(yōu)點(diǎn): 色彩還原真實(shí)性 優(yōu)異的深度效果,并且不影響二次 表面印刷的生動(dòng)性 達(dá)到 FDA/USP VI 級要求 耐化學(xué)性和耐候性   易成形性 

              Feature: Color restore authenticity Excellent depth effect without affecting the vividness of secondary surface printing Meet the FDA/USP VI requirements Chemical resistance and weather resistance Formability 

              紋理型表面處理  Texture Surface Treatment 

              潛在應(yīng)用: 照明和顯示應(yīng)用 汽車儀表板和內(nèi)飾應(yīng)用 消費(fèi)類電子產(chǎn)品 Application: Lighting and display applications Automotive dashboard and interior applications Consumer electronics 

              主要優(yōu)點(diǎn): 具有特殊紋理,可以: - 在背光應(yīng)用中實(shí)現(xiàn)光線擴(kuò)散,并 且無“光斑”   - 耐刮擦和耐磨 - 拉絲金屬外觀 出色的成形性能,可以實(shí)現(xiàn)大規(guī)模 的IMD生產(chǎn) 優(yōu)異的適印性,無需進(jìn)行預(yù)處理 卓越的無毛邊模切能力 

              Feature: With special textures, you can: -Light diffusion in backlit applications with no "spot" -Scratch resistance and abrasion-Brushed metal appearance Excellent formability to achieve large-scale IMD production Excellent printability without pretreatment Outstanding cutting capability without burrs



              Yuyao Jiashida Sunshine Plate Co., Ltd. has been engaged in plastic sheet industry for 13 years. We focus on transforming innovative ideas into new products quickly and successfully. Jiayuda products have a wide range of applications, including aviation high-speed railway supporting facilities, industrial intelligent products, mechanical anti-static and protective products, electronic products, lighting, sunshine plate, PC film, PC board, PC wave plate, endurance plate. Building lighting and intelligent greenhouse and other fields, we are people-oriented, always focusing on meeting customer needs,  strict material ion to logistics distribution, the whole process of perfect service makes your ion and use more convenient, safe and efficient! Wherever you are, JSODA Enterprise will be your trustworthy partner in Taiwan


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