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              JIASIDA*F高級(jí)阻燃PC板 ——2019神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)

              2019/2/23 14:39:08 作者: 來(lái)源:余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽(yáng)光板有限公司
              摘要:JIASIDA*F高級(jí)阻燃PC板 ,為余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽(yáng)光板有限公司2019神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)技術(shù)。

              項(xiàng)目名稱(chēng):  JIASIDA*F高級(jí)阻燃PC板

              JIASIDA*F High Level Flame Retardant PC Sheet

              申報(bào)單位:  余姚市佳斯達(dá)陽(yáng)光板有限公司



              JIASIDA*F High Level Flame Retardant PC Sheet 

              佳斯達(dá)公司可為飛機(jī)和鐵路內(nèi)飾應(yīng)用提供各種產(chǎn)品,從座位到墻面和照明, 一應(yīng)俱全。佳斯達(dá)公司的不透明和半透明材料組合不僅能夠提供輕量化的抗沖擊材料,還能幫助飛機(jī)和鐵路內(nèi)飾制造商滿足嚴(yán)苛的火焰、煙霧、毒性和放熱等法規(guī)的規(guī)定,降低整體系統(tǒng)成本并提高客艙環(huán)境的美觀性、安全性和舒適性 

              The JIASIDA Company offers a wide range of products ranging  seating to metope and lighting for aircraft and rail interior applications. The combination of the opaque and translucent materials of the company not only provides lightweight impact-resistant materials, but also helps aircraft and rail interior manufacturers meet stringent regulations on fire, smog, toxicity and exothermic, reducing overall system costs and improving the aesthetics, safety and comfort of the cabin environment







              潛在應(yīng)用: 座椅 墻壁/天花板 廚房應(yīng)用 燈光擴(kuò)散器 電氣柜 醫(yī)療器械外殼 

               Application: Seating Walls/Ceilings Kitchen Applications Light Diffuser Electrical Cabinets Medical Device Housings 

              主要優(yōu)勢(shì): 符合關(guān)鍵行業(yè)要求 - 阻燃性 - 煙密度低 - 毒性低 - 熱釋放量低 通過(guò)表面紋理,增加耐磨性 抗沖擊性 尺寸穩(wěn)定性 可熱成型 

               Feature: Meet key industry requirements-flame retardant-smoke density low-toxicity low-low heat release capacity Increase wear resistance through surface textures Impact resistance Dimensional stability Thermoforming



              Yuyao Jiashida Sunshine Plate Co., Ltd. has been engaged in plastic sheet industry for 13 years. We focus on transforming innovative ideas into new products quickly and successfully. Jiayuda products have a wide range of applications, including aviation high-speed railway supporting facilities, industrial intelligent products, mechanical anti-static and protective products, electronic products, lighting, sunshine plate, PC film, PC board, PC wave plate, endurance plate. Building lighting and intelligent greenhouse and other fields, we are people-oriented, always focusing on meeting customer needs, from strict material selection to logistics distribution, the whole process of perfect service makes your selection and use more convenient, safe and efficient! Wherever you are, JSODA Enterprise will be your trustworthy partner in Taiwan


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