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              2019/1/23 14:30:17 作者: 來源:上海夏侖光電技術(shù)有限公司

              項目名稱:  LED投光燈SP2002

              LED Spot Light SP2002

              申報單位:  上海夏侖光電技術(shù)有限公司


              1. SP2002投光燈專業(yè)的光學(xué)設(shè)計可實現(xiàn)精準(zhǔn)控光,光源采用沉入式放置,同時燈具內(nèi)置網(wǎng)格式防眩光板,雙重防眩設(shè)計,排布緊湊,混光均勻。整燈全方位散熱,溫升符合安規(guī)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

              2. 寬電壓供電,電氣設(shè)計不會有壓差造成燈具亮度不一致。

              3. 燈具透鏡采用4mm超白鋼化玻璃,透光率高達(dá)92%以上。配合硅膠圈密封,防水結(jié)構(gòu),抗沖擊力強。

              4. 燈具底板的側(cè)壁無縫貼合設(shè)計,燈具底座與燈體轉(zhuǎn)軸連接,最大可調(diào)145°,實現(xiàn)了燈具多種角度可視化調(diào)節(jié)。燈具獨特的隱形裝配設(shè)計,整燈光滑平整無螺絲,應(yīng)用安裝方便,可輕易安裝在不同戶外環(huán)境。   

              1. The optical design of SP2002 lamp can be used to control the light accurately. The light source is placed in the sink type. Meanwhile, the light lamp has built-in grid type anti-glare board, double anti-glare design, compact arrangement and uniform light mixing. The whole lamp all-round heat dissipation, the temperature rise conforms to the safety regulation standard.

              2.Wide voltage power supply, electrical design will not have pressure difference caused by the luminaire brightness is inconsistent.

              3.The luminaire lens is made of 4mm ultra-white toughened glass, and the transmittance is over 92%. With silicone ring sealing, waterproof structure, strong impact resistance.

              4.The side wall of lamp floor is jointed seamlessly. The lamp base is connected with the rotating shaft of lamp body and the maximum adjustable is 145 °. The visual adjustment of various angles of lamps and lanterns is realized. Unique invisible assembly design of lamps, smooth, without screws, easy to install and easy to install in different outdoor environments.



              1. 采用原裝進(jìn)口光源,CREE/OSRAM/Lumiled,光效高,光源壽命長

              2. 各種光學(xué)透鏡可選 如:5°/8°/10°/12°/20°/30°/45°/60°/10*55°/10*22°,滿足不同應(yīng)用場所需求

              3. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)DMX512協(xié)議控制 光輝度級別可達(dá)65536級可選,實現(xiàn)豐富多彩變化影象

              4. 結(jié)構(gòu)防水設(shè)計,防護(hù)等級可達(dá)IP66

              5. 供電電壓為220AC/24DC可選

              1. Using the original imported light source,Cree/OSRAM/Lumiled,
                high light efficiency, long life of light source

              2. Various optical lenses can be ed  such as: 5°/8°/10°/12°/20°/30°/45°/60°/10*55°/10*22°,meet the needs of different application sites

              3. The standard DMX512 protocol can control the brightness level up to 65536 levels optional, and realize colorful and varied images.

              4. Structural waterproofing design, protection grade up to IP66

              5. Supply voltage is optional for 220AC/24DC


              1. 國內(nèi)此類燈具設(shè)計時燈具造型過于復(fù)雜,外觀線條不簡潔,表面看到安裝螺絲居多,燈具不美觀,燈具獨特的隱形裝配設(shè)計,整燈光滑平整無螺絲,實現(xiàn)了美觀設(shè)計與簡約實用并存的嚴(yán)苛要求。

              2. 國內(nèi)此類燈具相同功率的燈具體積較大且笨重,體積與建筑不融合。該燈具采用新材料高導(dǎo)電性能的石墨烯材料,充分解決了燈具的散熱性能。

              3. 國內(nèi)此類燈具一般只進(jìn)行二次光學(xué)設(shè)計,很少進(jìn)行三次光學(xué)設(shè)計,該燈具充分考慮燈具結(jié)構(gòu)對光學(xué)的影響,采用三次光學(xué)設(shè)計,使出光更柔和,防眩性能更好。

              1. This kind of lamp design in China is too complicated, the appearance line is not simple, the surface sees the installation screw in the majority, the lamp is not beautiful, the unique invisible assembly design of the lamp, the whole lamp is smooth, smooth and without screws, The strict requirements of aesthetic design and simplicity and utility are realized.

              2. This kind of lamps and lanterns of the same power in China is large and bulky, and does not merge with buildings. The new material, graphene material with high conductivity, is used to fully solve the heat dissipation property of the lamp.

              3. In China, this kind of lamps is only designed by secondary optics, but seldom by cubic optical design. This kind of lamps takes into ac the influence of the structure of lamps and lanterns on optics, and adopts the design of three times optics to make the light softer and the anti-glare performance better.



              . 燈具的60W 的光通量可以替代傳統(tǒng)鹵素?zé)艟?50W 的光通量,可以節(jié)約用戶的電費成本。

              2. ①采用原裝進(jìn)口高性能LED




              1.The luminous flux of 60 W can replace the 150 W luminous flux of traditional halogen lamp, which can save the cost of electricity.

              2. ①Adopt original imported high performance LED

               ②The design of constant current drive ensures the stability of light source.

               ③Design of Heat dissipation using system

              3. The base is connected with the rotating shaft of the lamp body, with stainless steel dial, the maximum adjustable is 145 °, the visual adjustment of various angles of lamps and lanterns is realized, and the expansibility is strong.

               The above three points fully prove the stability of lamps and lanterns, lamp life can reach more than 10 years, reducing user maintenance costs.



               1) 燈具底座與燈體之間轉(zhuǎn)軸連接并加以不銹鋼刻度盤,燈具調(diào)節(jié)角度更加準(zhǔn)確;可實現(xiàn)俯角5度至仰角140度的調(diào)節(jié),實現(xiàn)了燈具多種角度可視化調(diào)節(jié),可拓展性強。
               2) 支架中空設(shè)計,減少燈具重量。中空部分兼顧用于穿燈具線纜,對線纜起到隱藏與保護(hù)作用。

              1. Appearance
              The lamp adopts invisible assembly design, the whole lamp is smooth and flat without screws, and the extremely simple shape endows the lamp body with smooth and smooth lines. The aesthetic feeling of form, function, material and technology is integrated into one, which reflects the aesthetic trend of the new era.

              2. Structure
              The main results are as follows:
              1)The lamp base is connected with the lamp body and the stainless steel dial is used, the adjustment angle of the lamp is more accurate, the angle of the lamp can be adjusted  5 degrees to the elevation angle of 140 degrees, the visual adjustment of various angles of the lamp is realized, and the expansibility of the lamp is strong.
              2) Hollow support design to reduce the weight of lamps and lanterns. The hollow part is used to wear the lamp cable, which can hide and protect the cable.
              3) The luminaire chip adopts the sinking design to reduce the glare generation, and the black absorbent cover is added around the luminaire surface, which can reduce the glare of the lamp, and hide the driving module and the control module of the lamp at the same time.

              3. Materials
               1)Using 4mm super-white toughened glass, the transmittance is greater than 92. The luminaire has high light efficiency. With weatherproof silicone ring seal, the structure is waterproofing and strong impact resistance.
               2)The new material, graphene with high conductivity, can fully solve the heat dissipation of lamps and lanterns.


              See annex for details


              實用新型專利號(Patent number of utility model):ZL 2016 2 0877960.0;ZL 2017 2 0293321.4;ZL 2017 2 0532794.5


              See annex for details






              Since the establishment of the SALN brand, we have been committed to the field of building lighting R & D, production, sales, customized services in one of the LED lighting product integration service provider. We not only provide high-quality products for customers, but also customize lighting system solutions for customers.

              We always adhere to high-quality LED products and value-added services as the core competitiveness of the enterprise, "do a good job of each lamp" as its business philosophy.
              SALN brand core team has more than 10 years of experience in the field of LED lighting, in industrial design, lighting structure, electronic technology, optical applications, control software and hardware and other core areas of technological breakthrough and experience advantage. To ensure the provision of high-quality, high-stability LED products to help customers succeed in the market competition.

              At the same time, we pay great attention to the brand market construction, and adhere to the focus strategy, for owners, designers, engineers to provide pre-design development, simulation analysis, secondary deepening; In the later stage, the installation and debugging, program arrangement, regular maintenance and so on are integrated and customized services are provided to achieve the perfect unity of lighting technology and architectural art. In the future, I will continue to improve the service system, and then enhance the comprehensive strength of the SALN brand. All along, we are convinced that SALN is willing to work with partners to open up and cooperate, share and win, and strive to build a healthy, intelligent, energy-efficient, and art. The theme of light.


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