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              2019/2/23 14:38:52 作者: 來源:余姚市佳斯達陽光板有限公司

              項目名稱:  JIASIDA*SG系列LED光擴散PC板

              JIASIDA*SG Series  LED Diffusion PC Sheet

              申報單位:  余姚市佳斯達陽光板有限公司



              JIASIDA*SG Series sheet for the egg white translucent, with unique light scattering properties of polycarbonate plate, with the astigmatism properties of the light is very uniform. has a wide range of design freedom and aesthetic sense.




              光擴散PC板是在普通PC單層板的基礎(chǔ)上經(jīng)特殊工藝處理的產(chǎn)品,是實現(xiàn)均勻面光照明的新型光學(xué)材料,光擴散板效果的好與壞,與擴散粒子的使用含量和成分息息相關(guān)。 擴散粒子的含量越少,透光率則越高,霧度則越低,擴散板一般呈淺白,半透明色,擴散粒子的含量越多,透光率則越低,霧度則越高。 JIASIDA通過15年來對擴散母料的不斷研發(fā)與創(chuàng)新,通過對擴散板的表面結(jié)構(gòu)及擴散母料的調(diào)節(jié),使JIASIDA*SG光擴散板達到透光率與霧度的平衡,從而實現(xiàn)擴散均勻度的最佳效果。 

              The Principle of PC Diffusion Sheet: The Optical diffusion PC Sheet is a new kind of optical material which realizes uniform surface illumination by special process on the basis of ordinary PC veneer board, which is closely related to the use content and composition of diffusion particles. The less the content of diffusion particles, the higher the transmittance, the lower the haze, the diffusion sheet is usually milky white and opaque, the content of diffuse particles more, light transmittance is lower, the higher the haze. Through the continuous development and innovation of the diffusion masterbatch over 15 years, through the adjustment of the surface structure and the diffusion masterbatch of the diffusion sheet, the JIASIDA PC diffusion sheet achieves the balance between the transmittance and the haze, thus achieves the best effect of the diffusion uniformity.



              JIASIDA*SG光擴散板的表面結(jié)構(gòu)為一面啞光,一面磨砂來實現(xiàn)最佳透光率和勻光效果的平衡,其主要特點: 1. 可更好的調(diào)節(jié)透光率及霧度,提高光效。 2. 啞光面于導(dǎo)光板接觸可有效減少靜電產(chǎn)生,防止出現(xiàn)光斑。 3. 啞光面用做于接收光源面,可以大大減少光的損失,進而提高光效。 4. 磨砂面做外觀面,可減少由于安裝過程中造成的指紋指印的遺留以及劃傷,且表面柔滑的磨砂面,高檔,舒適。 

              The surface structure of the JIASIDA*SG PC light diffuser sheet is one side matte, and the other side is frosted to  achieve the best balance of light transmittance and uniform light effect, and its main acteristics: 1. Can better adjust the transmittance and haze, improve the efficiency of light. 2. The matte surface contact with the light guide sheet can effectively reduce the static, to prevent the spot. 3. The matte surface is used to receive light source, can greatly reduce the loss of light, and thus improve the light effect. 4. Frosted surface to do the appearance, can reduce the installation process caused by fingerprint fingerprints and scratches, and the surface of the smooth matte, high-grade, comfortable. 

               擴散粒子 Diffusion of Particles: JIASIDA*SG光擴散板通過內(nèi)置先進的光學(xué)設(shè)計, 高新技術(shù)含量的擴散粒子,使光線在化學(xué)顆粒和樹脂之間,通過基材和擴散劑的折射率不同,經(jīng)過多次的光線折射,均勻的分散反射和散射從而科學(xué)的調(diào)整光傳播方向,使點光源變成面光源,擴大了發(fā)光面,從而減少光的損失,使JIASIDA*SG擴散板實現(xiàn)透光率和勻光效果的最佳平衡。 

              JIASIDA*SG PC diffusion sheet through the built-in advanced optical design, high-tech content diffusion particles, so that the light between the chemical particles and resin, through the substrate and the refractive index of the diffusion agent, through multiple light refraction, uniform dispersion of reflection and scattering in order to scientifically adjust the direction of light propagation, so that the point light source into a surface light source, to expand the light-emitting surface Thus reducing the loss of light, so that the JIASIDA*SG PC diffusion sheet to achieve the best balance of light transmittance and uniform effect. 


               Weather Resistance: As the substrate itself with UV resistance and weathering of the sheet, both indoors and outdoors have a good performance.           

               可成形性:其基材及添加微粒的化學(xué)穩(wěn)定性,可確保在熱成型等加工過程中整體性能俱佳。   Formability: The chemical stability of the base material and the added particle can ensure the overall performance in the process of thermoforming.       


              Application: Outdoor LED Light Box, Advertisement Sign, Lampshade, Background Lamp Sign, Communication Channel, Flexible Mirror, Protection Screen, Advertising Shutter, etc.


              余姚市佳斯達陽光板有限公司數(shù)力于塑膠板材行業(yè)13年,我們專注于把創(chuàng)新理念快速、成功的轉(zhuǎn)化為新產(chǎn)品,佳斷達產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用范圍廣,包括航空高鐵配套設(shè)施,工業(yè)智能產(chǎn)品,機械類防靜電及防護產(chǎn)品,電子產(chǎn)品,照明,陽光板,PC薄膜,PC板,PC波浪板,耐力板,建筑采光及智能溫室等領(lǐng)域,我們以人為本,始終著眼于滿足客戶的需求,從嚴(yán)格選材到物流配送,全程的完善服務(wù)使您在選擇和使用方面都更加的簡便,安全高效!無論您在哪里,佳所達企業(yè)將是您值得信賴的臺作伙伴!Yuyao Jiashida Sunshine Plate Co., Ltd. has been engaged in plastic sheet industry for 13 years. We focus on transforming innovative ideas into new products quickly and successfully. Jiayuda products have a wide range of applications, including aviation high-speed railway supporting facilities, industrial intelligent products, mechanical anti-static and protective products, electronic products, lighting, sunshine plate, PC film, PC board, PC wave plate, endurance plate. Building lighting and intelligent greenhouse and other fields, we are people-oriented, always focusing on meeting customer needs, from strict material selection to logistics distribution, the whole process of perfect service makes your selection and use more convenient, safe and efficient! Wherever you are, JSODA Enterprise will be your trustworthy partner in Taiwan


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