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              2019/2/16 16:16:26 作者: 來源:深圳市零奔洋實業(yè)有限公司
              摘要:OSRAM側(cè)發(fā)光硬燈條---YX05DD1,為深圳市零奔洋實業(yè)有限公司 Shenzhen LingBenYang Industry Co,. LTD.2019神燈獎申報設計類產(chǎn)品。




              Edge Lighting Series OSRAM LED rigid bar---YX05DD1


              深圳市零奔洋實業(yè)有限公司  Shenzhen LingBenYang Industry Co,. LTD.


              Features :Powered by OSRAM led, 495*27.5*15.6mm Nice outlook design with optical lens 15*45 degree, less quantity for one s quare meter. Constant Current driving technology guarantees stable performance of product. 10 pcs Max. in a series connection. UL, CE, and ROHS certified. Warranty 5 years

              特征: OSRAM燈珠, 495*27.5*15.6mm 外觀精美,透鏡的發(fā)光角度15°*45°,一平方米用量更少   恒流驅(qū)動技術保證產(chǎn)品性能穩(wěn)定 最大串聯(lián)級數(shù)為10個 CE,ROHS和UL認證,質(zhì)保5年

              Application Best for 12-40cm depth double-sided light box or 10-20cm depth single-sided light box at airports, metros, banks, buildings and shopping malls, etc.

              適用于 12-40cm 厘米深的雙面燈箱,或者10-20cm厚的單面燈箱,應用在機場,地鐵,銀行,建筑物和購物中心等。



               Part Number: YX05DD1

               CCT(K): 7000K---Can be other color temperature(warm, pure, cold white)

               Beaming Angle(°): 15*45 --- great beaming angle for lighting

               CRI(Ra): ≥70

               Luminous Flux(lm):  1350 

               Voltage(V):   DC24V 

               Power(W):  15

               LED Type:  OSRAMLED 

               Driving Method:  Constant Current

               Dimension(mm):  495*27.5*15.6mm 

               Working Tem.(℃):  -25~+60 

               Storage Tem.(℃):  -25~+70

               Protection Grade:  IP65



               色溫CCT(K):7000K ---可以是其他色溫(暖白,正白,冷白)



               光通量(lm):1350 ---高流明



               LED 種類:  OSRAMLED 



               工作溫度(℃): - 25~ + 60

               儲存溫度(℃): - 25~+ 70 




              OSRAM LED--High Quality, Optical lens 15*45 degree, less quantity for one s quare meter,apply for thin double-sided light box 



              LBY is a professional manufacture specializing in development, production, marketing of LED Light Source for worldwide sign industry. Since 2004, we have been devoted to designing and producing more efficient LED Products and easier to install.

              零奔洋是一家專注于LED光源研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和營銷的專業(yè)制造商,為全球標識行業(yè)提供服務。 自2004年以來,零奔洋一直致力于設計和生產(chǎn)更高效和更易于安裝的LED產(chǎn)品。

              Today, LBY--that name means high quality, great light efficiency and high cost performance. LBY Family have about 500 employees, and LBY factory covers 10.000㎡ with ISO9001:2015 certification. Besides, all of our products approved by UL, CE , ROHS and BIS. Now, We have 22 domestic offices and built very strong partnerships with our distributors  more than 50 ries. We have attended about 20 Lighting Fairs all over the world in one year including FESPA.

              如今,零奔洋, 這個名字代表的是高質(zhì)量,高光效和高性價比。 零奔洋大家庭擁有約500名員工,工廠占地10000平方米,也通過ISO9001:2015認證。另外,零奔洋幾乎所有的產(chǎn)品都通過了UL, CE, ROHS和BIS的認證,質(zhì)量有保證?,F(xiàn)在,我們有22個國內(nèi)辦公室,同時和50多個國家的經(jīng)銷商有著非常密切的合作關系。另外,我們每年都會參加高達20來個全國各地的展會,其中包括FESPA的各國展會。


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