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              魔方3.0系列 投光燈——2018神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)產(chǎn)品

              2018/3/29 14:05:54 作者: 來(lái)源:杭州羅萊迪思照明系統(tǒng)有限公司
              摘要:魔方3.0系列 投光燈,為杭州羅萊迪思照明系統(tǒng)有限公司2018神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)產(chǎn)品。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  魔方3.0系列 投光燈


              申報(bào)單位:  杭州羅萊迪思照明系統(tǒng)有限公司


              羅萊迪思照明系統(tǒng)有限公司全新推出旗下“魔方”系列室外投光燈洗墻燈魔方3.0 全產(chǎn)品系列,在流明、色溫方面滿足不同的需求。魔方系列以其高亮度、高光效、高品質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品以其卓越的光學(xué)效果、使用靈活性、安全性、精準(zhǔn)性,精確定位于高檔全系列全尺寸 LED 室外投光燈產(chǎn)品。
              魔方3.0 系列還包含了 RGB/RGBW 全彩以及四合一全彩系列產(chǎn)品,配合羅萊迪思室外照明 DMX512 控制系統(tǒng),可以實(shí)現(xiàn)單色輝度 256 級(jí)可調(diào)和全彩 1600 萬(wàn)色可調(diào)。為城市的夜晚帶了絢麗多姿的夜景燈光。

              1) 低碳節(jié)能




              魔方180 的 9 顆粒版本擁有極窄配光角度,半角達(dá)到 3.5 度,k值高達(dá) 192 cd/LM,中心光強(qiáng) 10080000cd,適用于窄光束應(yīng)用環(huán)境,如 300 米以上建筑外立面,超高景觀,雕塑,和大型體育場(chǎng)館的照明需求。

              LED Flood Light MATRIX RTG180(9 LEDs) has extreme narrow beam angle with 3.5 , Maximum K value is 192 cd/Lm , and central light intensity is 10,080,000 cd. It is applicable in the environment of narrow beam and meet the demands for lighting on the external surface of 300-meter buildings , extreme high landscapes , sculptures and large-scale stadiums.








              4)解碼驅(qū)動(dòng)一體化,解決了工藝上的操作復(fù)雜,可以全部機(jī)器自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn), 并且解決了墻體安裝空間小,節(jié)約了大量的工時(shí),和材料成本。

              Economic Assessment and Analysis

              Through multi-functional combination and application in different environments , integrated new type MATRIX with one-time light distribution technology , high K value and decoding drive , they meet increasing strictly demands  people about LED lighting fixtures, as well as produce more social and economic effect.

              1)Low-carbon and Energy Saving
              Through rational layout and control , transmission control could be achieved for lighting node(Ecological Park , East , Middle and West Section of Ecological Park , Night Landscape Lighting in the Square, etc.) in the different branches of Municipal Administration Bureau

              2)MATRIX Series Products has overtemperature self-recovery protection function ,
              super heat-dissipation area and air-convection heat-dissipation structure , it is self-protected in the harsh environment and used for various landscaping projects in different environment , such as buildings, bridges , mountains , parks ,etc.

              3)The body of MATRIX is made of aviation aluminum alloy which is processed by
              level military grade three anodized craft ; Optic lens with Panilte PC material is
              corrosion resistant and UV-resistant , impact resistance IK08 test has been approved.

              4)Integrated decoding drive simplifies the operation on crafts which could be
              achieved with machine automation , furthermore , working hours and material cost has been saved.


              魔方全系列在LED戶外照明產(chǎn)品中,一次配光獨(dú)特光學(xué)透鏡下K值達(dá)到192cd/lm,利用光學(xué)原理,同時(shí)解決副光斑的問(wèn)題。采用 OSRAM 專業(yè)級(jí)戶外 LED 燈珠,高顯指、高亮度、可靠耐用;光學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)采用羅萊迪思獨(dú)有的一次配光技術(shù),達(dá)到更為精準(zhǔn)的照明提供更好的照明效果,透鏡材質(zhì)采用日本帝人 PC,耐腐蝕抗紫外,通過(guò)耐撞擊 IK08 測(cè)試;燈體采用航空鋁合金材質(zhì),表面采用軍工三級(jí)硬質(zhì)陽(yáng)極氧化處理工藝,熱導(dǎo)率可達(dá) 230W/m*K;加上底部采用通風(fēng)口式散熱設(shè)計(jì),保證燈具的散熱性能。采用專業(yè)的臺(tái)階型防水結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì),防護(hù)等級(jí)提升到 IP67; 

              Among all the LED outdoor products, MATRIX Series products has K value 192 cd/lm after adopting unique optic lens with one-time light distribution technology, also the problem of auxiliary facula could be solved. Professional outdoor LED  OSRAM in the MATRIX has high CRI , high brightness and high reliability. Unique one-time light distribution technology developed by ROLEDS provides better and more precisely lighting effect. Optic lens with Panilte PC material is corrosion resistant and UV-resistant , impact resistance IK08 test has been approved ; the body of lighting fixtures is made of aviation aluminum alloy which is processed by military grade three anodized craft, maximum heat conductivity is 230W/m*K ;  ventilation style design for heat dissipation on the bottom of fixture improves the heat dissipation performance. Professional design with stair-type waterproof structure improves the waterproof level to IP67. 

              魔方 3.0 全系列新增 RGBW 產(chǎn)品線,使光效能在高色純和高亮度之間自由切換并兼得遠(yuǎn)距離投光和近距離洗墻,極為適用于對(duì)色彩有特殊需求及光色均勻性高要求的場(chǎng)合;更有利于豐富實(shí)際項(xiàng)目應(yīng)用中動(dòng)畫效果的層次感,讓照明節(jié)目有更精彩的表現(xiàn)。

              New RGBW products of MATRIX 3.0 can make the light efficacy switch between high color purity and high brightness , it can be used for long distance floodlighting and short distance wall washing , especially applicable in the areas which has special demands on color and high requirements about the uniformity of light and color ; in addition , RGBW products are helpful for enriching the sense of Layering about the animation effect in the actual projects and making lighting programs more excellent.  

              自主研發(fā) RDM 和 DMX512 雙協(xié)議芯片,全系列魔方可擴(kuò)展 RDM 智能控制及反饋芯片。標(biāo)準(zhǔn) DMX512/RDM 協(xié)議全兼容 / 支持在線寫入 UID / 4個(gè) PWM 通道 / RGBW 控制能力實(shí)時(shí)掌握燈具運(yùn)行情況,更為適應(yīng)工業(yè)級(jí)工作環(huán)境,為運(yùn)維穩(wěn)定性和安全性提供有力保障。

              Mainly focuses on researching and developing dual-protocol chips RDM and DMX512 , all the series of MATRIX support RDM intelligent control and feedback chip, they are compatible with standard DMX512/RDM protocols , supports online UID and has 4 PWM channels ; RGBW control capability can monitor operation status of lighting fixtures and provide powerful protection for stability and safety of operation and maintenance. Various brackets for installation could be used in the different sites and provide convenience for installation ; various accessories designed for different environments could meet different demands for anti-glare function.    

              1 到 1000 瓦功率全覆蓋,更可靠的光學(xué)性能,更精美的工業(yè)設(shè)計(jì),為照明設(shè)計(jì)的實(shí)現(xiàn)打下了堅(jiān)實(shí)的基礎(chǔ)。

              Power coverage  1 to 1000 , more reliable optic performance , more exquisite
              Industrial design , all these factors provides solid foundation for lighting design.


              In the LED outdoor lighting industry , integrated decoding drive realizes modularization assembling , which can combine different quantity of lighting fixture into one , that is how the definition of MATRIX could be explained.





              G20 Summit , Wuzhen Internet International Convention Center , Shanghai  Jade Buddha Temple , Phoenix Bridge , Global Mazu Culture Forum Convention Center , Jinan One-ring One-lake , Hanshan Music and Lighting show , Ordos , Hangzhou Xixi Westland , Lin’an Peach & Plum Blossom and Spring Breeze , The Big Bridge on the Dongting Lake  ...





              Golden Finger Award – Excellent LED Flood Light

              CIES Innovative Technology Award  - MATRIX 2.0

              LED Outdoor Lighting 2017 “Luminous Cup “ Innovative Award - MATRIX 3.0





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