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              2019/2/19 14:50:08 作者: 來源:武漢三工光電設(shè)備制造有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  紙品激光鏤空機(jī)

              Paper Laser Hollowing Machine

              申報單位:  武漢三工光電設(shè)備制造有限公司



              The equipment is suitable for carving, cutting and hollowing of greeting cards, invitations, sugar boxes, paper-cut, 3D paper carving lamps, painting templates, paper crafts and other paper materials.




              設(shè)備操作簡單:專用控制軟件可兼容AutoCAD、 CorelDRAW、Photoshop等多種軟件輸出,能實(shí)現(xiàn)文字符號、圖形圖象、條形碼、二維碼、序列號自動遞增等的自動編排和修改,支持PLT、 PCX、DXF、BMP、JPG等多種文件格式,可直接使用TTF字庫。集多種加工方式于一身 : 位圖、劃線、切割、鏤空一次完成 ,人性化設(shè)計,減少疲勞,提高效率。


              4.集多種加工方式于一身 : 位圖、劃線、切割、鏤空一次完成 
              5.可兼容各種常用制圖設(shè)計軟件 , 并自動優(yōu)化處理各種參數(shù) 






              武漢三工光電設(shè)備制造有限公司,地處武漢東湖高新技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)(光谷),是國家認(rèn)定的高新技術(shù)企業(yè)、國家“863項(xiàng)目”承擔(dān)單位和科技部科委“科技型企業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng) 新基金項(xiàng)目”支持單位,擁有自營進(jìn)出口權(quán)。公司一直專心致力于激光加工設(shè)備和太陽能成套設(shè)備的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售和服務(wù),并為客戶提供完整的應(yīng)用解決方案, 目前已成為國內(nèi)激光加工裝備產(chǎn)品系列最全、應(yīng)用最廣、最專業(yè)的光電設(shè)備制造企業(yè)。公司成立于2005年,生產(chǎn)的YAG系列太陽能激光劃片機(jī)填補(bǔ)國內(nèi)空白,是國家外經(jīng)貿(mào)委援外項(xiàng)目指定產(chǎn)品;研制的激光刻膜機(jī)取代進(jìn)口,產(chǎn)品處于國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先、 國際先進(jìn)的水平,改變了國內(nèi)刻膜機(jī)依賴進(jìn)口的局面;研發(fā)的端面泵浦紅外(1064nm)、綠光(532nm)、紫外(355nm)等激光器產(chǎn)品,其性能指 標(biāo)更是超過許多國產(chǎn)激光器的水平。同時,公司還先后通過了CE認(rèn)證、ISO9001質(zhì)量管理體系認(rèn)證、國家實(shí)驗(yàn)室電磁兼容認(rèn)證、3A認(rèn)證,擁有十多項(xiàng)國家 專利,且獲得兩項(xiàng)省部級科技進(jìn)步獎。 行業(yè)聚焦,產(chǎn)品聚焦,是三工光電一直堅持的理念。公司產(chǎn)品主要有非晶硅電池生產(chǎn)設(shè)備系列;晶硅電池封裝設(shè)備系列:激光劃片機(jī)、全自動串焊機(jī)、全自動排版 機(jī)、電池分選機(jī)、組件測試儀、EL缺陷檢測儀;動態(tài)CO2激光打標(biāo)機(jī)、導(dǎo)光板激光打點(diǎn)機(jī)、光纖激光打標(biāo)機(jī)、半導(dǎo)體激光打標(biāo)機(jī)、綠光激光打標(biāo)機(jī)、紫外激光打 標(biāo)機(jī);激光雕刻機(jī)、激光切割機(jī)、激光膜切割機(jī);紅外激光器、紫外激光器、綠光激光器;激光調(diào)阻機(jī)、陶瓷激光劃片機(jī)等30多個品種,廣泛應(yīng)用于太陽能、電 子、燈具、皮革、服裝、廣告、工藝品、汽車摩托車、五金制品、工具、量具、刃具、水暖潔具、食品醫(yī)藥、醫(yī)療器械、印刷雕版、包裝、裝飾裝潢等領(lǐng)域。公司在 全國各地設(shè)有40多個代理商和辦事處,產(chǎn)品在滿足國內(nèi)市場的同時還遠(yuǎn)銷美國、日本、韓國、印度、巴基斯坦、烏克蘭、俄羅斯、土耳其、波蘭、敘利亞、蘇丹以 及臺灣、香港等國家和地區(qū)。 此外,公司長期保持與國內(nèi)外科研機(jī)構(gòu)緊密而廣泛的合作,擁有一批致力于激光應(yīng)用的工程技術(shù)人員和太陽能產(chǎn)業(yè)的資深專家,始終站在激光技術(shù)與太陽能應(yīng)用的前 沿,以“發(fā)展激光產(chǎn)業(yè),振興民族工業(yè)”為己任,秉承“以顧客為中心,與客戶共成功”的經(jīng)營理念,堅持“專業(yè)化和實(shí)用化”的產(chǎn)品設(shè)計原則,竭誠為中外企業(yè)提 供全套的應(yīng)用解決方案和完善的系統(tǒng)服務(wù),不斷鑄造中國誠信企業(yè)品牌新形象。

              Wuhan Sangong Photoelectric Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., located in Wuhan Donghu High-tech Development Zone (Guanggu), is a state-recognized high-tech enterprise, a national "863 Project" undertaking unit and a support unit of "Technology Innovation Fund Project for Science and Technology Enterprises" of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The company has been dedicated to the research and development, production, sales and service of laser processing equipment and solar energy complete sets of equipment, and provides complete application solutions for customers. At present, it has become the most complete, widely used and professional photoelectric equipment manufacturing enterprise in China. The company was founded in 2005, and the YAG series solar laser scriber produced fills the gap in China and is the designated product of the foreign aid project of the State Economic and Trade Commission; the laser film-engraving machine developed replaces the import, and the product is in the leading domestic and international level, which changes the situation that the domestic film-engraving machine depends on import; the end-pumped infrared (1064 nm), green light (532 nm), ultraviolet (355 nm) and so on are developed. Laser products, its performance index is more than many domestic laser level. At the same time, the company has passed CE certification, ISO 9001 quality management system certification, National Laboratory electromagnetic compatibility certification, 3A certification, with more than 10 national patents, and won two provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards. Industry focus and product focus are the persistent concepts of Sangong Optoelectronics. The companys main products are amorphous silicon battery production equipment series; crystal silicon battery packaging equipment series: laser scriber, automatic serial welding machine, automatic typesetting machine, battery sorter, component tester, EL defect detector; dynamic CO2 laser marker, laser marker guide plate, optical fiber laser marker, semiconductor laser marker, green laser marker, ultraviolet laser marker Label marking machine; laser engraving machine, laser cutting machine, laser film cutting machine; infrared laser, ultraviolet laser, green laser; laser resistance regulator, ceramic laser scriber and more than 30 varieties, widely used in solar energy, electronics, lamps, leather, clothing, advertising, crafts, automotive motorcycles, hardware products, tools, measuring tools, cutting tools, water and heating sanitary ware, food. Medical, medical equipment, printing, engraving, packaging, decoration and other fields. The company has more than 40 agents and offices all over the ry. While meeting the domestic market, its products are also exported to the United States, Japan, Korea, India, Pakistan, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Poland, Syria, Sudan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other ries and regions. In addition, the company has maintained close and extensive cooperation with domestic and foreign research institutions for a long time. It has a group of engineers and technicians who are committed to laser applications and senior experts in solar energy industry. It has always stood at the forefront of laser technology and solar energy applications. It takes "developing laser industry and revitalizing national industry" as its responsibility and upholds the management concept of "customer-centered and success with customers". Adhering to the principle of "specialization and practicality" in product design, we will wholeheartedly provide Chinese and foreign enterprises with a complete set of application solutions and perfect system services, and constantly create a new brand image of Chinese honest and trustworthy enterprises.


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