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              2018/3/22 17:53:17 作者: 來源:英飛特電子(杭州)股份有限公司

              項目名稱:  超高電壓輸入600W可編程驅(qū)動器

              申報單位:  英飛特電子(杭州)股份有限公司




              The ESD-600SxxxDV series is a 600W, constant-current, programmable LED driver that operates  249-528 Vac input with excellent power factor. Created for high mast, sports, aquaculture and horticulture lighting, it provides a dim-to-off mode with low standby power. The high efficiency of these drivers and compact metal case enables them to run cooler, significantly improving reliability and extending product life. To ensure trouble-free operation, protection is provided against input surge, under voltage lock out, input over voltage, output over voltage, short circuit, and over temperature.


              1、效率高達 95.0%/Ultra High Efficiency (Up to 95%)

              2、全功率寬輸出電流范圍(恒功率)/Full Power at Wide Output Current Range (Constant Power)

              3、可為LED模組提供過溫保護功能/Thermal Sensing and Protection for LED Module

              4、多種調(diào)光控制可選:DALI, 時控(3 種時控調(diào)光)/0-10V/PWM/Timer Dimmable (3 Timer Modes)

              5、可調(diào)光關(guān)斷且超低待機功耗≤0.5 W/Dim-to-Off with Standby Power ≤ 1.5 W

              6、光衰補償Output Lumen Compensation

              7、防雷保護:線對線 6 KV, 線對地 10 KVInput Surge Protection: 6kV line-line, 10kV line-earth

              8、全方位保護:過溫保護,過壓保護,短路保護/All-Around Protection: OVP, SCP, OTP

              9、IP67/Waterproof (IP67)

              10、SELV/SELV Output

              11、可外置使用/Suitable for Independent Use

              12、五年質(zhì)保/5 Years Warranty


              目前還沒有主流LED電源廠商發(fā)布過同類型基于DALI控制的600W LED驅(qū)動電源
              2、超強輔助源能力:12Vdc / 200mA,可直接為各種感應器、傳感器提供供電,大大降低系統(tǒng)成本;


              Intelligent programmable: You can adjust the parameters of the online or offline, adjustment of the power settings and output current at real-time, and enhance the flexibility of the product;

              Input Surge Protection: lightning protection line up to line 6KV, line to ground 10KV, no need lightning protection for outdoor applications, greatly reducing system cost;

              High Efficiency: The efficiency is up to 95%, which greatly improves the thermal performance and reliability of the product and prolongs the life of the product;

              Ultra-low standby power consumption: standby power<0.5W, greatly reducing the energy loss;

              5、超低諧波失真:THD < 10%,很大程度上降低了對電網(wǎng)的污染,提高了能源的利用率;
              Ultra-low THD: THD < 10%, which greatly reduces the pollution to the power grid and improves the energy efficiency.

              New Structure Heat Dissipation Design: The case is compact in design, easy to install and suitable for high pole lighting applications such as stadium terminal airport;/New Structure Heat Dissipation Design




              專利號      專利名稱/專利類型
              201310045719.2  一種功率因數(shù)校正電路中的控制電路/發(fā)明
              201220447152.2  開關(guān)電源啟機電路以及開關(guān)電源/實用新型
              201220518595.6  開關(guān)電源調(diào)整電路以及開關(guān)電源/實用新型
              201420732771.5  一種LLC電路/實用新型
              201320627926.4  一種用于LED驅(qū)動裝置的電路/實用新型
              201520167767.3  一種LED驅(qū)動器/實用新型
              201420638545.0  一種用于LED的防雷電路/實用新型



              公司董事長Guichao Hua先生是國家“千人計劃”引進入才,在電源行業(yè)具有國際影響力。公司具有較強的自主創(chuàng)新能力,公司設(shè)有省級高新技術(shù)企業(yè)研究開發(fā)中心、省級企業(yè)技術(shù)中心和企業(yè)博士后科研工作分站,并承擔和參與了“2011年國家科技支撐計劃”、“國家高技術(shù)研究發(fā)展計劃(國家863計劃)”等重點研究開發(fā)項目。截至2017年6月30日,公司及子公司共擁有授權(quán)專利255項,其中包括23項美國發(fā)明專利和117項中國發(fā)明專利。


              Headquartered in Hangzhou, China, Inventronics is a Sino-US world class enterprise specializing in the design, manufacture,marketing and sales of reliable & innovative LED driver products, now a leading supplier of LED drivers to the global market.

              The company founder Dr. Guichao Hua has an international impact on the power supply industry and is a member of China’s“Recruitment Program of Global Experts”. Bringing together numerous outstanding R&D and management experts, Inventronics hasa large professional R&D center, a postdoctoral program and a world-class safety laboratory. With its excellent innovation capability,Inventronics participates in multiple government programs such as the National Science & Technology Support Program, National 863 Program, etc. As of June 30, 2017, Inventronics and its U.S subsidiary hold a total of 255 patents including 23 U.S invention patents and 117 Chinese invention patents. With its widely recognized brand and excellent reputation in global markets,Inventronics LED drivers have been sold in more than 50 ries in all regions of the world including China, North America, Europe, Japan,Korea, South America, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. On December 28th, 2016, Inventronics was listed on the GEM, and launched its IPO. (Stock Code: 300582).

              Inventronics drivers have been successfully deployed in the LED lighting systems of many well-known landmarks including the Chongqing Grand Theatre; the longest sea bridge in the world, the Tsingtao Great Intercontinental Bridge; Shanghai Tower as well as the East Span of the Bay Bridge in San Francisco, USA.


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