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              2019/2/23 14:39:18 作者: 來源:余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽光板有限公司

              項目名稱:  JIASIDA*OB光學(xué)級PC板

              JIASIDA*OB  Optical Grade PC Sheet

              申報單位:  余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽光板有限公司


              佳斯達(dá)高光學(xué)品質(zhì)聚碳酸酯(PC)板材兼具水晶般清晰的透明度和各種增值性能, 如重量輕,低波紋, 低失真度,光學(xué)缺陷更是低至極限。這些 光學(xué)品質(zhì)及帶涂層板材具有業(yè)內(nèi)領(lǐng)先的光學(xué)規(guī)格。 

              JIASIDA high optical quality polycarbonate (PC) sheet with crystal clear transparency and various value-added performance, such as light weight, low ripple, low distortion, optical defects is low to the limit. These optical quality and coated board have the leading optical specifications in the industry




              主要優(yōu)勢: 低失真度  點(diǎn)缺陷數(shù)量最少  顏色可定制  可與玻璃和PU膜復(fù)合層壓  高抗沖擊性和卓越的透明度  重量輕 

              Feature:  Low degree of distortion  Minimum number of points defects  Color customizable  Can be laminated with glass and PU membranes  High impact resistance and excellent transparency  Lightweight


              潛在應(yīng)用:  基板,車輛采光玻璃  基板,表面硬化處理  層板,防彈層壓復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)  遮陽鏡或護(hù)目鏡 

              Application:  Substrates, vehicle lighting glass; Substrates, surface hardening treatment; laminate, bulletproof laminated composite structures; sunshade mirrors or goggles.


              JIASIDA*OB板材采用光學(xué)級聚碳酸酯原料在萬級無塵室環(huán)境下,經(jīng)過嚴(yán)格的品質(zhì)管控和精密的檢驗(yàn)測試,板材具有較高的光學(xué)品質(zhì),無論是晶點(diǎn)還是雜點(diǎn),都得到了很好的控制。板材還原畫面真實(shí)的色彩和外觀,防止由于板材而產(chǎn)生的畫面失真。 JIASIDA*OB板材采用萬級無塵室技術(shù)生產(chǎn),可為林業(yè)車輛、高速列車、高保安要求采光,以及 VIP、軍事和警用車輛專用的防彈玻璃聚碳酸酯層壓板提供具有最佳光學(xué)質(zhì)量的材料。在易于維護(hù)的同時,這些輕量化防碎產(chǎn)品還可提供卓越的視野、經(jīng)久不變的外觀、耐磨性和耐化學(xué)性。 

              JIASIDA*OB Sheet using optical grade polycarbonate raw materials in the 10000-class dust-free room environment, through strict quality control and precision testing, the sheet has a high optical quality, whether it is crystal or miscellaneous points, have been very good control. Sheet to restore the real color and appearance of the screen, to prevent the distortion caused by the sheet. The JIASIDA*OB Sheet is produced by the technology of 10000-class dust-free room, which can provide the best optical quality materials for forestry vehicles, high speed trains, high security requirements, and VIP, military and police vehicle-bulletproof glass polycarbonate laminates. While easy to maintain, these lightweight, tamper-resistant products can also provide excellent vision, durable appearance, wear resistance and chemical resistance.



              Yuyao Jiashida Sunshine Plate Co., Ltd. has been engaged in plastic sheet industry for 13 years. We focus on transforming innovative ideas into new products quickly and successfully. Jiayuda products have a wide range of applications, including aviation high-speed railway supporting facilities, industrial intelligent products, mechanical anti-static and protective products, electronic products, lighting, sunshine plate, PC film, PC board, PC wave plate, endurance plate. Building lighting and intelligent greenhouse and other fields, we are people-oriented, always focusing on meeting customer needs, from strict material selection to logistics distribution, the whole process of perfect service makes your selection and use more convenient, safe and efficient! Wherever you are, JSODA Enterprise will be your trustworthy partner in Taiwan


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