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              LED 三連串燈籠——2019神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品

              2018/12/18 9:33:55 作者: 來源:河南龍騰照明工程有限公司
              摘要:LED 三連串燈籠,為河南龍騰照明工程有限公司2019神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  LED 三連串燈籠

              LED three series lanterns

              申報單位:  河南龍騰照明工程有限公司




              I. application: LED lanterns are simple and elegant, and have strong Chinese acteristics. They can be used indoors and outdoors. Modern cities use LED lanterns to make up the point do not have a flavor, a lantern lit, red radiant, jubilant beautiful scene can be realized.

              Ii. Benefits: the research and development of LED lanterns solves the defects in the use of traditional lanterns and adds new functions while retaining traditional cultural elements. Once launched, it has become the first choice of domestic outdoor lighting.


              1、產(chǎn)品尺寸: H2000*L600mm;外殼尺寸: H620*L600mm; 產(chǎn)品外形: 12 瓣南瓜燈籠;外殼顏色:中國紅;上下蓋顏色:米黃;支架顏色:白色。光源顏色:紅色+白色;使用環(huán)境: 60℃-30℃,防水等級: IP44。



              4、電源:高光效超導(dǎo)45W, 電源防雷、防塵、防水、 防水,等級IP67。

              5、使用電壓: AC170- 250V,額定電壓: DCI2V, 產(chǎn)品功率: 20W, 頻率: 50Hz 60Hz, 發(fā)光角度:通體發(fā)光180度。

              1. Product size: H2000*L600mm; Shell size: H620*L600mm; Product appearance: 12 pumpkin lanterns; Shell color: Chinese red; Color of upper and lower cover: beige; Bracket color: white. Light source color: red + white; Using the environment: 60 ℃ to 30 ℃, waterproof rating: IP44.

              2. Light source: super bright 2835 patch, glue filling waterproof module, waterproof grade IP65.

              3. chip: high light efficiency chip, 3 years light decline is not more than 5 percent.

              4. Power supply: high light efficiency superconductivity 45W, power supply lightning proof, dust proof, waterproof, waterproof, grade IP67.

              5. Operating voltage: ac170-250v, rated voltage: DCI2V, product power: 20W, frequency: 50Hz 60Hz, luminous Angle: full-body luminous 180 degrees.



              Solve the traditional lantern is not waterproof and faded shortcomings, retain the traditional cultural elements at the same time, low carbon beauty and environmental protection, has become the first choice of domestic outdoor lighting.





              1.the installation is flexible and convenient, can be seamlessly spliced, installation does not need the bridge, also do not need wiring, can save installation cost, labor cost, auxiliary material cost, ceiling decoration cost;

              2. Energy saving and electricity saving;

              3. Within three years, the color will not fade and there will be no after-sales service, which can save the after-sales maintenance fee.


              創(chuàng)新性: 外殼材質(zhì):進(jìn)口PMMA+ABS材料(啤注一次吹塑成型),厚度3MM ,外殼材質(zhì)抗UV、防紫外線,三年內(nèi)不褪色;LED燈籠是運(yùn)用現(xiàn)代科技與傳統(tǒng)工藝相結(jié)合的新型節(jié)慶照明產(chǎn)物,它是運(yùn)用了LED光源技術(shù)。外殼采用進(jìn)口 PMMA+ABS材料,低碳美觀環(huán)保,耐老化,風(fēng)吹雨打也能長久保持光鮮亮麗,擁有其他材質(zhì)所不具備的特性;材質(zhì)的防水等級達(dá)到IP65。



              Innovation: shell material: imported PMMA+ABS material (one-time blow molding for beer injection), 3MM thick, shell material is UV resistant and UV resistant, and will not fade within three years; LED lantern is a new festival lighting product combining modern science and technology with traditional technology. It USES LED light source technology. The shell is made of imported PMMA+ABS material, which is low-carbon, beautiful, environmentally friendly, anti-aging, and can be kept bright and shining even in the wind and rain. It has the acteristics that other materials do not have. The waterproof grade of the material reaches IP65.

              Practicality: fixed lamps and lanterns are easy to install and maintain. The quality, circuit safety and lamp design of the lamps and lanterns are inspected by the national quality supervision and inspection center (zhongshan) and conform to relevant national standards.

              Economy: the lamp is cost-effective, uv resistant, and will not fade within three years; Long service life, waterproof grade of material reaches IP65; Easy installation and maintenance, saving maintenance cost.





              Application case 1:
              The municipal administration department of qibin district, hebi city purchased 19,700 LED lanterns on December 27, 2016, which was highly appraised. (figure 1)

              Application case 2:
              Qi y housing and urban-rural planning and construction bureau purchased 12525 LED lanterns on January 16, 2017, which was highly appraised. (figure 2)

              Application case 3:
              Anyang hengxing municipal maintenance co., ltd. purchased 1800 sets of LED lanterns on February 5, 2018, which was highly appraised. (figure 3)


              The patentee henan longteng lighting engineering co., LTD., the designer xu lianyang, applied for and obtained the LED lantern (three-series lantern) appearance design patent on June 5, 2018, certificate no. : 4861725. (figure 1)
              In April 2018, LED lanterns won the second prize of the sixth central plains lighting award. (figure 2)



              1燈桿造型 :創(chuàng)新理念量產(chǎn)中華燈籠系列、中國結(jié)系列、地方特色系列等燈桿造型產(chǎn)品




              Based on professional landscape lighting design, construction and operation, the company innovatively outputs "sunshine riverside" series festival lighting products as lighting service providers.

              1. Lamp pole modeling: innovative concept of mass production of Chinese lantern series, Chinese knot series, local acteristics series and other lamp pole modeling products

              2. Lighting sketch: innovative concept, r&d, design, production, sales with Chinese elements, local acteristics, enterprise style, sports theme and other series of lighting sketch

              3. Festival lighting: integrate market resources, design and construction, maintenance, operation of festival lighting and other temporary holiday atmosphere construction projects

              4 buildings, landscape lighting: design, construction, operation, urban buildings, landscape lighting project


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