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              2019/1/15 17:14:28 作者: 來源:寧波圣光電器有限公司




              Connectable Led Festoon Kits Chain Light for Construction Area




              Connectable and continuous lighting for construction area, ideal for lighting corridors, doorways, apply to tunnel maintenance, night work, road construction and etc. Environmental friendly, economic, and sustainable product to light the world. 可連接工地照明LED線燈主要適用于建筑區(qū)域的可連接和持續(xù)照明,適用于照明走廊,門口,適用于隧道維護,夜間工作,道路施工等。環(huán)保,經(jīng)濟,可持續(xù)的產(chǎn)品照亮世界。


              22/100M Festoon Kits Chain; 

              110V/240V 50/60Hz  10pcs heads; 

              5W/8W  per head available; 

              400/640lm per head; 

              Adjustable distance btw heads; 

              Plastic casing + H05VV-F cable; 

              30000hrs 6400K ; 

              IP44  CE ROHS approved。

               22 / 100M線燈; 

              110V / 240V 50 / 60Hz 10pcs頭; 

              每頭5W / 8W可用; 

              每頭400 / 640lm; 


              塑料外殼+ H05VV-F電纜; 

              30000hrs 6400K; 

              IP44 CE ROHS認證。


              防老化,抗腐蝕,不變色,防水好; 光照強、光色一致性佳、色彩飽和度好、壽命長、衰減低等特點,保證產(chǎn)品品質(zhì); 產(chǎn)品優(yōu)秀的防水抗壓性能,保證產(chǎn)品的戶外使用; 能夠讓用戶在更加安全的環(huán)境下使用,非常適合戶外、隧道、道路和夜間工作照明的應(yīng)用,增大可視距離。


              Holite could survive in today’s fierce competition lie in innovation and revolution. We are not satisfied with all the products we have now, we are pursuing what we could have in the future. We have our own R&D section, paying attention to develop something new which is different and unique  others. Thanks to their creative thinking, they have keen insight into the situation of markets and could easily smell the rapidly changed trends in the market. Based on these, we  our products accordingly and make improvements for imperfect ones, which includes not only the change of appearance of the products, but also the optimization of their function and performance. We always hope that our customers could buy our products of the best quality while with the lowest price.    Holite believes that only with environmental-friendly and sustainable ways of production, could we survive and thrive in a long way. 

              Holite可以在今天激烈的競爭中生存,在于創(chuàng)新和革命。 我們對現(xiàn)有的所有產(chǎn)品都不滿意,我們正在追求未來的產(chǎn)品。 我們擁有自己的研發(fā)部門,注重開發(fā)一些與眾不同的新事物。 憑借他們的創(chuàng)造性思維,他們對市場情況有敏銳的洞察力,并且很容易聞到市場中迅速變化的趨勢。 在此基礎(chǔ)上,我們對產(chǎn)品進行相應(yīng)的改進,對不完善的產(chǎn)品進行改進,不僅包括產(chǎn)品外觀的變化,還包括功能和性能的優(yōu)化。 我們始終希望客戶能夠以最低的價格購買我們最優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品。 ???? Holite認為,只有環(huán)境友好和可持續(xù)的生產(chǎn)方式,我們才能在很長一段時間內(nèi)生存和發(fā)展。


              Holite Electrical Co., Ltd, located in the beautiful coastal, Ningbo Zhejiang Province, was established in 2002, with almost 20 years experience in production and trading. Holite has built solid and friendly patnership with quite a lot customers all over the world and had won good reputation amont them. Holite specialize in lighting and heating products since it was founded. Producing a wide range of products which include various kinds of infrared heaters, for example, ceramic heater, parasol heater, heat panel, industrial heaters, etc. Lighing products mainly cover led floodlight, festoon kits chain, 360° lights and so on. Each of them is not only good in quality, but also with excellent performance, both with nice looking and practical functions. Products  Holite could be used widely in many fields, The production process is mature and the production procedure conforms to the standards though years of production.


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