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              景觀庭院燈 LED-J164 頂天立地——2018神燈獎申報(bào)產(chǎn)品

              2018/3/29 11:55:35 作者: 來源:濟(jì)南三星燈飾有限公司
              摘要:景觀庭院燈 LED-J164 頂天立地,為濟(jì)南三星燈飾有限公司2018神燈獎申報(bào)產(chǎn)品。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  景觀庭院燈 LED-J164 頂天立地

              申報(bào)單位:  濟(jì)南三星燈飾有限公司


              本款庭院燈設(shè)計(jì)元素源自中國古建筑,講究對稱、方正 ;倡導(dǎo)典雅、傳統(tǒng)。燈頭采取壓鑄工藝,燈桿采用半透明裝飾材料,四平八穩(wěn),古樸美觀。人生亦如此,規(guī)矩做事,方寸之間,成就一番事業(yè),進(jìn)而頂天立地。     


              ● 融入了中國古典建筑風(fēng)格,造型古樸典雅

              ● 人性化結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì),拆裝方便,安全可靠

              ● 高壓鑄鋁燈體,抗沖擊,使用壽命長 

              ● 透光罩采用光學(xué)級 PC 材料,無眩光,透光率高

              ● 光源采用中功率 LED 

              The design element of the garden lamp is derived  the ancient Chinese architecture, which is symmetrical and square, and advocates elegance and tradition. Die casting lamp, lamp with translucent decorative material, safe, simple and beautiful. Life is like this, rules, career achievements, and of indomitable spirit. Product description Integrated into Chinese classical architectural style, simple and elegant The design of humanized structure, easy disassembly and disassembly, safety and reliability High pressure cast aluminum lamp body, impact resistance and long service life Optical level PC material is used for light transmission cover, without glare and high transmittance The use of medium power LED for light source







              1、The lamp comprises a lamp holder and electrical appliances life, warehouse at the top and bottom are square, and the top width is greater than the width of the base, a side wall arc connection between the top and bottom sides of four, electric silo top top connected by bolts visible cover, the top cover is connected to the center of smooth and uplift a vertical trim, bin is arranged in the power supply, electrical wiring row, and wire pressing, a transparent cover is arranged below the bottom of the warehouse appliances are arranged in the transparent cover, LED light source plate light downward, the lamp holder top through the transparent cover center and warehouse appliance is connected with the bottom of the lamp holder, a lamp is arranged at the bottom connection department of. 

              2、The bottom surface of the electric barn is provided with a light source mirror aluminum plate. The lower surface of the mirror surface of the light source of the light source is provided with a light source PET paper. Waterproof adhesive strips are arranged between the edge of the light transmission cover and the bottom of the electric barn and the top edge of the electric barn. 

              3、With the Chinese LED light source lamp, energy saving and environmental protection, long service life, the use of the lamp formed a number of advantages, maintenance more convenient, the lamp has the function of illumination, shape into Chinese classic architectural style, elegant shape, simple lines, nearly smooth, natural appearance of mountain and generous, but also to meet the as a new LED garden lamp decoration function.


              1、浙江衢州衢江兩岸 2、北京市建國門公園








              公司先后通過了歐洲CE認(rèn)證、ISO9001:2008質(zhì)量管理體系認(rèn)證,先后獲得“高新技術(shù)企業(yè)” 、“重合同守信用單位”、“2011中國設(shè)計(jì)獎-紅棉獎”等殊榮,國家專利和國家科技進(jìn)步獎達(dá)幾十余項(xiàng)。




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