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              生產(chǎn)線專用燈- EVO3-36W——2019神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品

              2019/1/4 9:53:43 作者: 來源:吉林省優(yōu)為光電科技有限公司
              摘要:生產(chǎn)線專用燈- EVO3-36W,為吉林省優(yōu)為光電科技有限公司2019神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  生產(chǎn)線專用燈- EVO3-36W

              Production Line Lamp- EVO3-36W

              申報單位:  吉林省優(yōu)為光電科技有限公司


              Operating conditions in industrial production areas put forward high requirements for the firmness of lights. In order to ensure the best visual conditions, lamps must be based on specific industries, dust and huity resistance, resistance to vibration and temperature fluctuations, and meet the relevant standards of clean lamps.  GINLUX EVO3 series products are a kind of joint lighting system products. It has independent intellectual property rights, and has better performance in system scalability. It fills the gap in the field of industrial lighting in China.




              Compared with similar products abroad, EVO3 series has more concise lamp structure, better integration with intelligent control system, and cost-effective.


              1 模塊化結(jié)構(gòu)的光源部件,為使用者創(chuàng)造了靈活的自主組合空間。
              1. Modular light source components create flexible self-assembly space for users.
              2. The system is easy to maintain. If a fault occurs, the fault components can be easily replaced separately.
              3. The system is easy to expand. The original product lamps and lanterns are independent of each other and have poor expansibility. The new components of lamps and lanterns refer to the structure of industrial profiles. They are compatible with various connection modes of industrial profiles. They are simple in structure, easy to operate and have good system expansibility, thus forming a new standardized structure of industrial lighting and lanterns.
              4. Save system installation cost. The original product needs another industrial profile or structure to provide installation surface when it is installed. The new lamp assembly itself has the structure of industrial profile and corresponding strength, built-in power supply line and control line, and can be connected inside the lamp shell. Therefore, it is not necessary to provide installation surface and wiring, so as to save the cost of the system.


              實(shí)用新型專利號:201820692726.X (已授權(quán))



              The inner part of the shell is designed with power bus and control bus, which can cooperate with intelligent hardware to build intelligent lighting system.


              Jilin INLUX Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2016. It is a high-tech lighting company integrating R&D, production and sales. Major managers have many years of experience in German Hella Group. With perfect production capacity, excellent professionals, rigorous and effective management mode, excellent product quality, the company actively participates in the construction of industrial lighting system projects, and is committed to the development and service of domestic and foreign related lighting market.
              In line with service-oriented brand strategy and taking "building simplified and standardized lighting" as the mission and goal of the enterprise, the company strengthens the competitiveness of the enterprise through continuous technological innovation of energy-saving lighting products and research and development of new and high-tech products, and ensures to provide users with efficient, safe, intelligent and environmentally friendly green lighting products.


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